National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 149 - Jio kicks flying, sorry, this is the passive effect of skills!

"Tier 3 weak chicken."

"Just let you taste the strength of Tier 4!"

Hundreds of Wu Tian, ​​standing 100 meters away, let out a sneer at the same time.

Wu Tian sent out two phantoms, one on the left and one on the right. His illusion, has 100% attack, 100% HP, but ~ can't use skills.

Two Tier 4 illusions with 100% attributes should be able to get rid of a Tier 3 Qianshan Twilight Snow−.

Kick, Kick, Kick...


Two phantoms came to Su Yu, one left and one right, presenting a flanking trend.

around the audience,

His eyes widened for a while.

"Very good. 35

"I want to give it a try, Tier 4 strength!

smile coldly,

Su Yu was also posing and getting ready for battle.

the battle begins,

Two Wu Tian's phantoms attacked from left and right.

"I flash!

At this time, the advantage of high movement speed is reflected. The basic movement speed is 100%, the gorgeous fairy ring +200% movement speed, and the two sacred angel wings, each +100% movement speed.

Without activating any skills, it is 500% movement speed.

step out,

Like a ghost, Su Yu dodged the attacks of the two phantoms.

As soon as the shot was missed, the two phantoms were immediately startled and continued to look for Su Yu's figure, and at this time, Su Yu had already circled behind the phantom on the left.

"It's my turn!""

Su Yu sneered, and his fist, the size of a sandbag, smashed down on the back of the phantom's head.

bang bang bang!

bang bang!

The fist slammed down quickly,

Su Yu's agility growth, as high as 110 points, level 25 naked, is 2750 points of agility, plus various agility fruits, the total agility is as high as more than 3,000 points.

With the bonus of high agility, the punching speed should not be too fast!

in an instant,

The illusion of Wu Tian on the left was hammered into a pig's head.

It is worth mentioning that,

The fourth-order awakener, compared with the third-order awakener, in addition to the difference in basic attributes, there will be an additional blessing of 50,000 blood.

But even so, with dozens of punches in a row, Wu Tian on the left side was hit directly in the head, and he died of anger.

"Boy, court death!

Wu Tian's phantom on the right took the opportunity to punch him in a row.

[Hint: You are under melee attack!]

[Hint: You trigger the passive effect of the skill (kick)! 】

right there,

When Su Yu was about to be hit, a message suddenly appeared, and the skill (kick) was automatically triggered!


Enchantment 3: When any target launches a melee attack on you, there is a certain chance to automatically trigger [Kick], kicking the target to the farthest range.


kick trigger,

I saw Su Yu flying a jio, hitting the phantom's lower abdomen, and the huge force directly made the phantom fly upside down...


The phantom flew upside down in a graceful curve in the air, flew directly five hundred yards away, and landed on the ground.

That huge impact smashed the floor into a big hole!


"Isn't it impossible to use skills, why, you can kick labor~"

Phantom coughed up blood.

In this enchantment, the (forbidden magic domain) is clearly released, and skills cannot be used!

"Excuse me.

"My jio is a passive effect."

Su Yu smiled.

This [Kick] was learned in the sacred tree secret realm. Since I have been acting as a remote, I have not tried the effect of this trick.

Unexpectedly, I gave myself a surprise today.

"Passive effect?

"Pfft, you don't play cards according to the routine!

Wu Tian phantom shouted angrily, and another mouthful of old blood spurted out.

A face to face.

Two phantoms, dead and wounded.

this wave,

Wu Tian also sent 8 phantoms to attack Su Yu again.

Kick, Kick, Kick...

The 8 phantoms rushed like thunder, and immediately surrounded Su Yu. Without saying a word, they raised their fists and smashed Su Yu down.

Bang, bang, bang...

bang, bang...






8 people besieged at the same time, Su Yu didn't panic at all,

Under the blessing of [Sacred Artifact・Ghost Armor], it has half the miss effect, and 50% of the attack is automatically evaded.

The rest of the normal attack,

In the face of Su Yu's super high defense and super thick health bar, it is not very useful.

[Hint: You trigger (kick) passive effect! 】

After fighting for a while, the kicking effect was finally triggered again. Su Yu's right jio, as if out of control, flew out and kicked an illusion.


Under this jio, the phantom was instantly kicked away, flew upside down five hundred yards away, landed on the ground with a bang, and smashed the ground into a big hole.

The phantom is also coughing blood frantically.

[Hint: You have triggered the (kick) passive effect! 】

[Hint: You have triggered the (kick) passive effect! 】

[Hint: You have triggered the (kick) passive effect! 】

【Hint: 1

【Hint: l


Su Yu's right jio seemed to be out of control, jio after jio, kicking Wu Tian's phantom around him one by one and flying out.

Boom, boom, boom...

Several phantoms were kicked and rushed away one after another, smashing the ground into large pits.

0.... ask for flowers ·

After seven consecutive jio's, the surroundings were quiet,

The seven illusions all fell to the ground and wailed~


"God, this is the legendary golden right jio?"

"Qianshan Muxue hits eight?"

"One hit eight, and also, it's a third-order and a fourth-order, is it too exaggerated?

"Qianshan Muxue, the king of hand-to-hand combat!"

"Looking at the father for fun, one jio one, kicking is too fun!

"Eight fights one, all of them are counter-killed, will you play?"

"Emmm, Xue Da's jio method, it's a pity not to play football!

"On the jio method, I would like to call Xue Da the strongest!"


The players were also shocked by this dazzling jio method, and there was a lot of discussion.


"Senior is worthy of being a senior. The third-order hits the fourth-order, and one hits eight, but he is not inferior..."


"However, Wu Tian still has a lot of illusions, can the senior persist?"

"Send a message to the family first!"

"In any case, keep the seniors safe. 35

Liu Junyao was surprised and worried again.

Although the senior is extremely powerful and has the upper hand, Wu Tian still has many illusions, so he can't be careless.

He also took out his mobile phone and called the old man of the Liu family,

Well, the senior was the son-in-law she was looking for for the Liu family, but she couldn't. She just died here.

"Master really can..."

"Of course, this opponent can also be weak."

"If there is danger."

"I'll use that trick."

Shadow Moon holds a pink fist.

Generally speaking, the units outside the enchantment cannot attack the units inside the enchantment.

Unless the enchantment is blasted.


After the Shadow Moon activates the ultimate move [Unity of Man and Moon], it will merge with the giant moon in the sky.

If Su Yu is in danger,

She activates her ultimate move, and can directly kill Wu Tian's illusions outside.



Bai Niu also cried out in excitement, as if she was cheering for Mu Xue.

"Damn! 99

"Qianshan Muxue, you really have some strength. The eight illusions of labor and management have not won you."

"It's also time to show all your strength.

within the boundary,

All Wu Tian spoke at the same time,

First there were 2 illusions, then 8 illusions, all of which were not Su Yu's opponents, which also shocked Wu Tian.

"Everyone, come on, kill me Su Yu!""

There is no need to entangle any more,

With an order, the more than one hundred Wu Tian illusions on the field, strode forward, and all rushed up to the river.

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