National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 142 The black hole of the world, the betrayal of the betrayal, the end of the Holy Tree City

In the live broadcast room, it was dead silent!

good guy,

The four priests bombarded indiscriminately, and the magic plowed the ground, without hurting Mu Xue in the slightest. On the contrary, as soon as Mu Xue made his move, he instantly dropped the fourth of the four priests.

Sure enough, there are not many rude people!

Of the four priests,

The fourth priest, Bellola, is a priest. Once the priest is killed, the team fight will be very difficult.

"Go! 55

Su Yu succeeded with a single strike, pointed his fingers, and the weapon matrix flew like a flying, and flew towards [Second Priest Di Ruola] again.

If you can kill the second child, then this battle will be won!


"Second sister! 95

"Save me, save me quickly!

[Second Priest · Di Ruola] Stepping on a tornado and shuttling back and forth in the sandstorm, it is also not in a hurry.

The fourth sister was almost eliminated in seconds, the power of the weapon matrix can be imagined.

She has three flaming eyes on her.

There is a weapon matrix behind it,



"Human, you have angered the deity, I want you to fight and pay for it!"

Seeing the second sister crisis,

[High Priest Aurora] shouted angrily, and with a burst of force, finally broke free from the shackles of the spider silk.

"Come on!"

"A black hole that absorbs everything!"

[High Priest Aurora] With his fingers to the sky, he began to cast a spell. In the void above his head, a space was distorted, and a completely black sphere suddenly appeared.

As the black sphere appeared, the surrounding space began to distort, as if being sucked into the black sphere.

【Black Hole Summons】!


What the High Priest Aurora summoned was the [Black Hole] that could absorb everything.

bell bell ∼


Under the action of the black hole, the weapon matrix, out of Su Yu's control, was forcibly sucked into the [black hole]!

The three flame eyes were also forcibly dragged into the black hole by the gravitational force.

The spider silk on the three priests was also sucked away by the black hole.


The black hole appeared, instantly reversing the unfavorable situation of the three sisters.

There was also an exclamation at the scene,

A black hole that can absorb all things is really, a little too perverted, right?!


"You forced this priest, once the black hole appears, none of you can run away! 55

[High Priest Aurora] He vomited blood while laughing, extremely ferocious.

Obviously, the black hole is driven, the consumption is extremely high, and it cannot last for long.




The black hole pressed over, and the huge suction force sucked all the flowers, trees, and air around Su Yu into the black hole.

Helina and Shadowmoon Erd have already retreated.

Su Yu stayed behind.

He smiled and faced the black hole without fear.

【Sacred Artifact・Ghost Armor】!

Seeing the black hole coming,

With a thought, Su Yu activated the holy item [Ghost Armor], and in an instant, his whole body was extremely radiant, with a magnificent glow.




next moment,

When the suction of the black hole wrapped around Su Yu, a miss effect popped up.

"What, how is it possible?"

[High Priest Aurora] Instantly stunned, black holes, theoretically, can absorb all things, how can there be a miss effect.

"Suck me!

"Suck me hard! 35

[High Priest Aurora]'s face gradually distorted, blood vomited wildly, and frantically urged the black hole, trying to suck Su Yu into it.


miss! miss!

Tons of misses appear.

have to say,

It is also Aurora's [Black Hole], and the skill is too shallow, otherwise, even a sacred object may not be able to withstand the suction of the black hole.

Sacrificing the black hole, which consumes a lot of power, Aurora finally couldn't hold on anymore and stopped casting spells.

【Refresh Orb】!

【Refresh - Vientiane Soldiers】!

next moment,

Su Yu activated the refresh orb and refreshed his ultimate move. Immediately, his arms shook, the air behind him swayed with layers of ripples, and countless swords, guns, swords and sticks emerged one by one behind him.

five hundred pieces,

a thousand pieces,

two thousand pieces,

three thousand pieces,

In this wave, Su Yu sacrificed a full 3,000 weapons, all of which were seized when the group destroyed the Prince's Gang last time!

"'s the weapon matrix again~~!"

"Miss, what should I do?"

see weapon matrix,

[Second Priest, Di Ruola], and [Third Priest, Marola], all panicked.

The fourth sister was strangled by the matrix in an instant!

"You two hold on!"

"Wait for my spell to break through his weapon matrix. 55

[High Priest Aurora] vomited blood, concentrated, and began to cast spells.

"Okay, eldest sister, we will protect you!"

"Fight them!"

The second and third priests gritted their teeth and stood in front of the high priest.


These two people are already scarred, and it is even more difficult to think about resisting the weapon matrix of 3,000 weapons.

The battle is also a bit tragic.

【Silk Shooting】!

【Silk Shooting】!

Helina and Shadowmoon were hiding ten kilometers away, and they kept shooting spider silk from a long distance, tying the second and third priests.

The weapon matrix, and then killed, facing the two, a burst of slashing!

Ka Ka Ka!




Three thousand weapons attacked at the same time, and the damage numbers were densely bounced out.

The blood volume of the two priests is also crazy!

The second priest, who was seriously injured, could not withstand hundreds of attacks, and only a trace of blood remained...

The three priests desperately cast lightning spells in an attempt to buy time for the high priest.

Time passed minute by minute.

The two priests, with tens of millions of health bars, can't stand it anymore, and only a trace is left!

Do not know why,

Seeing the two priest sisters persevere, many netizens are actually moved!

Some players from the Black Elf camp also had tears in their eyes.

after all,

Even if it is an enemy, the brother and sister relationship is the same, and it is easy to empathize.


At this time, the high priest finally finished casting the spell, and a glimmer of hope flashed in the eyes of the second and third priests, expecting the eldest sister to come out and lead them to a comeback.

However, [High Priest Aurora] did not intend to shoot, the spell she cast was a [Teleportation Array]!

"Teleportation array, eldest sister, are you?

The second priest was confused.

"Sister, are you going to take us away?

The three priests spoke up.

"Second sister, third sister.

"I lied to you, what I cast is not a magic trick, but a teleportation array that escapes...

"However, this teleportation array can only accommodate one person."

"So, second sister, third sister, thank you for blocking the weapon matrix..."

[High Priest Aurora] looked indifferent.

After the black hole failed, she had run out of fuel, lost her fighting power, and was already planning to escape. If you want to cast a long-distance teleportation array, you must cast the spell for a long time.


It can only deceive the second and third priests and delay the casting time.

"This time."

"The eldest sister is powerless. If you stay, you will die together. You can only withdraw first. Second sister, third sister, take care of you!"

"I hope we will be good sisters in the next life! 99


High Priest Aurora, leaped into the teleportation array with a single stride, and disappeared, and the body of the teleportation array slowly dissipated.


see this scene,

The second priest, Di Ruola, and the third priest, Marola, were completely stunned!

They did their best and gave up their lives to protect the high priest, but in the blink of an eye, they were betrayed by the elder sister who was born by her compatriots and loved each other for a hundred years!

Crashing, uncomfortable, unbelievable!

The story unfolded by this god also made all the players around, netizens in the live broadcast room, the two principals, and even the dark elves and high elves NPCs, bewildered!

"Dirola, Majora."

"I think the two of you now understand the taste of betrayal?"

Helena said with emotion.

Back then, these two priestesses betrayed the dark elves, causing her to work hard for a hundred years. Unexpectedly, the way of heaven is reincarnated, and it was the turn of these two to be betrayed.

"Sure enough, this is the price of betrayal..."

[Second Priest Di Ruola] smiled at herself, she betrayed many people, but she never thought that she would be betrayed by her eldest sister.

"Sure enough, there are only zero and countless betrayals..."

[Three Priests, Marora] With a face full of lovelessness, she also did not expect that the centuries-old sisterhood would still be betrayal at a critical moment.

"Betrayal, unforgivable!

Su Yu was not in the mood to see these two beating badly, raised his hand and pointed, two sword lights, stabbing at them.


-7555! (kill)


The sword light flashed,

The two priests gasped instantly.

Announcements are also brushed out.

[Secret Realm Announcement: Congratulations to the player (lv25·Qianshan Muxue) for killing (Second Priest·Dirola), get the reward: (Agility Star) x1! 】

[Secret Realm Announcement: Congratulations to the player (Iv25·Qianshan Muxue) for killing (Three Priest·Morola), get the reward: (Agility Star) x1! 】


【Announcement: l

The announcement was swiped three times in a row,

It was Meizizi who harvested two qualification gems again.

'~Is the battle over?

The two old enemies died, and the high priest fled, and this siege was almost equal to winning.

Helina looked at Sacred Tree City and was a little unbelievable.

Has the century-old blood feud finally been washed away?

"Battle, 99

"it's not finished yet!

Su Yu's eyes froze for a moment, High Priest Aurora, wouldn't let her run away in vain,

Saying that, he also turned his gaze to Shadow Moon and gave a look.

"rest assured."

"Warrior, leave the position of High Priest Aurora to me!"

Shadowmoon nodded,

Immediately, with the strength of both hands, a ray of moonlight rose into the sky, and the sky above the sky also shook slightly, and the entire sky began to shake violently.

"what happened?

"Earthquake... no, Tianquan?"

"What happened to the sky? 99

"It looks like an earthquake is happening in the sky!

"Fuck, what the hell is going on here?

"Why is it getting dark?"

"Why fat four?"

The players looked up at the sky and talked a lot.

At this time,

The day turned completely into night, the sky and the earth were pitch black, and suddenly, a giant bright moon appeared across the sky...

The bright moon is so huge that it almost covers half of the secret realm!!

looking up,

It seems that Mars is going to hit the earth, and this huge moon will fall down!!

【Man and Moon Unite】!

This super bright moon was called by Shadow Moon.

She shouted loudly, turned into a moonlight, rose into the sky, and merged with the giant moon in the sky.

for a time,

Where the moonlight shines, it is the range of the shadow moon!

Under the moonlight, any unit cannot escape Shadow Moon's sight!

Some search (Zhao Dezhao) search.

Shadow Moon also quickly discovered the figure of the fleeing [High Priest Aurora].

"Warrior. 99

"I have discovered Aurora, now, open [Vision Sharing]!""

sound came,

Shadowmoon has opened [Vision Sharing],

Su Yu's field of vision suddenly rose above the moon, and most of the sacred tree secret realm was under his gaze.

Under the guidance of Shadowmoon,


In a forest a hundred kilometers away, I saw the [High Priest Aurora] who was recovering.

"Run as fast as you can,"

"Can you escape the moon?"

smile coldly,

With a thought, Su Yu directed the weapon matrix and flew towards the mountains and forests.

after a little while,

in the forest,

High Priest Aurora drank a bottle of potion and breathed a long sigh of relief, with a trace of happiness for the rest of his life on his face.

Then a burst of air came from behind,

turn around,

I saw three thousand weapons, the weapon matrix composed of them, suspended in the air.


Aurora was shocked, she managed to escape for hundreds of kilometers, how could she be caught up in a while?

Before I could understand why, sword shadows flew over one after another,

Whoosh whoosh!


The corpse was riddled with holes, and countless damage numbers popped up. Aurora's eyes widened and she fell to the ground, unable to rest her eyes.

A row of information brushed out idle.

[Secret Realm Announcement: Congratulations to the player (lv25. Qianshan Muxue) for killing (High Priest Aurora), get a reward: (Physical Star) x1! 】

【Announcement: l

【Announcement: l

Aurora, pawn!

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