National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 244 What are you afraid of?

Su Yu also glanced back at the alley next to him. Of course he knew that the people he was going to arrest were all there, but Su Yu was in no hurry. Su Yu knew that they would show their tails sooner or later.

After all, Su Yu knew what was coming, and after all, there was no way to avoid it. At this moment, Su Yu didn't panic, and Su Yu went back with these people at the same time.

There was also a bit of complexity in Su Yu's eyes, and Su Yu couldn't help sighing softly.

Looking at the people in front of him, Su Yu spoke to them without hesitation.

"By the way, there is one thing I need your attention.

Before Su Yu could say anything, everyone frowned, and everyone looked at Su Yu and said strangely.

"What's the matter? You can tell us.

Su Yu smiled, and now Su Yu looked at them and said very seriously.

"There will definitely be people next to my shop who will continue to cut over there, so I may need to trouble you these few days, but the alarm at my place and other things still exist."

Listening to Su Yu's words, everyone nodded. That night, Su Yu turned off the alarm and other things because Su Yu wanted to see how these guys would react. .

But Su Yu didn't expect that Kailin already knew what he had done wrong and returned the things, but the other people were still unrepentant, which meant that they would still come and cause trouble in the future.

So Su Yu didn't want to waste time on them, and Su Yu felt that instead of giving them a chance, it was better to just arrest them.

Those people listened to Su Yu's words and watched Su Yu leave without hesitation, and at the same time, they also increased their patrols on Su Yu's side.

At this moment, Su Yu also left the game.

But not long after Su Yu left the game, he came back, because Su Yu knew that night was coming, and at this moment, Su Yu looked at his shop with a bit of urgency in his eyes.

He knew that the rat was about to appear, and as Su Yu had expected, the boss and those people came again.

But they were just walking around.

They didn't dare to do it directly. After all, for them, the people patrolling next to them were not fools. How could they dare to climb in directly.

They can only wait patiently for the moment to come.

But while they waited, they also scolded Kaelin for nothing.

Although the relationship with Kaylin is good in normal times, at this moment Kaylin betrayed them, which is intolerable for them.

They frowned, their eyes were full of complexity, Su Yu listened to their words and laughed for a while, and sure enough, on the third day, they finally couldn't hold back.

Especially the boss, after the information and all kinds of things were exposed, he felt that he had no face, and he had no other way but to escape.

But he also organized his own companions to come here, ready to loot a big wave.

After all, for the boss, this guy Su Yu is a bit stupid, as long as they test the outer wall, if there is no big problem with the outer wall, then they can go in casually.

Su Yu decisively turned off the voltage on the outer wall.

Seeing such a scene, the boss laughed for a while.

The boss couldn't help but greet the people beside him. When those people saw the eagerness on the boss's face, they came over immediately, and then, turned in without hesitation.

Seeing their skilled movements, Su Yu also laughed.

The organization remembers that the boss seems to have a child. Although his wife has divorced him, his child has always been taken care of by the boss.

I don't know what such a scene would look like if his children knew about it.

However, Su Yu didn't care about these things, Su Yu just watched the boss open the sack with excitement.

There was a bit of excitement in the boss's eyes, and then, without hesitation, he reached out and took the things down, followed by the overwhelming sound of alarm (aeee).

After that, the boss was also stunned, and the other people were no exception, and Su Yu also learned that those people caught these guys.

But because it was too late, they didn't come to bother.

Su Yu watched such a wonderful scene, Su Yu couldn't help laughing.

Early the next morning, Su Yu hurried over.

When the boss was arrested by them, the boss's face was still a bit dazed. Obviously, he was dumbfounded by the electric shock. Looking at these people in front of him, the boss said with a strange face.

"What kind of weird questions are you asking, how could I possibly do that kind of stealing? Did you misunderstand something? I think there are some things we should talk about."

The boss's eyes were full of excitement, the boss's words came out, and all they got was a sneer from everyone, everyone shook their heads, looked at the boss and said without hesitation.

"There is no misunderstanding, everything has evidence, and it's useless for you to pretend to be stupid now."

There was a bit of impatience in their tone. When Su Yu walked in from the outside, the boss also frowned, the boss stared at Su Yu, his eyes were full of impatience, he knew that Su Yu would definitely laugh at him.

But Su Yu didn't.

Su Yu just sat down and looked at the boss and said calmly.

"I never thought you would do something like this, it's really surprising.

As Su Yu spoke, he sighed, and Su Yu's words came out, and the boss's face became a little ugly.

The boss frowned, not knowing how to respond, but when he saw the look on Su Yu's face, he looked at Su Yu and couldn't help but speak.

"Don't say I didn't remind you, you can't be so arrogant, if you must.

Before the boss's words were finished, Su Yu pointed outside.

Looking at Su Yu's actions, the boss's face was full of complexity, the boss looked up, and he also saw his son standing outside staring at him, the boss froze in place.

He opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word, Su Yu saw the shocked look on the boss's face, and said to him with a smile for a while.

"I told you about those things a long time ago, it's not as simple as you think, why do you pretend to be stupid about everything.

Su Yu's words rang in his ears, and the boss sighed deeply, and there was only despair on his face.

He never thought that Su Yu would do such a thing. While he felt helpless and even had a headache because of this, he looked at the people in front of him and said with anger.

"Hurry up and let me go, I'm innocent.""

When these words were spoken, Su Yu suddenly laughed, Su Yu stared at the boss and asked curiously.

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