Su Yu's tone was full of firmness, and when he spoke, Cullo nodded, and Cullo looked at Su Yu and said excitedly.

"Yes, I thought so too."

When Cullo's words rang in his ears, Su Yu patted Cullo on the shoulder and said.

"Since that's the case, then you don't need to be afraid because of this matter, and if it's a big deal, confront them head-on!

However, while the two were standing here, Su Yu looked at Cullo beside him, and he couldn't help but exhort Cullo.

"If I guessed correctly, the NPC should have been watching our movements. It is estimated that he is also thinking about when we will be kicked out."

Su Yu's words rang in his ears, and Kuro smiled and nodded.

But Cullo didn't panic at all, Cullo patted Su Yu's shoulder with a bit of excitement on his face, he said without hesitation.

"I believe that with the ability of the two of us, maybe we will be faster than those players.""

There was a bit of excitement on Cullo's face. Su Yu heard Cullo's words and nodded decisively. He looked at Cullo and said with great excitement.

"I also thought so in my heart. It seems that the two of us can be regarded as heroes and see the same thing. 35

While the two of them were chattering, the youth frowned, and the youth realized that something wasn't quite right, and that was why Su Yu kept talking nonsense.

There was a bit of weirdness on the young man's face, he looked at Su Yu, and there was a bit of curiosity in his eyes.

The young man wanted to say something.

But what the youth never expected was that Su Yu and Cullo had already solved those monsters.

In addition to this, Su Yu looked at Cullo beside him, and his face also showed a bit of excitement.

"You said that after the guy found out that he had been tricked, would he feel very uncomfortable? 35

Su Yu's question rang in his ears, and Cullo nodded hurriedly. But Cullo looked at Su Yu and said seriously.

"He brought it all on himself, who asked him to cause us all these troubles.

Clow raised his chin as he spoke.

At first, the youth suspected that there was something wrong with what he saw, but after thinking about it, maybe Su Yu and the others were so stupid that they didn't see through their own organs.

So the young man at the moment couldn't help but feel happy about it, he thought that Su Yu was really deceived.

But in fact, he was the only one who had been kept in the dark. At this moment, Su Yu was looking at the scenery here.

Su Yu's face showed a bit of complexity.

The first level was successfully passed by them. In fact, it is very simple, as long as you keep fighting monsters.

Combined with the abilities of Su Yu and Clow, these things are nothing at all.

So at this moment Su Yu smiled slightly, seeing the look on Su Yu's face.

Cullo couldn't help patting Su Yu's shoulder, and said to him excitedly.

"If that guy knew he would be pissed off, I can imagine that scene.

When Cullo's words rang in his ears, Su Yu nodded, but the youth at this moment also noticed that the two of them succeeded in breaking through.

The young man's face became extremely ugly, he frowned and couldn't say a word. At this moment, the operation of these two people made the young man fall into silence.

At this moment, the young man clenched his fists, as if he finally understood what was going on. There was only a look of impatience on the young man's face.

He looked at the way Su Yu and Cullo were talking and laughing, and his face became extremely ugly, but he didn't expect it.

The guy Su Yu greeted the camera directly, and Su Yu seemed to know that the youth had been watching him.

Seeing the arrogance and provocation on Su Yu's face, the young man was even more annoyed.

There was only anger on the youth's face, and when the other players saw Su Yu coming out, their faces also showed a bit of excitement.

Those who went in all came out one after another, and they found that Su Yu was actually the fastest.

A bit of helplessness also appeared on their faces, and they looked at Su Yu and said with a slightly heavy voice.

"Actually, I could have guessed that you would be the first to come out, but I didn't expect it to be so fast this time. 99

They shook their heads and sighed as they spoke, their words ringing in their ears, and Su Yu just smiled casually.

Su Yu didn't talk to them about anything else, but Cullo looked at Su Yu and patted him on the shoulder again.

"Why don't we do this, let's go back and prepare, and when we're ready, come over here to continue playing."

Su Yu nodded when Cullo's words came out. At this moment, Su Yu looked at the people behind him, and Su Yu's face also showed a bit of regret.

Su Yu waved to them and said those polite words, and everyone nodded decisively.

At such a moment, everyone watched Su Yu leave, and their eyes were full of admiration. To be honest, no one does not want to become Su Yu.

Because Su Yu is like a duck to water in almost every level.

In such a moment, after everyone watched Su Yu leave, they thought about it and chose to disperse without hesitation, because Su Yu had already left for them.

It's not interesting for them to break through here, and they may not be able to pass.

Thinking of this, their faces showed a bit of complexity, and they quickly went to other places, but the youth did not expect it.

Because of Su Yu alone, the other people did not pass the 760 level, and the youth's face became extremely ugly.

At this moment, Su Yu looked at Cullo beside him with excitement on his face. He patted Cullo on the shoulder and said happily.

"You never thought such a thing would happen, to be honest, this kind of thing is really exciting.

When Su Yu's words came out, Cullo nodded, with excitement on Cullo's face, he looked at Su Yu and couldn't help but said with a smile.

"If that guy knew that we were playing with him, he would have been so angry with him."

Seeing Cullo like that, Su Yu nodded, and at this moment Su Yu looked at Cullo and said with a melancholy face.

"Actually, we don't have much malice towards him. The main reason is that he has been targeting us. We really can't do anything about it. Otherwise, how could we come up with such a sinister trick?"

When Su Yu's words rang in his ears, Cullo nodded with a smile, and the two of them were also forced to be helpless, otherwise how could they have made such a decision.

Su Yu looked at Cullo and couldn't help but ask him a question.

"Besides this level, do you know the level in other places, I don't want to play with this guy, that guy is too boring to use such tricks.

When Su Yu's words came out, Cullo nodded hurriedly, Cullo looked at Su Yu and said very seriously.

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