National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 160 The Jedi comes back, the truth emerges, the fall of the Wu family!

Chapter 160 The Jedi comes back, the truth emerges, the fall of the Wu family!

Awakening Hall.

The ancestors of the Wu family, the Dark Shadow King, and the ancestors of the Liu family, the white-clothed willow god, appeared one after another in the sky above the hall.

The two titles awaken...

At the same time, it came to the Awakening Hall, which also caused a sensation.


"The two titles awaken..."

"A total of 36 title awakenings in the Xia Kingdom, I didn't expect that two title awakenings appeared here at once!

"Open your eyes, open your eyes!! 99

"If you guessed correctly, the two elders, the Dark Shadow King and the White-robed Willow God, all came to Qianshan Muxue, right?"

"Fuck, Xue Da is full of cards!

"Looking at the posture of the Dark Shadow King, I'm afraid it's going to take a big snow..."

"Don't worry, with Liu Shen in white, Xue Da should be fine. After all, Xue Da is the son-in-law of the Liu family!"

"Walter is so nervous!"

"For the first time in my life, I saw the title awakening with my own eyes!"

"When will the snow come out?"

The crowd was talking.

And in the sky.

The Dark Shadow King and the White-robed Willow God faced each other across the air, glaring at each other, and an invisible smell of gunpowder filled the air.


"This son of Qianshan Muxue killed my heir to the Wu family, no matter what, this deity will never spare this son!

"I hope Lord Liushen will not interfere in this matter!"

The Dark Shadow King said coldly.

Wu Tian is the most valued junior by the King of Shadows. The King of Shadows also appreciates Wu Tian's talent.

Unexpectedly, he died in the hands of a third-order awakener.

"Seven Twenty Seven"

Blood debt must be paid in blood.

"Shadow King.

"Before coming to the Devil's Capital, Lord Baidi specifically explained that no matter what, Mu Xue's life cannot be harmed.

"This son of Mu Xue, Skull Island became famous in the first battle and made history; the secret realm of the Beast Cave has maintained the glory of our Xia Kingdom; the trial copy is also the first to reach the top.

"This son is a rare talent in my Xia Kingdom!"


"Mu Xue has already joined my Liu family, if you dare to do anything to Mu Xue, you are against my Liu family!

"For both public and private, this deity must not let you do anything wrong! 35

Liu Shen in white also said coldly.

in the Senate,

The 36 elders are divided into three levels: 12 lower-ranking elders, 12 middle-ranking elders, and 12 upper-ranking elders.

The Black Emperor and the White Emperor are both high-ranking elders.

The Dark Shadow King and the White-robed Willow God are all low-ranking elders.


Willow God in White Clothes will take the words of Emperor Bai to suppress the Shadow King of Darkness.


"Let's take Emperor Bai to press me... I will be outside, and your life will not be accepted!"

"I am fully awakened. Anyone who kills the deity's heir must pay the price of blood..."

"This Qianshan Muxue, if I don't give the old man a word, the old man will ask him to bury me with Tian'er!!!"

The Dark Shadow King snorted coldly.

Awakening at the full level, naturally he is not bound by the world, his heir is dead, and the Dark Shadow King naturally needs to find an explanation!!

"Brother Shadow." 9

"If you want to kill my Liu family son-in-law, I'm afraid, you have to pass my level first.

The white-clothed Liushen was also angry.

before departure,

Emperor Bai specially explained to the two of them that they must not hurt Qianshan Muxue. He didn't expect that this Dark Shadow King would change his mind once he arrived in the magic capital.

If his son-in-law of the Liu family is killed in front of the national audience, what will be the face of the Liu family?!


The white-clothed Liu Shen, who was seriously injured in his early years, left behind a dark illness, and the time is running out. He urgently needs to find the next heir for the Liu family. This Qianshan Muxue is a good seedling.

How could the people of the Wu family kill them when they say they want to kill them.


bang bang!

bang bang!

The Dark Shadow King and the White-robed Willow God did not fight, but with a staggered look in their eyes, the air in the hall burst and shook violently.

Many Awakened people below, fell to the ground under the pressure, and even fainted!


"Why are there so many people outside?"

in a while,

When the teleportation array lit up, Su Yu brought Yingyue, Liu Junyao Ernd, and the dangling Bai Niu, and teleported them out of the copy.

He was stunned when he saw the battle in front of him!


The Liu family, Wu family, and Moxing University were all around, and the long guns and short cannons of the major TV stations were also aimed at this place.

The two titles have awakened and are fighting in the sky?

"What happened to the kidney?"

Su Yu had a question mark on his face.

At this time,

Liu Mingsheng, the head of the Liu family, and Situ Yu, the headmaster of Demon Star, also came quickly and protected them in front of several people.

"You kid..."

"This time, I slapped the big basket again!"

Situ Yu was protecting Su Yu, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He explained the ins and outs of the matter.

ok ∼

Only then did Su Yu know that the outside world has been turned upside down these days when he was dungeon dungeons!

However, he had already made arrangements, and he was not afraid at all.

Looked up,

Su Yu looked directly at the ancestor of the Wu family in the sky, and sneered: "Lord Shadow King, Your Excellency has come all the way from the imperial capital, what are you looking for?"

"What's the matter?"

The Dark Shadow King glanced at Su Yu below, but he did not expect that a third-level awakened person would be so calm when faced with a full-level awakening.

Then he responded: "Boy, you killed the descendant of the deity, the deity, how can I let you go... If you don't give the old man an explanation, today, you can't even think of walking out of the hall of awakening!

talking room,

Endless coercion pressed towards Su Yu below.

Fortunately, there is a willow god in white to protect,

Otherwise, just this coercion can crush the people below into meat patties.


"I killed Wu Qian and Wu Tian...for no other reason, just because they deserved to be killed!""

Su Yu stood up straight.

Wu Qian, as soon as he came up, he was going to kick the white girl, so naturally he should be killed.

Wu Tian, ​​as soon as he came up, opened the duel barrier, forcibly duel with himself, and the result was counter-killed, and it was his own fault.

"Boy, be arrogant!

The Dark Shadow King was furious, raised his palm, and was ready to attack Su Yu below.

"Ha ha……"

"Lord Shadow King, since you don't think the two of Wu Tian deserve to die, why don't we make a bet?"

Su Yu held her hands together, but was very calm.

He brought his own resurrection and was protected by the Liu family ancestors, so naturally there was nothing to be afraid of.



Su Yu nodded and said, "Just bet on whether Wu Tian and the two should die... If I lose the bet, I will be willing to sacrifice my life and a treasure...

"If Lord Shadow King loses the bet, he must bow down and admit his mistake, and give out treasures of the same level.

talking room,

Su Yu slowly taoed out a beautiful orb.

【Refresh Orb】(Embodied)

Category: Legendary Treasure.

Effect: After use, immediately refreshes the cooldown of a skill or item. Use 1 hour per hour.

Enchantment: [Charge] (+1 refresh times), [Charge] (+1 refresh times), [Void] (When brought into the secret realm, it does not occupy the number of manifested items).


The Shadow King dismissed Su Yu's bet and was about to force it, but when he saw Su Yu's treasure, he was immediately stunned.

Refresh props, very rare,

And this Refreshing Orb,

The three enchanting entries are even more powerful.

Refresh 3 times an hour,

And it does not occupy the props quota, and can be brought into any secret realm at will.

such a treasure,

Even as a full-level awakened Dark Shadow King, he was somewhat tempted.

"it is good.

"The old man promises this bet!"

The Dark Shadow King agreed, and with a shock in his hand, 10 compasses appeared in a row... all of them were bless compasses.

Each compass represents a life, and 10 compasses are 10 lives.


"If you win, these ten compasses are yours... Now, start betting!

The Dark Shadow King snorted coldly.


A top-quality refresh treasure, ten refresh compasses... Such a bet instantly attracted everyone's attention!

Swish! Swish! Swish!

for a time,

Countless eyes also want to look at Su Yu, and everyone is very curious, how Su Yu proves that Wu Tian and Wu Qian are more than dead.

To know,

Wu Tian doesn't matter, he was forcibly singled out and killed 0. . . .

Wu Qian was killed just trying to kick Su Yu's pet, it's a bit too much!


"Next, I will explain to the Shadow King, Lord Liu Shen, and the Liu Patriarch, Wu Team Leader, and Principal Situ, why Wu Tian and Wu Qian deserve what they deserve, but they deserve to die!"


As soon as Su Yu raised his hand, he took out the bodies of Wu Tian and Wu Qian from the backpack.

The two were dead for about ten days, but the bodies were well preserved.

Both of them are supposed to be human,

But at this moment, the ten fingers of the two are as sharp as eagle claws, their legs are like bird feet, their hair has grown into bird feathers, and there is a slender tail growing out of their hands...

This is the sign of "Beastization"!

well known,

Those Adventists who took animal blood can usually disguise like humans, but once they die, their corpses will slowly reveal traces of animalization.

The corpses of Wu Tian and Wu Qian were transformed into birds and beasts!

Since beastized,

It also shows that the two are not pure human beings, but Adventists who consume animal blood... they are the spies of the orcs!


"God, incredible..."

"How is this fat four?

"It's incredible that the heir of the Wu family is actually a cultist, isn't it?

"This... the Wu family has been infiltrated by orcs?"

"My God, if Xue Da didn't kill Wu Tian, ​​after a hundred years, once this son took control of the Wu family, wouldn't the Wu family become the minions of the orcs...

"Unimaginable! 99

"Shock! Shock! 39

"A dignified title awakening, the heir to the elders of the Senate, turned out to be an orc spy..."

"In the Wu family, there should be many spies like this!

"Quickly arrest the Wu family!


The crowd is boiling...

Just when everyone thought Qianshan Muxue was going to be planted, the other party actually hid such a hand.

Even Liu Mingsheng, the head of the Liu family, and Situ Yu, the headmaster of the magic star, were stunned for a moment. They have lived in the magic capital for many years, and they never dreamed that the heirs of the four major families of the magic capital turned out to be a cultist!

This is too jin burst


Above the sky, the white-clothed Liushen also froze for a moment. He did not expect this result, but soon, Liushen realized that something was very important.

The heirs of the Wu family are all orc spies,

The rest of the Wu family must also be involved.

Liu Shen's face turned cold, and he waved his hand and ordered: "Everyone listens to my order, and immediately controls all Wu family members, and anyone who resists is regarded as an orc spies, and immediately kills them!

One order, 4.4

The Liu family members, the teachers and students of the magic star, and the people who eat melons all took action against the Wu family members.

The Wu family, who are used to being arrogant, will be killed immediately once they resist!

Dealing with orc spies will never show affection!

Even the head of the Wu family, Wu Yingtian, wanted to explain a few words, but he was directly smashed by Liu Shen with a magic ball, and then he was captured by everyone and tied into a big zongzi!

the whole process,

global live,

All over the world, the Xia Kingdom and countless people who eat melons are also stunned by this miraculously unfolding plot!

Never thought,

The Wu family, who is an elder family, unexpectedly ended up in such an end!

But there is nothing to sympathize with,

orc spy,

Not worthy of sympathy.

For some small families, if the core members become orc spies and are officially discovered, they may even be wiped out.

The Wu family is already very kind.


"Impossible, it's impossible..."

above the sky,

The Dark Shadow King looked at the clansmen below, and was constantly killed and seized, and the corners were also slapped.

Wu Tian was the genius he focused on training, but he didn't expect...

Now implicates the entire Wu family,

The Dark Shadow King, even if he was awakened by a title, would not dare to cover up his family, otherwise, the Senate would not let him go!

At this time,

Su Yu also raised his head, looked at the title awakening with a playful look on his face, and smiled faintly: "Lord Shadow King, this bet, but Your Excellency lost... Now, apologize!!

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