National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 66 Return to the magic star, the favor of Principal Situ!

rest for a day.

Su Yu returned to Magic Star University, walking on the campus streets, and there was a lot of talk in his ears.

"Have you heard? 99

"What did you hear?"

"It is said that Principal Situ attaches great importance to Qianshan Muxue and intends to give him a place, but as a result, he was unanimously opposed by those old students!

"Why, Xue Da's performance in Warsong Canyon is not good, I'm getting wet from Gu Liang.""

"In the battle of Warsong Canyon, I, Magic Star University, made a splash!"9

"It's not easy for those old students!

"Yeah, those old students stayed at the Iv20 level for several years in order to participate in the secret realm of the beast cave, constantly brushing skills and attributes, God knows how hard they worked!"

"80 places are too few."

question of quota.

Already on campus, there has been a heated discussion, with some people supporting Su Yu and others supporting Lao Sheng.

Of course,

The final decision rests with Principal Situ.

"I hope Principal Situ can give me some strength."

"Otherwise, I'm really going to get married."

Su Yu smiled wryly.

school stadium.

When Su Yu came here, Principal Situ was working with a group of teachers to guide a group of lv20-04 old students to train.

"Student Mu Xue, come here quickly." 5

As soon as I saw Su Yu.

Principal Situ immediately greeted warmly.

"Hello, principal."

Su Yu stepped forward and smiled politely.

"Student Mu Xue, last time in Warsong Canyon, but thanks to you, haha, that old man Qin in Jinghua was almost passed out by you.

"My Magic Star University has also been commended by the Senate, these are the honors you brought to our school!

Principal Situ is a chubby old man with an amiable smile.

Makes you feel close.

"This is what students should do.

Su Yu replied.

"very good.""

Principal Situ nodded frequently, this Mu Xue was very good, but neither arrogant nor impetuous, neither humble nor arrogant, but some of those titles awakened the shadow of his youth.

After a pause, he continued: "Student Mu Xue, the secret realm of the beast cave is about to open. The principal hopes to give you a place, but unfortunately, there are many people who are against it."

"Now, this principal gives you two options.""

"First, give up the place in the secret realm of the beast cave. As compensation, the school will reward you with 10 million credits, which is enough for you to spend at will on the magic star.""

"Second, participating in the secret realm of the beast cave, but there will be no credit rewards.

The voice fell.

The air suddenly became quiet, and the teachers and old students around looked at them in shock.

Both options are great too!

With 10 million credits, many teachers are diligent and conscientious, even if they feel guilty, they can't earn so many credits for a lifetime of work!

As long as Mu Xue nodded his head, he could also get the quota for the beast cave.

sour, sour...

Many old students pricked up their ears, and their nerves were extremely tense. They were also afraid. Su Yu chose to participate and took one of their places.


Su Yu did not expect that Principal Situ valued himself so much, and solemnly replied: "Thank you for your love, I choose to participate in the secret realm of the Beast Cave!

The secret realm of the beast cave, once every 3 years, is a rare opportunity to improve your strength, you must seize it!

Credits or something, extras, Su Yu didn't really care.

"it is good."

"As expected of the juniors that this principal values, young people must be aggressive!

Principal Situ nodded in relief.

If Su Yu chooses 10 million credits, he will be a little disappointed.

"Headmaster, we are against it!

Suddenly, a voice sounded, it was a boy named "Zheng Xiang", a professional soldier, who was regarded as the core member of this batch of old students.

"Brother Xiang is right!"

"Yes, we have worked hard for two or three years for this opportunity, why should we give newcomers a place?"

"This Muxue is only level Iv15..."

"Please take back the chancellor!

The old students swarmed up and surrounded them with excitement.

There are a total of 80 places, with more monks and less porridge.

Now that Su Yu is given a spot, the competition between them is even more intense!

see this scene,

Principal Situ was about to say a few words, but Su Yu spoke up, he smiled, looked at Zheng Xiang and other seniors, and said with a smile: "Everyone is so opposed to it, obviously, you don't believe in the strength of your subordinates.

"Not bad. 35

The leader Zheng Xiang nodded. Su Yu has been in the limelight these days, but Zheng Xiang, a group of elite veterans, was not a man of the year.

"it is good."

Su Yu was not surprised, glanced at Zheng Xiang and other dozen senior students, and shook his head slightly: "In this case, give you 30 seconds, if you can beat me, then I will give up this secret realm... Otherwise, please ask me Bow and apologize!

A freshman has to challenge more than a dozen elite veterans.

It also startled everyone.

"Ha ha!

"Qianshan Muxue is really arrogant, brothers go up together and give this freshman a look.

Zheng Xiang laughed.

He thought in his heart that Su Yu was crazy.


The venue is empty.

Witnessed by Principal Situ, the teachers, and the elite veterans, this battle also started.

a couple of dozen,

And the opponents, all the elite veterans, Principal Situ, couldn't help but take a sigh of relief for Su Yu.

"Go ahead."

"Remember, you only have 30 seconds."

Su Yu stood at one end of the field, his clothes fluttering, his hands on his back, and he smiled lightly.

"To beat you, 3s is enough.

Zheng Xiang smiled coldly, holding a giant sword, he was the first to charge over, seeing that Su Yu didn't mean to dodge, he raised his hand to be a signboard warrior charging.

【Seven Stage Charge】!

A normal soldier's charge can only charge once, but Zheng Xiang's charge can be charged seven times in a row, and each charge can stun the target, which can be said to be very abnormal.

[Seven 647 stage charge・1st stage]!

In a blink of an eye, the first stage of the charge was made. Zheng Xiang was wearing a golden warrior suit and slammed into Su Yu. However, at this time, Su Yu burst out with dazzling rays of light, and the whole person turned into a semi-transparent state, as if a god was descending from the sky. , the body is between the virtual and the real!

【Ghost Form】!


Yes, Su Yu has opened the ghost form of the holy item [Ghost Armor], and the absolute evasion rate has been increased to 99.9%!

It is also the perfect dodge rate for Zheng Xiang's charge this time.

"I'm careless, keep rushing!

Zheng Xiang rubbed his eyes, turned around, and killed him in the second charge.

【Seven-dan charge・Second stage】!


The second stage charge is still dodged.

【Seven-dan charge・3rd stage】!


【Seven-dan charge・4th dan】!


[Seven-dan charge・5th stage]!


Charged several times in a row, without exception, all were dodged by Su Yu.

Zheng Xiang was really dumbfounded.

His charge has a built-in hit rate bonus. In the past, he was seldom dodged, but now he has been dodged five times in a row, which is also an evil sect.



After the last two charges were dodged, Zheng Xiang's expression became more solemn than ever.

"Brothers!" 9

"Qianshan Muxue, not a simple opponent, let's go together!"

Zheng Xiang said seriously.

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