However, Penggu actually said such a thing deliberately, and it was obvious that he was provoking Su Yu. How could Su Yu not be clear?

At this moment, Su Yu couldn't help talking to Penggu with a smile.

"If you want to come, then come.

When Su Yu's words came out, Penggu's face showed a bit of complexity, Penggu sighed, looking at Su Yu and couldn't help but say.

"Why do I feel like you don't seem particularly willing?"

But Penggu's words had just been said, and what he got was Su Yu's sneer, Su Yu's tone was only impatient, and he said arrogantly.

"Do you think something is too complicated? How can I be reluctant? I tell you, if I can do it as a person, then I will not regret it. 55

Hearing Su Yu's remarks, Penggu laughed, and the things that Penggu had packed were ready to rush over. After all, this is a great thing for Penggu.

Su Yu listened to Penggu's laughter, as if he could feel how happy he was, but Su Yu didn't care about these things, and there was only calm in Su Yu's eyes.

In such a moment, Su Yu couldn't help but talk to Cullo.

"Pack up!"

When Su Yu said the words, Cullo nodded 793 without any comments.

"But if we really want to take him there, where are we going to prepare those medicinal materials? It's impossible to scare him."

There was a bit of melancholy in Cullo's eyes, Cullo knew that these things were not that simple, but when Cullo's question rang in his ear, Su Yu also laughed, Su Yu looked at Cullo and said calmly.

"The way is to come up with your brain, so if there is really no way now, you should use your brain more, and you may come up with a big idea accidentally.

Su Yu said, looking at Cullo with a smile, Su Yu's words came out, Cullo nodded, but Cullo's face was still a little nervous and careful.

Cullo followed behind Su Yu, he looked at the surrounding environment, he couldn't help sighing softly, Su Yu saw Cullo's nervous look, and said to Cullo with a smile for a while.

"Let me tell you what that guy is thinking? I know it very well, if he is so greedy, then we don't mind.

Su Yu stopped at this point, seeing Su Yu like that, Ku Luo's face was full of weirdness, Ku (aeee) Luo frowned, and at the same time curious.

Su Yu patted Cullo on the shoulder and said impatiently.

"Let's teach the youth a lesson and ask the youth to come up with a larger NPC. I believe this is definitely not a problem for the youth.

Hearing Su Yu's words, Cullo nodded, Cullo didn't have any opinion, but Cullo's eyes were also filled with a bit of melancholy.

Cullo couldn't help sighing softly, always feeling that things were not that simple.

While Cullo felt a headache because of this incident, Su Yu also came to the youth's house.

The youth was not at home, but Su Yu didn't feel irritated.

Because Su Yu knew that the youth would come back sooner or later, the door rang not long after, Su Yu looked up, Su Yu didn't bring Cullo over.

Because he knew that what he was going to do here might leave a shadow on Cullo for a lifetime, so Su Yu decided to do it secretly.

When the young man walked in, he saw Su Yu, his face became extremely ugly, he stared at Su Yu with wide eyes, and said with a face full of fear.

"Why did you come to this place?

The youth gritted his teeth, and there was a bit of anger in the youth's eyes. Su Yu listened to his words and laughed for a while. Su Yu looked at him and said calmly.

"Remember the invisibility cloak you lent me?"

While the young man was angry, listening to Su Yu's words, his anger disappeared instantly, his face was a little guilty, and he looked at Su Yu and said with a little panic.

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand a word?"

There was a bit of curiosity on the young man's face, the young man's question rang in his ears, and Su Yu smiled and said to him without hesitation.

"You don't have to play stupid with me, what are you thinking? Including what you are going to do, I am also clear, you gave me a fake invisibility cloak before, don't you think I can't see it?

Su Yu's question rang in his ears, the young man's face became extremely ugly, he frowned, never thought that Su Yu actually found out that he was helpless because of this matter, and he didn't even know what to do at the same time.

Su Yu patted the young man on the shoulder and said without hesitation.

"Tell me about this, how should I settle the account with you?

Su Yu said, looking at the youth and smiling, Su Yu said, the youth's face became extremely ugly, he frowned, looked at Su Yu and said carefully.

"It's not because of the downfall of the family, otherwise how could I do such a thing?

The moment he said the words, Su Yu also laughed, Su Yu looked at him and said curiously.

"Do you think I'll believe it?"

After Su Yu's question came out, the youth's face became a little ugly, and the youth frowned, not knowing how to answer at the same time.

There was also a bit of complexity in Su Yu's eyes, Su Yu sighed softly, looking at the young man and couldn't help but speak.

"I tell you, if you can't take that thing.

Before Su Yu finished speaking, the young man's face had become extremely ugly. The young man frowned and didn't speak for a long time. Seeing the young man's appearance, Su Yu couldn't help but talk to him.

"You don't want to end up with a bad reputation! 35

Su Yu said while looking at the smile, Su Yu's threat was very clear in this kind of moment, seeing Su Yu like that, the young man didn't say anything else.

"What exactly do you want? Just say it!"

As the youth spoke, he looked at Su Yu and smiled, and the youth's words rang in his ears.

Su Yu smiled and said without hesitation.

"I don't want much, I just hope you can give me another big NPC, for example, a big snake NPC.

The moment Su Yu said the words, the youth's face became ugly, the youth frowned and looked at Su Yu and said with a puzzled face.

"What do you mean? I don't have such a thing."

The youth said while clenching his fists, the youth's face was full of complexity, Su Yu saw him like that, and patted his shoulder again and said.

"Don't pretend to be stupid, after all, you can be regarded as the boss of the NPC, how could you not have it? There is almost a thousand responses, how can you not.

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