National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 156 Hurricane's blood volume, accidentally became the world's number one!

this giant ape,

It is the guard boss on the second floor. You must kill the giant ape before you can open the third floor of the dungeon.

in love with reason,

Can't let the giant ape escape.


In a flash, Su Yu appeared behind the giant ape, raised his hand and a sword light fell down,

Click, click, click...




while running away,

This boss suffers 500% damage, and with a single strike, it is a small damage of 60,000, and this output is no one else.

【Ten Shooting Stars】!





in the distance,

Shadow Moon elegantly pulled the bow to shoot arrows, arrows one by one, quickly shot at the boss, the Golden Giant Ape King.

All within sight can be attacked,

Even if the boss is 10,000 meters away, Shadow Moon occupies a high ground and can still attack the boss at will, and is definitely the best long-range firepower.

Junyao and Bai Niu,

I was a little confused,

One of them is a mage, the other is a melee, and they can only watch a play and act as a cheerleader...

time lapse,

With the bonus of 04500% damage, the blood volume of the boss, the Golden Giant Ape King, is also dropping wildly.

7 million!





Finally the blood volume was emptied,

The giant ape king fell to the ground with a thud, exploding the spoils of the ground,

A row of information is swiped.

[Congratulations: You successfully killed the level 2 guard boss of the trial copy (lv28·Golden Giant Ape King), and you are qualified to enter the third level of the copy!】

[Congratulations: You have received a reward, (Spiritual Star) x1! 】

So beautiful~

Another aptitude gem was harvested.

And as the boss fell to the ground,

A large hole was cracked in the ground, and the stairs leading to the third floor also emerged.

clean up the battlefield,

Su Yu took his harem group and ran towards the third floor.

Layer 3,

It's a swampy water, and the monsters in this layer are a group of rock crabs, the size of a truck, covered in a thick layer of rock armor,

This kind of monster has a slow movement speed, but has a very high defense and does not have enough output units, so it is difficult to quickly clear the rock cancer.

But fortunately,

Su Yu's counter-injury damage, ignoring most of the armor, is simply the nemesis of this kind of Cancer!

[…HP cap is permanently +3!]

[…HP cap is permanently +5!]

[…HP cap is permanently +1!]


along the way,

Su Yu frantically brushed the hp limit,

And the only regret,

It is the number of this kind of Cancer, which is relatively small, and the brushing is still not enjoyable enough.

half a day has passed,

When Su Yu carefully cleaned the mobs on the 3rd floor, it was upgraded to level Iv27, and the character's hp limit has also been raised again.

【Thousands of Mountains and Twilight Snow】

hp: (758800/758800)

All right,

The upper limit of blood volume has reached 750,000+,

Compared to Tier 2, it has grown by about 40,000+.

[Congratulations: You successfully killed the level 3 guard boss (lv29·Rock Cancer General) of the trial dungeon, and you are qualified to enter the 4th level of the dungeon!】

[Congratulations: Due to the trigger (blood mark) effect, your HP limit is +1000! 】

[Congratulations: You have received a reward, (Physical Star) x1! 】

After a while,

The boss on the 3rd floor, a giant rock-crab general, was also bounced to death by Su Yu, again harvesting the 1000 hp cap. ,

Also received a physique star.

lead the team,

On to the 4th floor...

[Congratulations: You successfully killed the 4th floor guard boss (lv29·The King of Fire Puppets)l

[Congratulations: Due to the trigger (blood mark) effect, your HP limit is +1000! 】

【Congratulations: You got the reward, (Power Star) x1! 】

Tier 4,

successfully brushed,

The blood limit is increased again: (795000/795000).

blood strips,

It's approaching the 800,000 mark.

[Congratulations: You successfully killed the 5th floor guard boss (lv29. The King of Earth Elemental Puppets)...l

【Congratulations: You got (Physical Star) x1!】

[Congratulations: You successfully killed the 6th floor guard boss (lv29. King of Frost Puppets)]

【Congratulations: You got (Agility Star) x1!】

[Congratulations: You successfully killed the level 7 guard boss (lv29・The King of Water Elemental Puppets)...]

【Congratulations: You got (Physical Star) x1!】

[Congratulations: You successfully killed the 8th floor guard boss (lv30 King of Thunder Puppets)...]

【Congratulations: You got (Spiritual Star) x1!】

brushing all the way,

Su Yu took Yingyue, Junyao, and Bai Niu all the way to madly brush,

I have been brushing from the 4th layer to the 8th layer,

Although hard work,

But when I thought that monsters could increase the hp limit, the power was slow in an instant, and every layer was brushed cleanly, without leaving any mobs,

Of course,

The number of mobs in the next few layers has also been greatly reduced, and each layer can only be brushed with a hp limit of about 20,000 to 40,000.

When the 8th floor guard boss, the king of thunder puppets, was killed,

A beam of light fell from the sky,

Su Yu has risen to level Iv28.

【Thousands of Mountains and Twilight Snow】

hp: 872325000/825000!

good guy,

The blood volume has soared to a huge 825,000,

a copy,

After brushing about 200,000 HP, this harvest is more refreshing than any props.


In the [Trial Dungeon], each level will harvest a qualification gem. At present, there are a total of 8 qualification gems.

as captain,

Su Yu also allocated all the 8 qualification gems to himself.

clear the battlefield,

Everyone began to enter the last layer of the copy, the ninth layer.

As soon as I stepped into the stairs of the 9th floor,

A row of information emerges,

[Hint: Your team will become the first team in the world to enter (trial copy・9th floor), the 9th floor is full of dangers, please be fully prepared! 】

【Hint: Are you sure you want to go to the 9th floor?】

see the prompt,

Su Yu froze for a moment,

good guy,

These days, due to the upper limit of hp and the speed of monsters, it is also surprisingly slow.

At this time, the distance into the copy,

It's been 7 days,

Unexpectedly, at this time,

There is no team in the world that has entered the ninth floor... This special meow, he is obviously very slow, and he has become the number one in the world by accident.


Su Yu nodded heavily,

He also really wanted to see what the so-called extremely dangerous ninth floor was like when he fell to the ground!

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