Su Yu stood at this place with helplessness in his eyes, as he expected, the place looked full of clouds and mist.

But in fact he was able to roam here.

Su Yu felt helpless in his eyes, he sighed softly, looking at the environment here, he couldn't help but speak.

"I already know about your past, you should come out now and let me see where you are? 35

When Su Yu said his words, there was still no one responding to him, Su Yu thought about it, and couldn't help but talk to him.

"Want to be a coward?"

Su Yu's question rang in his ears, but there was still no answer. Su Yu felt very helpless and even a little nervous about this. He patted his head and said with a headache.

"If you don't want to come out, then I think you must hope that I will come to find you. If so, then I will come here. I hope you don't hide and meet me by yourself."

While talking, Su Yu walked over to 04. His words rang in his ears, but no one paid him any attention. Seeing such a scene, Su Yu didn't say anything else.

But Su Yu looked at the scenery here.

He couldn't help but sigh softly, and then said.

"Actually, the environment here is quite good. If I were you, I would be considered a treasure by staying here.

Su Yu kept saying these words, while he was talking, he was looking at the surrounding environment, hoping that guy would come out.

But what Su Yu didn't expect was that the guy was reluctant to come out even if he was dead or alive. Seeing such a scene, Su Yu's eyes showed complexity.

Su Yu shook his head and sighed tiredly, but he didn't say a word.

But Su Yu didn't expect it.

The cloud curtain in front of him suddenly rolled over. Seeing such a scene, Su Yu laughed. If he guessed correctly, that thing should have known that he was coming.

Just as Su Yu thought, he looked at the child in front of him, his eyes were full of complexity, although he said it was a child, his hair was actually white, and the other party looked at Su Yu with impatient eyes.

"I slept well in this place, why are you here to disturb me? Do you think you have a long life?"

His tone was full of impatience, his questioning sounded in his ears, Su Yu shook his head, watching him explain very calmly.

"You misunderstood me, I didn't have this idea, I just wanted to have a good communication with you, and by the way, the two of us sat as a friend. 35

Su Yu said it cautiously, but just after he finished speaking, the guy rolled his eyes, he stared at Su Yu and said proudly.

"Do you think I'm a fool? What are you thinking in your heart? I don't know how much greed I've seen before with people like you, buried in your hearts. 39

When he said this, the child sneered and looked at Su Yu with his chin raised, and said with disdain.

"Your internal organs are full of stench. 99

His face was full of impatience, when he said the words, Su Yu frowned, Su Yu looked at him and said helplessly.

"It's just other people. My internal organs don't stink."

As soon as Su Yu's words were spoken, the child laughed. The child looked at Su Yu and couldn't help but say curiously.

"Since your internal organs are not stinky, let me dig it out, if you have the courage, I will let you leave this place.

The child's tone was full of excitement, his words rang in his ears, and there was only peace in Su Yu's eyes. At this moment, Su Yu thought about it, nodded without hesitation, and said with open hands.

"Come on! 35

Su Yu said, smiling at him.

It seemed that he was fearless, the child looked at such a scene, his face became a little ugly, the child stared at Su Yu and couldn't help saying curiously.

"Are you really not afraid? The villages here, when the residents knew me, they all moved in a panic, so that the place became so empty. 99

The child's tone was full of complexity.

For a child, such a thing is actually very unfair, because he is just a child, not to mention being taken away by those monsters at that time, it is not his original wish.

But those people actually blamed him like this, and they also drove him to this place. Apart from this, they came to his place to snatch things every once in a while. Thinking of this, the child's face became extremely ugly.

He looked at Su Yu in front of him and attacked him without hesitation, but when Su Yu looked at the child's movements, he suddenly laughed.

While Su Yu was laughing, he didn't take any precautions or avoid it. Looking at the child's movements, when he came to the front, Su Yu's eyes were only indifferent, and he was still laughing there.

It was so strange that Su Yu laughed, the child shook his head, stared at Su Yu and said impatiently.

"Why are you laughing? Does it sound good to laugh now?

When his words came out, there was only peace in Su Yu's eyes, and Su Yu looked at the child and said perfunctorily.

"What does this kind of thing count for?"

"Aren't you really afraid of dying?

His question rang in his ears, Su Yu thought for a while, and didn't say anything else, but the child fell into silence because of Su Yu's words.

730 Su Yu at this moment looked at him and said casually.

"What's the point of making such a thing? You must have been very distressed when you were driven to this place?

Su Yu's question rang in his ears, the child didn't say anything else, seeing the expression on the child's face, Su Yu couldn't help but talk to him again.

"If I had a way to get you out of here and let you take revenge, would you take it?"

As soon as Su Yu's question was spoken, the child's face became extremely ugly. He thought about it and nodded without hesitation, but after reacting, he hurriedly shook his head and denied it.

"Forget it, given your ability, how could you possibly give me such help? Besides, I already knew that these things were non-existent, and I have seen people like you before. 99

The child put away his weapon while talking. He was not talking nonsense with Su Yu. Seeing the child like that, Su Yu shook his head and said indifferently.

"I'm not like them, I'm willing to take my life as a guarantee.35

Su Yu's words sounded in his ears, and the child's face became a little ugly. He was actually just an ordinary person, but in this place, he only occupied the ability here.

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