"I want to tell you that you are about to be beaten.

Su Yu's words rang in his ears, Tang Laoya's face became a little ugly, Tang Laoya stared at Su Yu and couldn't help but speak.

"You're going a little too far.

As soon as he said his accusation, Su Yu laughed. Su Yu stared at Tang Laoya and said indifferently.

"It's not the old man who killed you today, or I killed you."

Su Yu acted directly, Tang Laoya was beaten pale by him, Tang Laoya just provoked Su Yu casually, who knew that this guy's temper was so grumpy.

At this moment, Tang Laoya regretted it, he stared at Su Yu with wide eyes, and said anxiously.

"The whole thing is a misunderstanding.

He desperately hoped that Su Yu would stop.

But it was too late. Su Yu's "747" anger can only be extinguished by himself. At such a moment, Tang Laoya also saw how terrifying Su Yu was when he got angry.

Tang Laoya's face became extremely ugly, Tang Laoya shook his head and looked at Su Yu, he panicked and wanted to explain, but when Tang Laoya's words came out.

However, Su Yu directly grabbed his collar, Su Yu looked at him and said seriously.

"I know that there must be a lot of things hiding from me, so I don't have so many expectations of you now, I only need you to do one thing."

When he said this, Tang Laoya's face became extremely ugly. Obviously, what Su Yu said still had a certain temptation for Tang Laoya.

But Tang Laoya's face was a bit tangled. Seeing Tang Laoya's appearance, Su Yu couldn't help but smile and talk to him.

"Once this thing is done, everything is even.

Su Yu's words rang in his ears, Tang Laoya's face became extremely ugly, Tang Laoya widened his eyes, looked at Su Yu and said incredulously.


There was a bit of surprise in Tang Laoya's tone. When he said the words, Su Yu nodded immediately, he admitted without hesitation, he looked at Tang Laoya and said excitedly.

"Although you have done some things that are sorry for me, as long as you do this thing, everything can be written off, and I will not continue to do it. 99

There was a bit of excitement on Su Yu's face, and when he said it, Tang Laoya's face became extremely ugly. Seeing Tang Laoya's appearance, Su Yu couldn't help but tell him.

"Don't worry about this, it's definitely not asking you to do bad things, it's just a very common thing.

Tang Laoya really had no choice, he sighed deeply, he looked at Su Yu and said nervously.

"whats the matter?"

There was a bit of melancholy on his face. It was obvious that he didn't believe what Su Yu said. Su Yu saw Tang Laoya like that, and said directly to him.

"Go and help me steal the old man's family tree, as long as this matter is successful, everything will be written off.

The seriousness on Su Yu's face is not fake. When these words were spoken, Tang Laoya was dumbfounded. Tang Laoya's eyes widened, unable to believe what he heard.

But after Tang Laoya reacted, he looked at Su Yu and said nervously.

"I can't do such a thing, if I really steal his family tree, this guy will never spare me.

Tang Laoya knew the consequences, but when Su Yu saw Tang Laoya like that, he raised his hand and slapped him directly. Su Yu stared at Tang Laoya and said indifferently.

"If you don't do what I say now, I will kill you in the future, think about it for yourself!

Su Yu said, smiling at him.

Su Yu's words sounded in his ears, and Tang Laoya's face had become extremely ugly.

Out of desperation, Tang Laoya could only nod his head and agree. Seeing Tang Laoya like that, Su Yu suddenly laughed. Su Yu stared at Tang Laoya and added a sentence to him very seriously.

"One more important point, don't say I didn't warn you. 99

There was a bit of melancholy in Su Yu's tone. When he said the words, Tang Laoya's face became a little ugly. Tang Laoya looked at Su Yu and said nervously.

"What do you want to say?"

Tang Laoya sighed softly while talking, seeing Tang Laoya like that, Su Yu said rudely.

"I just want to tell you, if you dare to tell the old man about this, it means that the relationship between the two of us is completely broken...."

If it is completely broken, then the two of them will not have to make excuses, and Su Yu will not reason with him anymore.

Su Yu's words rang in his ears, Tang Laoya's face became extremely ugly, he had no choice but to nod, seeing Tang Laoya agreed, Su Yu smiled excitedly.

But staring at Tang Laoya, Su Yu couldn't help but sigh with him.

"You have to remember that you'd better do what you say, if you can't do it, the consequences that follow are definitely not something you can afford. 35

Su Yu patted Tang Laoya on the shoulder, he had long known that betting on Tang Laoya would not succeed, so he didn't give Tang Laoya much hope at all.

Seeing the look on Su Yu's face, Tang Laoya nodded immediately. He patted his chest and looked at Su Yu's promise.

"Don't worry, I will definitely do it."

Tang Laoya's tone was a little excited. When Tang Laoya said the words, Su Yu nodded and said with satisfaction.


While talking, Su Yu raised his chin and saw Tang Laoya like that. Su Yu just watched him leave. Tang Laoya walked fast, not knowing that Su Yu had been following behind him.

Tang Laoya's mood along the way was very entangled and hesitant, because he didn't know whether he should do what Su Yu said.

But in fact, Sanity 4.4 has been telling him that if he does what Su Yu said, there will never be good results, that is to say.

Only betraying Su Yu is the best solution. In addition to this, telling the old man about this matter will benefit the old man as well as him.

If he really did such a thing behind the old man's back, if the old man knew about it, he would definitely die without a place to die.

Thinking of this, Tang Laoya's face became extremely ugly.

At this moment, Tang Laoya didn't know that Su Yu had been following behind him, Tang Laoya quickly came to the old man, and Tang Laoya's face was a little complicated.

He looked at the old man in front of him, before he could speak, he fainted to the ground, the old man saw Tang Laoya like that, and kicked him impatiently, saying.

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