"These things don't matter.

While talking, the big snake raised his chin, the big snake's words rang in his ears, the youth's face became a little ugly, the young man frowned, looked at the big snake, and said with a melancholy face.

"You must be more careful when you go out this time, because this guy Su Yu has quite a few enemies, if one accidentally causes trouble, you will suffer.

The seriousness on the young man's face is not fake. When the words were spoken, the big snake nodded, but the big snake looked at the young man and said calmly.

"I believe in Su Yu.

Orochi said while leaving with Su Yu, seeing the two of them disappear like this, and the youth's face was full of impatience.

No one knows how disgusted the young man is for Su Yu, after all, the young man used to be famous, but because Su Yu exposed his "797" scandal before.

So much so that everyone is watching his jokes, and the young man still remembers it clearly until now, and he can't forget it at all.

Su Yu really went too far, thinking about these things, the young man's heart became extremely heavy, he couldn't calm down for a long time, but Su Yu didn't care either.

While Su Yu and Orochi were leaving, Su Yu looked at Orochi and said curiously.

"I think maybe I really should, as each of you think, come to everyone's side without hesitation at the moment of crisis, and save their lives."

As Su Yu spoke, he looked at the big snake and smiled. When Su Yu said the words, the big snake's face was full of complexity, he frowned and looked at Su Yu and said carefully.

"Why do you suddenly bring up this topic? It's a bit sudden."

Orochi said, looking at Su Yu and smiling, Orochi's words rang in his ears, Su Yu just shook his head, Su Yu looked at Orochi and said very casually.

"But I don't think that what I said suddenly is the truth. After all, most people think this way, even you, isn't it?"

Su Yu said, looking at the big snake and smiling.

Su Yu's question rang in his ears, and the big snake's face became a little ugly.

The big snake frowned and thought for a while, looked at Su Yu and said without hesitation.

"If you are depressed or even unhappy because of what the young man said, I can apologize to you on behalf of the young man, because I also know that there is something wrong with what he said.

In such moments, Orochi bowed his head decisively and did not continue arguing with Su Yu, because Orochi knew how disgusting the young man's face was.

At such a moment, Orochi's mood also became a little helpless, Su Yu saw Orochi like that, waved his hand for a while, and said casually.

"Actually, these things are nothing, I never like to care about these things, it's just that I can't stand the face of some people and his demeanor.

As Su Yu spoke, he raised his chin and listened to Su Yu's words, the snake's face became a little complicated, and the snake frowned, not knowing what to do.

At such a moment, Orochi's face also showed a bit of melancholy.

Su Yu saw the big snake like that, and smiled and told him again.

"If I can really do what everyone thinks, maybe I'll be a god, and I won't exist in this game world at all.

Su Yu said these words very calmly. At this moment, Su Yu came to Penggu's house, and seeing Su Yu's appearance, Orochi didn't say a word, because Orochi understood that Su Yu wanted to express enough.

In such a moment, what Su Yu said was just to remind him that it is not so simple to tell him these things, and I hope he can keep it in his heart.

When thinking of these things, Orochi's eyes were full of complexity, Su Yu saw Orochi like that, and he smiled and said to Orochi for a while.

"I know what you're thinking, but now that we're in that place, please help me scare that guy.

While talking, Su Yu pointed in the direction of Penggu, listening to Su Yu's words, the snake nodded, without any opinion, the snake swam step by step, Penggu did not know there was such an unexpected visitor.

In Peng Gu's eyes, there is only melancholy.

Because Penggu has never found the specific location of the medicinal material, Penggu is worried about this matter, and Penggu is also lying on the sofa to contact his friends...

As a result, I didn't expect that the big snake was approaching step by step. At this moment, Peng Gu only felt that the atmosphere became a little oppressive. The big snake frowned and looked around.

In fact, while he was invisible, Peng Gu could also feel a little bit of temperature coming, Peng Gu frowned, his eyes were full of confusion, while Peng Gu couldn't understand these things.

There was also a bit of melancholy in Orochi's eyes, Orochi couldn't help sighing softly, and then opened his mouth directly in front of Peng Gu.

At this time, Peng Gu realized that something was not right, Peng Gu widened his eyes, and still saw nothing around him, Peng Gu patted his chest.

But in the next second, Orochi circled Penggu directly, and at this moment, Orochi suddenly showed his true body.

The faces of everyone showed a bit of complexity. At this time, the bodyguards of Peng Gu hurried over to save Peng Gu, but Peng Gu was shocked and fainted when he saw this scene.

In addition to this, when the big snake roared at them, the bodyguards were all dumbfounded.

"To be honest, this matter is nothing, let alone the game world. If something really happens, it has nothing to do with the outside world.""

While they were talking, they looked at each other and smiled, their words rang in their ears, and there was only helplessness in the eyes of everyone 4.4.

At this moment, even if they wanted to come over to help, they couldn't do anything else. At this time, the big snake surrounded Penggu, and the big snake also spit out snake letters.

After Peng Gu passed out, he was woken up by the big snake again. The big snake's face was full of excitement. Peng Gu opened his eyes and saw the big snake. The expression on his face made Peng Gu's eyes widen even more.

Peng Gu frowned, unable to say a word, never thought that such a thing would happen.

But after Peng Gu reacted, the subordinates who looked at him couldn't help but say with a smile.

"Do you people have any opinion on me? So you deliberately do something like this to make fun of me, if that's the case, just say it directly, do you want a salary increase or something? You can just make a condition.

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