"Come and see if that's a mirage?"

There was excitement on Cullo's face.

Right now, they can be considered to have come through hardships and hardships, so Cullo is also happy because of this. Su Yu saw Cullo look like that, although he nodded and looked over, but Su Yu looked at the carriage.

Su Yu's eyes also showed helplessness, because there were several people there chatting and laughing, and the clothes on his body were no different from Su Yu's.

Seeing such a scene, Su Yu shook his head with a bit of helplessness in his eyes. Su Yu didn't answer his own question, which made Cullo feel a little tired, but Cullo also knew the answer.

In such a moment, Clow walked forward without hesitation.

But at this time, Su Yu also saw the mirage that appeared in front of him. Su Yu looked at the mirage, but the people on the carriage also saw it, and they exclaimed.

Su Yu looked at them with a bit of weirdness in his eyes. At this time, Cullo had a conversation with them, and Cullo knew that they were from the studio.

They came to this place specially to shoot, and now they are very surprised to see Su Yu and Kolo.

But also because of the appearance of the mirage, there is also a new plan in their shooting project.

They decided to take Mirage in, because Mirage is much more technical than those P photos.

So in such moments, they were also filming non-stop there, Su Yu frowned, knowing that the mirage would soon disappear, and now, Su Yu looked at Cullo in front of him, but said eagerly.

"Come with me now."

Hearing Su Yu's words, Cullo nodded, without any opinion, Cullo followed behind Su Yu, he looked at the surrounding environment with a bit of caution and nervousness in his eyes.

The two of them circled from other places, and at this time they finally ran to the front of the mirage.

But Cullo found out that the mirage seemed to disappear at once. Before he and Su Yu could jump in, the mirage in front of him directly vanished into nothingness.

Looking at such a scene, Cullo's face became extremely strange, Cullo's face was pulled down, he stared at Su Yu and said in disbelief.

"My God, we two just met after a long time~~.

However, just as Cullo finished speaking, Su Yu shook his head. Su Yu watched the people in the studio leave, and Su Yu spoke to Cullo without hesitation.

"I lost him."

Su Yu said, and after the people in the studio were waving away, Su Yu also took Cullo into the mirage without hesitation.

In the mirage, what Su Yu saw were some dilapidated wreckage. It was precisely because there were traces of ancient battlefields that there were countless elixir in such a mirage.

For ordinary people, these things can be said to be the savings of a lifetime, and there is no way to get them.

Now, Su Yu looked at the mirage in front of him, and Su Yu's eyes also showed complexity.

While Su Yu was staring at the mirage, Cullo looked at Su Yu and said carefully.

"Why do I feel like there's something wrong with this mirage?

As Clow said, he cautiously ducked aside, because these things looked so strange, and Clow had never seen such a strange thing.

Seeing Chloe like that, Su Yu's face showed a bit of complexity.

While Su Yu was staring at the mirage, Su Yu was also looking at the wreckage in front of him. He took a lot of elixir from there. In addition to this, Su Yu also found a handy weapon in this place.

Looking at this weapon, Su Yu laughed. At this time, Cullo was still standing beside him timidly. Cullo felt that these things were not easy.

So Cullo didn't dare to move at will. Seeing Cullo like that, Su Yu's face showed helplessness. Su Yu shook his head and said to Cullo with a tired face.

"Look at what you have become now, such a small thing has scared you into this.

There was a bit of melancholy in Su Yu's tone. After listening to Su Yu's words, Cullo's face became a little ugly, Cullo frowned, looked at Su Yu and said helplessly.

"I'm not scared, I just think these things are really weird."

When Cullo's words came out, Su Yu just smiled calmly on his face. Now, Su Yu threw the weapon in his hand to Cullo, and Su Yu said to Cullo without hesitation.

"Hurry up and operate now, while we still have time, if time runs out, we really can't explore here.

When Su Yu's advice came out, Clow nodded without any opinion.

But while Cullo was searching here, Cullo's eyes were also full of complexity, Cullo looked at Su Yu and said without hesitation.

"`~ Logically speaking, shouldn't you be very familiar with this place? Why do I feel like you?"

Before Cullo finished speaking, Su Yu stared at Cullo with disgust, and then explained a lot of things to him. Su Yu didn't know much about mirages.

He just knows that he can enter the mirage at will, but every mirage is different. Over the years, Su Yu has been to many mirages, big and small, so Su Yu understands.

These mirages are different, and they are not simple. Looking at Cullo in front of him, Su Yu's eyes also showed a bit of helplessness. Su Yu sighed softly, not knowing how to explain it to him.

Seeing Su Yu like that, Cullo reacted, Cullo nodded hurriedly, and then stopped talking nonsense.

While Cullo and Su Yu were searching this place, their faces were a little nervous, but Cullo looked at Su Yu and said with a cautious expression.

"The two of us (who have money) shouldn't have any other problems here, what if someone else ran in, what would we do?

There was a bit of curiosity and nervousness on Cullo's face, listening to Cullo's question, Su Yu frowned, Su Yu looked at Cullo and said without shyness.

"Don't think about these strange things, no one will come in, and only the two of us know about this place.

Listening to Su Yu's words, Cullo nodded without any opinion, but Cullo's eyes were still a bit complicated.

He looked at the surroundings and couldn't help but talk to Su Yu.

"Speaking of which, I think there is still a little bit of strangeness here, look at that place."

Clow said, pointing to the sculpture.

Su Yu looked up, and at this time Su Yu also saw some legends about gods, which were carved on it, but Su Yu just glanced at it and looked back.

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