National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 47 Sorry, You Are Surrounded By Me Alone!

Under the cover of night.

A team of orc players quietly sneaked into the woods. The number of this orc team is not 500, but more than 1,000 people.

no way……

As soon as they heard the opportunity to surround and kill the elite of the clan [Qianshan Muxue], the orc players were also boiling, and they came one by one.

Killing the human elite, the beast emperor has rich rewards!


"For a while, whoever can make up for Mu Xue's head will depend entirely on good fortune... Brothers, rush!"

[Blood with a sword] A big hand wave.

clap la la...

The voice fell, and the army of orc players of more than a thousand people looked excited, their eyes gleamed, and they rushed out of the jungle in a mighty manner.


by the pond.

Su Yu was lying on the lawn sleeping, when he opened his eyes, he saw thousands of orcs, surrounded by them.

Stretching and yawning, there was no "surprise" on his face.

There is so little,

The taste of Mount Tai collapsed in front of it without changing its color.

"Thousands of Mountains Twilight Snow!"

"When death is imminent, you still pretend to be calm. Are you really a knife for us orcs, are you vegetarian?"

Yi Jian Biao Xue sneered with a knife.

"Ha ha……"

"Qianshan Muxue, caught in the ambush of our blood alliance, even if you have wings, you can't fly!"

"I'm going to make a fortune today!"

"Kill Mu Xue, the Beast Emperor, and you will definitely bestow the blood of the high-level orcs!"

"Look, Qianshan Muxue doesn't have a sword and can't use the perverted "Sword Qi Slash", so there's nothing to be afraid of..."

"My broadsword is already thirsty!"

The orc player laughed.

The blood alliance is an elite orc player organization, 1v1, pk Xia Kingdom's major students, not at a disadvantage.

More than a thousand blood alliance orc players.

To besiege a thousand mountains and twilight snow is absolutely absolutely certain!

not to mention……

Qianshan Muxue's famous stunt is the sword qi slash, under a sword, the situation changes color, and the corpses are everywhere. But now, Qianshan Muxue's weapon is a staff.

Obviously not to be afraid of...


"Do you really think I'm alone..."

Su Yu smiled coldly.

In fact, when he slept, he had already released some skeleton centipedes to hide in the surroundings to prevent them from being attacked.

The siege of the orc player, he knew right away.

"Come out!"

"My undead army!"

He raised his staff and waved his arms. Immediately, the mountains not far away seemed to be summoned by some kind, and began to tremble slightly, making a loud rumbling sound...

Teng, Teng, Teng...

The ground under my feet trembled constantly, and a drum-like sound came from the woods behind...

Orc players were shocked.

They turned around one by one and looked at the woods in amazement!

And this time.

Under the moonlight, a half-human, half-horse skeleton monster emerged from the forest.

Immediately the second head, the third head...

Skeleton Centaurs, Skeleton Giant Bears, Skeleton Trolls, Skeleton Pig-headed People, Skeleton Lizards...

Heads of skeleton monsters sprang from the woods.

Like a tide.

The number is nearly 10,000!

The skeleton army is densely packed, like a wall of white bones, surrounding the orc players in the center.


[One Sword Blasts Blood] He took a breath, completely stunned.

How could a human player summon an undead army? ?

Orc player, retreat subconsciously, fear spreads in the bottom of my heart!


"Sorry, you are surrounded by me alone!"

Su Yu smiled playfully.

Immediately after a flash, flashed to the undead legion, waved a big hand, the undead legion, a collective charge!




The centaur guards took the lead and rushed directly to a group of orc players; the skeleton bear and the skeleton pig headed all the way into the orc crowd and began to fight hand-to-hand.

on the sky.

Rain of white bone arrows, green undead magic, piercing the night sky...

A famous orc player.

There was no chance to resist at all, and he fell in a pool of blood...

[You killed the Orc (Hand of Evil) and got the merit x1980! 】

[You killed the Orcs (Flower of Evil), and got the battle exploits x1250...Trigger (Reincarnation), got (Skull Orc Mage) x1! 】

[You killed the orcs (drunk butterflies), and got the merit x350! 】

[You killed the orcs (mother beasts) and obtained the battle exploits x814...trigger (reincarnation),...]

Su Yu hid in the crowd.

From time to time, he pulled out his staff and knocked out an orc or two.

Reincarnation keeps triggering.

Many of the fallen orcs stood up again, turned into bone orcs, and fought for themselves.


"Fuck, it's terrible, there are more and more undead..."

"tmd, my girlfriend turned into a skeleton and slashed me!"

"What a terrible undead magic!"


"I'm going to use my merits to exchange for attribute fruits, run quickly..."

"Is Qianshan Muxue the undead lord?"

Orc player crashes.

Especially seeing the fallen teammates stand up and become enemies with himself, the sense of fear is beyond words!



"Where did so many undead come from, let me die!"

in melee.

The orc warrior [Blood with a Sword], holding a giant sword, slashed at a nearby [Skull and Pig-Headed Man].

clang! clang! clang!

But the goose is surprising.

The pig-headed man, who is a weak chicken and wild monster, has greatly improved his combat skills after turning into a skeleton, and he has blocked the attack of [One Sword and Bloody] with several consecutive moves.

【Fudge Attack】!



【Ghost Fire】!

-322! -455! -391! -333! ...

The pig-headed man came down with a set of tricks.

Played more than 2,000 blood.

I was dissatisfied with the blood bar of a sword, but after this set, I couldn't stand it anymore. It was dark in front of my eyes, and I fell to the ground and died!

[You were killed by (Qianshan Muxue) summoned (lv10 · Skeleton Pig-Headed Man)! 】

[You lose: Merit x15800! 】

【You lose all non-embodied items! 】

[Your manifesting item (gold orc sword) is broken! 】

【You return to the real world! 】

next moment.

Yijian Biaoxue opened his eyes and appeared in an underground warehouse in the suburbs of Modu.

And when you see the information that emerges.

A sword burst into tears.

did not expect,

An elite captain of the dignified blood alliance was killed by a pig-headed man.

Half the battle is lost...

All the props are gone...

The Guxian Golden Sword is also broken...

lost heavily!

"Thousands of Mountains and Twilight Snow..."

"you are vicious!"

The corners of Yi Jian Biao Xue's mouth twitched fiercely.

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