National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 190 It's Amazing

Cullo's face was full of weirdness, when he said the words, Su Yu nodded immediately, Su Yu admitted without hesitation.

"Yes, this matter is related to him, and this matter may be more troublesome than we imagined, but now.

But before Su Yu's words were finished, Cullo was taken aback. Cullo took Su Yu's hand and said anxiously.

"Then let's go now!

When Cullo's words rang in his ears, Su Yu laughed, Su Yu patted Cullo's shoulder and said perfunctorily.

"Of course I have to continue to stay in this place. I want to see their lost souls. Apart from this, there must be a lot of secrets hidden here that we don't know."

As Su Yu spoke, he looked at the environment here, his words rang in his ears, although Cullo nodded, but Cullo looked at Su Yu and said disapprovingly.

"But we're definitely in a little danger now, and they're definitely going to be.

Before Cullo finished speaking, Su Yu shook his head. Su Yu looked at Cullo and said casually.

"Relax, I have the ability to protect you now, don't take everything so seriously, at least in terms of my strength, in this place, everyone who sees you has to call me brother. .""

Although Su Yu's words were a bit inexplicable, Cullo thought about it and nodded without hesitation, but looking at Su Yu, Cullo couldn't help but talk to him.


Before Cullo's words were finished, Su Yu shook his head, and Su Yu looked at Cullo and said casually.

"There's no need to take these things too seriously."

When Su Yu's words rang in his ears, Cullo nodded immediately, but looking at Su Yu, Cullo couldn't help but talk to him.

"But I feel this thing. 35

Before Cullo's words were finished, Su Yu made a quiet gesture.

Su Yu looked at Cullo and said casually.

"Take it easy, I can handle this matter~

Seeing Su Yu like that, Cullo didn't worry too much anymore.

Although Su Yu used to move bricks, in fact Su Yu has been wandering by Pei Ge's side.

Su Yu's actions made Pei Ge's face a little ugly. Pei Ge stared at Su Yu and said impatiently.

"What are you doing? Do you have any intentions?"

As Pei Ge spoke, he clenched his fists, his accusation rang in his ears, Su Yu froze in place, Su Yu stared at Pei Ge with wide eyes, and suddenly laughed.

"You guy, is there something wrong with your brain? Why should I try to do something with you? You are now poor and useless.

Su Yu's words stopped here, and Pei Ge realized that he was too nervous at this time.

At this moment, Pei Ge didn't say anything else, and Su Yu couldn't help but sigh with him when he saw Pei Ge like that.

"There shouldn't be anything shameful in your heart, otherwise why are you so nervous? Look at your guilty conscience. 35

Su Yu's words rang in his ears, and Pei Ge's face became a little ugly. Pei Ge frowned and didn't say anything else, but he stared at Su Yu and couldn't help but speak.

"I think."

Before Pei Ge's words were finished, Su Yu shook his head, and Su Yu stared at Pei Ge and said perfunctorily.

"Okay, don't say anything else.

Su Yu threw the brick in his hand onto Pei Ge's car.

Pei Ge was pushing his own cart, and his eyes were a bit complicated.

At the same time, Su Yu also finished his work, he left without hesitation, seeing Su Yu walking in such a hurry.

Pei Ge also breathed a sigh of relief, always feeling that when Su Yu was by his side, there was always an inexplicable oppression, which Pei Ge couldn't understand.

At this moment, Su Yu also found the map here. He took the map in his hand and compared the mountains and rivers in front of him. Only at this time did Su Yu find out.

It doesn't look like there's much of a problem with the map, but there are actually a few trees inside, and the rivers are deliberately skewed.

Su Yu doesn't think that these are caused by deviations, he thinks that all this must be someone else's, with ulterior motives, and his Dragon Ball must have a lot of secrets.

When thinking of this, Su Yu's face became a little ugly.

At this moment, Su Yu looked at the map in his hand, he thought about it, and ran to other places without hesitation.

He knew the old man was looking for him, so he was going to meet the old man, but Su Yu didn't expect something.

Su Yu had just arrived at the ancient cemetery when a scream was heard here, Su Yu frowned, and hurriedly looked over, only at this moment did Su Yu realize it.

There was a guy who was chased and beaten by a buffalo.

Su Yu's face became a little ugly, and he hurried to rescue.

In this kind of moment, you can only compete with that NPC for time.

Otherwise, that person will definitely return to Novice Village, and his life is estimated to be in danger.

When thinking of this matter, Su Yu's face became a little ugly, and at this moment Su Yu ran over without hesitation.

At any rate, Su Yu's movements were fast enough, and when the other party was rescued, the other party's face was full of surprise, he looked at Su Yu and said incredulously.

"`~ How could it be you?"

There was a bit of caution in his tone, Su Yu saw him like that, smiled lightly, and stared at him with a curious look on his face.

"Do you still know who I am?

While talking, Su Yu looked at him and raised his eyebrows. Su Yu's words rang in his ears, and the other party didn't know what to say. Seeing his silent expression, Su Yu beheaded the buffalo in front of him again.

Seeing Su Yu's neat movements, the other party's face became a little ugly, he sighed softly, looked at Su Yu and couldn't help but say good.

"You're more and more different from what you used to be. 39

(How is Zhao?) His tone was full of complexity, Su Yu heard his words, a bit of strangeness appeared in his eyes, and he looked at this guy.

Su Yu said curiously.

"Don't you know me? If you know me, why have I never met you?"

Su Yu's impression of him can almost be said to be zero, however, when the other party heard Su Yu's words, he just shook his head, and he watched Su Yu walk forward with a smile on his face.

"Thanks to you for helping me this time, otherwise I would definitely die in this place, and I will remember your kindness.

He clasped his fist at Su Yu as he spoke, his words ringing in his ears.

Su Yu laughed, Su Yu stared at him and said impatiently.

"Leave such a mysterious remark, who are you just trying to appease? You tell me directly now, what's going on? Wouldn't it be better? Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

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