"What do you mean, you guy? Are you going to freeze your hands? It's his business, not mine. It's useless for you to put these charges on my head."

There was a bit of helplessness on Pei Ge's face. When Pei Ge's words came out, Su Yu shook his head. Su Yu stared at Pei Ge and said helplessly.

"You must have heard the words of the princes under the command of the Son of Heaven? 35

Su Yu's words rang in his ears, of course Pei Ge knew, but at this moment Pei Ge couldn't help contacting the old man.

"Come here quickly.

Pei Ge's tone was full of panic. The old man heard Pei Ge's voice, and his face showed a bit of complexity. The old man didn't answer for a long time. Seeing the old man like this, Pei Ge seemed to understand something in his heart.

"Don't abandon me, I am your son. 35

Pei Ge's tone was full of irritability, Pei Ge's words rang in his ears, and the old man on the other end of the phone hung up directly, Su Yu watched such a scene and couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, Pei Ge just froze in place. Pei Ge's eyes widened and he couldn't say a word. Seeing Pei Ge like that, Su Yu patted him on the shoulder again, and said with pity on his face.

"It's really frustrating."

Su Yu's words rang in his ears, and Pei Ge was dumbfounded. Pei Ge couldn't believe it.

Seeing Pei Ge's actions, Su Yu laughed.

This scene can be said to be a classic dog bites dog, because for Su Yu, he is the highest arbiter.

In this moment, all people want to live.

Even the old man is no exception. The old man seems to be doing everything for the sake of his son, but in fact, at this critical moment, the old man can of course run away.

The moment the phone was connected, Pei Ge couldn't help but speak again.

"Is it really going to abandon me? Don't you know what these people are going to do to me~~?"

Pei Ge's tone was full of anger, Pei Ge's accusation rang in his ears, and the old man's face became extremely ugly, and the old man couldn't help talking to Pei Ge at this moment.

"Even if I come here, what can I do? Anyway, you want to stay in that place, I have already warned you, don't wander around, our identity is not simple.

When Pei Ge listened to the old man's words, Pei Ge's face became a little ugly. When he finally hung up the phone, Pei Ge's face became extremely complicated, and he couldn't even say a word.

Su Yu came over and watched Pei Ge excitedly applaud him.

"I never thought that the old man could rationalize what he did with just a few words. These things are really surprising."

Su Yu's words rang in his ears, and Pei Ge couldn't say a word. Seeing Pei Ge like that, Su Yu pushed his arm again and sighed.

"If you guessed correctly, you must have some ideas and opinions about this matter!"

Su Yu's words sounded in his ears and Pei Ge nodded, but looking at Su Yu at the moment, Pei Ge couldn't help but speak, and reminded him carefully.

"I think, we'd better not be so arrogant, after all, you are still an ordinary citizen.

He wasn't finished yet.

Su Yu shook his head, Su Yu pointed at the men behind him, Su Yu looked at them and said seriously.

"Tell him well, the rules here and the ins and outs of the whole thing, this fool still doesn't understand what's going on? 35

As Su Yu spoke, he raised his chin, and when he saw Su Yu's arrogant appearance, Pei Ge realized that something was wrong. At this moment, Pei Ge looked at Su Yu and said nervously.

"What are you trying to do? Do you really want to kill them all? It's not right to do this. Besides, I'm the one who works here, and the whole thing has no direct connection with me."

Pei Ge raised his chin and his eyes were full of excitement. For Pei Ge, of course, these disasters could be avoided, but Su Yu didn't say anything else when he saw Pei Ge like that.

When the people standing beside saw Pei Ge's innocent look, they sighed softly, and they did not hesitate to say what the old man did.

While Pei Ge was listening, his face became extremely ugly, and the little brothers next to him heard that Pei Ge was in despair, and immediately lifted the stone in his hand.

"Tie off the rest of the tip, or we'll hit you for sure.

They looked at Pei Ge with a smile while talking, their words rang in their ears, and Pei Ge froze in place. Pei Ge had no choice but to transfer all the funds to them.

However, after Pei Ge finished this series of things, his face became extremely ugly, he looked up at Su Yu, his eyes were full of panic, he thought about it, and couldn't help talking to Su Yu.

"`~The whole thing has nothing to do with me, so you can't blame me, and you can't arrest me now.99

Pei Ge said seriously, when Su Yu heard it, he nodded decisively, seeing Su Yu like that, Pei Ge breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he had escaped, but he didn't expect it.

Su Yu stared at Pei Ge and said very seriously.

"Of course I won't take you now? But your father ran away, that is to say, if you come down first, you will still run away with your father, so I will keep staring at you.

As Su Yu spoke, he pointed to his eyes and watched Su Yu's movements, Pei Ge's face became extremely ugly, and Pei Ge fell into silence, unable to say a word.

Seeing Pei Ge's chaotic appearance, Su Yu felt amused again. He patted Pei Ge on the shoulder and said very seriously.

"If you want to blame, you can only blame your father (Zhao Li's) for throwing you in this place, otherwise how can other people trample you at will?

Su Yu's words sounded in his ears, Pei Ge's face became extremely ugly, and Pei Ge fell into silence, unable to say a word.

Seeing such a scene, Cullo couldn't help laughing. Cullo patted Su Yu's shoulder and said excitedly.

"I knew for a long time that you were sure to get ahead. 35

Cullo's tone was full of joy, but when Su Yu heard Cullo's words, he shook his head and looked at Cullo and said very seriously.

"The important thing now is to find the old man first."

The seriousness on Su Yu's face was not fake, and Cullo nodded decisively when he heard it, but Cullo looked at Su Yu and couldn't help but reminded cautiously.

"To be honest, the old man is really helpless, and I don't know where to find him." Shi.

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