National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 6 I Contracted The Material Box Here!

kick, kick...

Stepping on three times the speed, like a whirlwind, Su Yu quickly entered the mill village.

Look up.

In the central square of the village, there are two common material boxes and one green rare material box, a total of three, which is eye-catching.

At this moment.

There are thirteen or four players in front of them, with the prefix [Red Flame Guild] above their heads, and they are about to rush into the center of the square to divide up the treasure chest.

This group of Chiyan players ran so fast after opening the "Group Acceleration Scroll".

Seeing that the red flame player is about to succeed.

Su Yu smiled slightly.

With 3 times the movement speed blessing, Chi Yan players, slow like a broiler, no threat...


While the Chiyan players were looking happy, a big sword player suddenly appeared, walking like flying, the wind blowing under his feet, like a whirlwind, surpassing everyone, and the first one rushed into the square.

Player ID: [lv1 Qianshan Twilight Snow].

The galloping speed.

This lv1-level cute, single-handedly, rushed into the village square and stood in front of a row of material boxes.


"Wori, this grandson runs so fast!"

"Don't, don't touch them!"

"My heart is broken, these material boxes will be stained by Qianshan Muxue..."

"Are you sure this is the speed of lv1 Mengxin?"

"Stop, stop!"

Red flame chaos.

It was as if the goddess he was in love with was being arbitrarily played by others, everyone in Chi Yan watched helplessly, and the lv1-level Xiao Mengxin opened a material box.

The captain [Chi Yan·Bo Duo Ye Undressing] even collapsed.

For these material boxes.

They wasted a precious Mass Acceleration Scroll, the loss is too great!


"I contracted the material box here."

Not the slightest politeness, nor the slightest hesitation.

Su Yu straight out of the box.

[You open: material box x2! 】

[You get: Silver Coins x30, Magic Mushrooms x3, Acceleration Scroll x1, Novice Hard Leather Bracers (White Board) x1! 】

[You get: silver coins x55, healing ointment x2, novice metal armor (black iron) x1! 】

The first is two general material boxes.

One piece of black iron, one piece of white board, and a few others, quite a good harvest.

Then there are the big dishes, the green material box.

[You open: Green material box (rare)! 】

【You get: gold coins x20! 】

The supply box opens.

Golden radiance!


Market conditions, 1 gold coin ≈ 5000 credit coins.

20 gold coins equals 100,000 credits.

A material box of 100,000 yuan was issued, which was equivalent to his father Su Zhan's salary for half a year. Awakened, making money is so easy and casual!


Finish opening the box.

Just take the task.

Su Yu took a few steps and came to the old village chief to start a dialogue.

"Adventurers from afar, welcome to Mill Village. We are looking for a warrior to get rid of the beasts around the village. Are you willing to accept this commission?"

"Mofang Village will not treat people with meritorious deeds badly!" The old village chief said expectantly.

"That's what I meant." Su Yu nodded.

[You get the task: "Eradication of Beast Troubles". 】

[Task details: Kill more than 1,000 beasts within 1 day, report to the village chief, and you will get rich rewards! 】

Novice Rift quests are relatively simple.


After finishing the mission, Su Yu did not leave in a hurry. According to the strategy, the first 10 players who talk to the village chief will randomly trigger a hidden mission.

"Brave adventurer."

Sure enough, the old village chief said, "I don't know, are you willing to accept a more difficult challenge, and once you accept it, you won't be able to go back on it?"


Su Yu knew that this was triggering the hidden mission, and nodded decisively.

"Okay, the mission is like this..."

The old village chief issues tasks.

【You get the hidden mission: "Brave Challenge"! 】

[Task description: Please kill 3 bosses alone within 3 days, and bring the heads to the old village chief! 】

[Task reminder: You get the coordinates of the relevant boss's location! 】

[Quest reward: manifested item x1! 】


Su Yu couldn't help laughing.

Killing three bosses in three days is definitely a nightmare level of difficulty. You must know that the bosses of "Gods" are very difficult to deal with.

But the reward is heartwarming.

Whoops, what a delicious mission!


Time is urgent.

Saying goodbye to the village chief, Su Yu walked out of the village without saying a word.

Just two steps away.

When I came to the entrance of the village, I saw [lv4 Dark Hedgehog], with Chi Yan and a group of people, they aggressively killed him.

Seeing the formation of a siege.

"these people……"

"It's not worth wasting my time."

Su Yu pouted.

He was not in the mood to play with a group of chickens. He stepped on three times the speed, turned a corner, and walked out of the surrounding group, like a gust of wind rushing into the field.

disappeared in an instant,

Leaving the Chiyan players messed up in the wind...


into the wild.

Su Yu ran all the way, according to the task prompts, to find the location of the secret boss. 3 times the movement speed, the speed is extremely fast along the way.

While on the road.

Su Yu took out the two pieces of equipment that he had just opened, a white board bracer and a black iron heavy armor, and enchanted them all.


[Novice Metal Armor] (Tier 1) (Dark Iron Heavy Armor)

+80 Health, +15 Defense, +10 Damage Reduction, +30 Knockdown Resistance, +30 Stun Resistance.

Enchantment ①: [Self-healing], restores 5 HP per second.

Enchantment ②: [No Harm], +10 damage reduction.

Enchantment ③: [No Harm], +10 damage reduction.


[Novice Hard Leather Bracers] (Tier 1) (White Board Leather Armor)

+2 Attack, +3 Defense, +10 Attack Speed.

Enchantment ①: [Quick Attack], +15% attack speed.

Enchantment ②: [Quick Attack], +15% attack speed.

Enchantment ③: [Stand on], when standing still, +15 defense.


Good luck.

The metal armor has a total of 30 points of damage reduction. In this case, it is almost immune to the damage of low-level mobs, and 10 points of self-healing will enhance the battery life!

Bracers also added a lot of attack speed.

The only thing that hurts my head is [Standing], you need to stand still to add defense... This entry is obviously suitable for players who are passively beaten and like to be abused.

Passive beating is not Su Yu's style!

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