National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 198 is critical enough

"To be honest, although I have already done the whole thing, the old man and the others are already preparing for the move."

Tang Laoya's tone was full of complexity.

Seeing Tang Laoya like that, Su Yu laughed, Su Yu stared at Tang Laoya and said indifferently.

"So what? They can't solve the problem by moving, not to mention that guy Pei Ge is still there, they can run away from the monk, but not the temple.

Su Yu said, raising her chin.

He never panicked about these things, especially when Pei Ge deliberately showed off in front of him and wanted to bribe him with money.

Su Yu had already thought about how to set up this game.

Even if it is self-inflicted, this kind of thing will happen sooner or later, but Su Yu doesn't want him to come too late.

"Seven Five Zero"

While Su Yu was thinking about all this, Pei Ge looked at the younger brothers in front of him, and Pei Ge's face became extremely ugly. Staring at these people, Pei Ge said impatiently.

"Are you all blind? Didn't you see that I needed someone to beat my leg? Why don't you come and help?"

Pei Ge said while clenching his fists. When his younger brothers heard it, they hurried over, and those younger brothers looked at Pei Ge and said earnestly.

"Wait a minute, we poured some tea for you, you drink it slowly."

There was a bit of excitement on their faces, and their words sounded in their ears, and Pei Ge nodded. Pei Ge was very satisfied and told them.

"You have some conscience."

Pei Ge's words rang in his ears, and everyone's faces showed a bit of smiles, and everyone looked at Pei Ge and said excitedly.

"I didn't expect you to be really rich. 35

Listening to their words, Pei Ge's face became a little ugly. At this moment, Pei Ge slammed his fist on the table, looked at the people beside him, and said impatiently.

"I tell you, if it wasn't because the money was frozen before, how could I not be able to take out those tips? You hurry up and work for me now, and when the work is finished, I will be your boss."

There was a bit of excitement in Pei Ge's tone, and the few supervisors in front of him laughed when they saw Pei Ge like that.

These guys are equivalent to contractors. They looked at Pei Ge with a bit of complexity on their faces, but at the moment they thought about it and couldn't help but talk to Pei Ge.

"If you have anything else you want to do, you can actually tell us.

There was a bit of excitement on their faces. When their words rang in their ears, Pei Ge nodded. Pei Ge raised his chin and looked at them and said proudly.

"Okay, I know what you said, don't say anything else."

Pei Ge's words were full of arrogance. Seeing Pei Ge like that, these people couldn't help laughing softly. They looked at Pei Ge and couldn't help but sigh.

"Actually, it's the first time we've met a big boss like you for someone with a big hand like you, and we'll definitely treat you well.

While they were talking, they looked at Pei Ge and smiled. Cullo stood beside him. Looking at this scene, Cullo's face was full of disdain. He shook his head. He didn't understand how these guys did it. Face.

Thinking of this, Cullo's face showed a bit of impatience. Pei Ge saw Cullo like that, and his eyes also showed a bit of anger. He raised his finger directly to Cullo and said impatiently.

"You roll over here, I saw you roll your eyes just now, do you have an opinion on me?"

When he said his question, Cullo's face became a little ugly. At this moment, Cullo, seeing everyone staring at him, Cullo couldn't help but talk to them.

"What do you mean now? Can't I roll my eyes yet? According to what you mean, I roll my eyes because I have an opinion on you, so if I smile, do I have an opinion on you too?

Cullo raised his chin as he spoke, and the foreman next to him watched such a scene. They hurried forward, they took Cullo's hand, and looked at Cullo and said carefully.

"Okay, about this."

They were anxious to persuade them, but when Cullo saw them like that, he threw their hands away. Cullo was arguing with these people.

On the other side, Su Yu looked at the property right book in front of him, his face showed a bit of complexity, he sighed softly, looked at the high-level in front of him and said 0...

"I really don't understand, these things have already been set to be mine, but how can someone still take them as their own? And now they are developing unscrupulously.

As Su Yu said, looking at these guys, everyone's faces became extremely ugly. They looked at the property right book in Su Yu's hand, and only then did they realize that the name was Su Yu's.

They froze in place, and did not speak for a long time. They had seen the original, but they did not expect that the original was actually a copy.

Their faces became extremely ugly, and at this moment Su Yu put this thing in front of him, like two slaps, directly hitting them in the face, making their faces extremely ugly.

Su Yu stared at them and couldn't help but sigh.

"Anyway, you are also responsible for supervising this game, and you can be regarded as the operation guys. How can you make such a stupid and low-level mistake?"

Su Yu's question rang in his ears, everyone's faces became extremely ugly, they couldn't say a word, Su Yu just took out his light brain and looked at them and said very seriously.

"Yes, you can be silent. Anyway, I will let other people know about these things, and I can also let others know how stupid you are."

Su Yu's words rang in their ears, everyone's faces became extremely ugly, everyone hurriedly shook their heads, looked at Su Yu and said anxiously.

"Don't look like 4.4, it's true that we made a mistake in doing this, but we didn't do it on purpose, can you give us a chance to change it?

Their tone was full of ingratiating, their questions rang in their ears, Su Yu shook his head, Su Yu looked at them and said without hesitation.

"I'm really sorry, and I really can't forgive you. After all, this kind of thing is considered a loss of property to me. This kind of thing is on your shoulders. I guess you jumped up early?

While talking, Su Yu smiled at them, Su Yu's words rang in his ears, and everyone's faces became extremely ugly. In desperation, they could only keep discussing solutions with Su Yu.

They tried every means to make up for Su Yu.

The reason they make up for Su Yu is not because they feel guilty in their hearts.

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