National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 220 It seems that there is no chance of winning

"What can this be, isn't it a very simple thing?"

While Su Yu said, he spread his hands and listened to Su Yu's words, Cullo's face was still extremely ugly.

Seeing that Cullo didn't speak, Su Yu couldn't help but talk to Cullo.

"Don't look at this as if it is really difficult to accept, but in fact, most things are not as complicated as we think. 35

Su Yu's words rang in his ears, Cullo's face became more and more ugly, Cullo frowned, watching Su Yu said strangely.

"So what the hell is going on here?"

While saying this, Cullo pushed Su Yu's arm, he couldn't wait to know the truth, but Su Yu was sure Cullo was like that.

Su Yu shook his head, looked at the crocodile beside him, and said seriously.

"I think he has joined the Orcs, but he is an NPC himself."

There was a bit of excitement on Su Yu's face. When Su Yu spoke, the crocodile nodded and admitted without hesitation. At this moment, the crocodile looked at Su Yu and said very seriously.

"That's right, it's all like you guessed, I've already joined the Orcs, so you'd better not fight against me. 35

The crocodile raised his chin, his face was only proud and proud, Su Yu heard the crocodile's words and couldn't help laughing, he shook his head, looked at the crocodile and said indifferently.

"I don't want to be wrong with you, but."

Before Su Yu could say anything, the crocodile's face had become extremely ugly, the crocodile frowned and looked at Su Yu and said strangely.

"Is there any way to deal with me? I'm an NPC."

The crocodile said, raising his chin, his face was full of pride, Su Yu saw the crocodile's happy look, he suddenly shook his head, he patted the crocodile's shoulder, and said seriously.

"Trust me, you won't be happy for long~~.

But just as Su Yu said these words, the crocodile saw his companion coming, the crocodile's face was full of excitement, he looked at Su Yu and said excitedly.

"You're going to pay for your stupidity right away."

The crocodile said with a smile, his words rang in his ears, Su Yu's face became a little ugly, Su Yu frowned and looked at the crocodile and said strangely.

"You guy, it's really strange, I've never seen someone as weird as you.

Su Yu's words rang in his ears, and Cullo's face became a little ugly, Cullo frowned, looked at Su Yu and said carefully.

"Look at what's that thing next to him?"

Cullo said while squinting his eyes, Su Yu heard Cullo's words and looked up, only to find a lizard at this time.

A bit of helplessness appeared on Su Yu's face, Su Yu sighed softly, looking at this lizard, Su Yu said helplessly.

"It's such a headache.

As Su Yu said, he shook his head and sighed, listening to Su Yu's words, Cullo's face became extremely ugly, Cullo looked at Su Yu and said helplessly.

"With the ability of the two of us, if we really want to solve the trouble this time, I am afraid it will be very difficult. Why don't we go to the rescue!"

But Cullo's words rang in his ears, but Su Yu thought it was extremely ridiculous, Su Yu shook his head, patted Cullo's shoulder, and said very seriously.

"It's a bit troublesome to solve it with the ability of the two of us, but you have to remember. It's never feasible to pin your hopes on others.

When Su Yu's words came out, Cullo nodded, but Cullo's face was full of complexity, Cullo looked at Su Yu and said helplessly.

"Then what should we do next?"

Cullo's question rang in his ears, and Su Yu stared at the crocodile in front of him and said without hesitation.

"The two of us act separately, I will deal with the crocodile, and you will deal with the lizard, is it fair enough?"

Su Yu's words rang in his ears, and Kuro thought for a while, and nodded without hesitation, because the lizard looked a little bit big, but what Kuro never expected was.

He just agreed.

As soon as he passed, the lizard launched a violent attack on him.

At this moment, Cullo's face became extremely ugly, Cullo frowned, looked at Su Yu and said helplessly.

"You hurry up and save me. 39

Cullo's tone was full of exhaustion. Hearing Cullo's words, Su Yu laughed. At this moment, Su Yu hurried over and grabbed Cullo.

Looking at Su Yu's actions, Cullo's face became extremely complicated, Cullo sighed deeply, and said to Su Yu helplessly.

"What the hell is going on with this guy?"

This lizard actually makes a point. In addition to this point, every time he clicks on Cullo, Cullo's face becomes extremely ugly.

Seeing the expression on Cullo's face, Su Yu also patted Cullo's shoulder and said indifferently.

"`~ I guess in terms of your ability, you can't solve them, why don't you go to the back and stand there first, you look first, I will solve them.

Su Yu's face was full of seriousness. When Su Yu spoke, Cullo shook his head without hesitation. Cullo looked at Su Yu and said very seriously.

"How can I do such a wolf-hearted thing? The two of us are good brothers, and we should share weal and woe together.

Cullo's tone was full of urgency, but Cullo's words rang in his ears, but Su Yu found it extremely amusing, Su Yu shook his head and looked at Cullo's face and said coldly.

"forget it!"

Hearing Su Yu's words, Cullo's face became a little ugly, Cullo frowned, not knowing what to say, Su Yu saw Cullo like that, and couldn't bear (Zhao Wanghao) stopped Cullo and said.

"Don't say I didn't warn you.

Before Su Yu finished speaking, Cullo's face had become extremely ugly. At this moment, Cullo saw the lizard suddenly pounce, and Cullo's eyes went dark.

Seeing Chloe fainted like this.

Su Yu's face also showed a few complexities. At this moment, Su Yu gave a thumbs up, looked at the lizard in front of him and said mercilessly.

"Okay, you're a great guy. 39

After Su Yu's words came out, the lizard's face became extremely ugly. At this moment, the crocodile did not hesitate to tell Su Yu to change.

"We have all joined the Orc camp, so you'd better not fight against us now, and here, for you players, it is a game, but for us NPCs, this is our world."

The crocodile's tone was full of arrogance, when he spoke.

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