National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 817 One bite at a time...  

Finally Su Yu patted these people on the shoulder.

Everyone just smiled when they heard it.

Pirate No. 1 saw a touch of emerald green in the distance, and he hurriedly told Su Yu.

"We can dock on the shore, stop for a while on a small island, and make some adjustments. 35

Listening to Pirate No. 1's words, Su Yu nodded, and to put it bluntly, he has been drifting on the ship for the past few days, but everyone gets tired of it, and Su Yu and the others are no exception.

Looking at the emerald green in the distance, Su Yu couldn't help but say happily.

"Let the people below pay attention. 35

Hearing Su Yu's words, everyone nodded, but he didn't expect Pirate No. 3 to rush over and look at Su Yu in front of him, he said nervously.

"I heard from the people in the command room that there was a school of small fish behind our boat.

At first they didn't take it seriously.

But after the story of Pan Genye spread, everyone started to be vigilant, and the appearance of the group of small fish seemed to be somewhat similar to what Pan Genye caught.

While he was reporting, Su Yu couldn't help but turn ugly, and Pan Genye was stunned.

Looking at the people beside him, Pan Genye said nervously.

"In case those fish are targeting our ship, then..."

Before Pan Genye's words were finished, the faces of those pirates were already dark, and then they stared at Pan Genye and said.

"That's what happens when you try to get him up.

"Su Yu has already persuaded you, why don't you listen?"

Those people kept asking questions.

Pan Genye glanced at them, and finally, he took out his reward, which was a strange triangle symbol.

He didn't understand the meaning of this thing, but after putting it in his hand, the thing actually merged with him, and in the next second, Pan Genye waved in the direction of the air.

A lightning bolt appeared in front of him.

Looking at this thunder and lightning, Pan Genye smiled and ran directly to the place at the stern of the boat, looking at the sea below his feet, he waved his hand without hesitation, and the thunder and lightning fell one after another.

Immediately afterwards, there was a new discovery on the radar side, and those small fish were less than half.

Everyone was overjoyed, and at this time Pan Genye was relieved, while Su Yu directed Pan Genye to continue to drive out those little fish.

Listening to Su Yu's words, Pan Genye nodded and waved his hands in that place.

After they stopped by the shore, Pan Genye's hands were almost numb, looking at Su Yu next to him, Pan Genye said helplessly.

"I really didn't expect this to happen."

While speaking, Pan Genye raised his hand tremblingly.

Listening to his words, Su Yu did not respond, but looked at the people around him and said.

"Move things down quickly, and push the boat to the shore, and try to see the situation on the boat as much as possible.

Under Su Yu's orders, they proceeded in an orderly manner. Fortunately, the strength of these pirates was not covered by their inspection this time. Soon, they pushed the ship to the shore.

Before long, Su Yu also saw the above situation.

The boat is full of tooth marks one after another, and those tooth marks should be left by those fishes.

While Su Yu was helpless, Pan Genye looked at these things with guilt on his face.

But Su Yu waved at Pan Genye.

"My main quest has a side quest, and I also have to deal with those little fish, which were sent by a giant."

His words were extraordinarily calm, without the slightest panic and nervousness, but Pan Genye's eyes widened in fright when he heard it.

"It's over, so what are we going to do this time? The boat has already gone up, should it be pushed back? And those fish should surround us, right?"

As he spoke, he raised his eyebrows while watching Su Yu.

Facing his words, Su Yu just smiled perfunctorily.

He raised Pan Genye's hand, and then let Pan Genye wave to that place.

The moment the lightning appeared, Pan Genye also understood what Su Yu meant.

Next, he may have to keep waving.

At the same time of helplessness, Pan Genye did not refuse Su Yu.

In this way, everyone stopped on the island for three days, because the island is too small and there is nothing on it, except for a bunch of green bushes, Su Yu can't find anything else in it.

The same is true for everyone. The reason why they stopped for three days was because there were too many fish. They went down rashly, and it was estimated that the boat would also be destroyed.

Seeing Pan Genye busy in that place, Su Yu suddenly laughed and said.

"Look at you, it's not just using a part of your power.

Su Yu clenched his fists and encouraged with a smile on his face, but Pan Genye couldn't smile.

His hands were almost unable to be raised. If it weren't for the fact that there were too many fish, perhaps he would have left with these people, and even completed this side mission.

His side quests are the same as Su Yu.

Although Pan Genye had no thoughts or opinions on this, he still had an indescribable melancholy in his heart. Su Yu didn't know what he was thinking, but looked at the person beside him and said.

"What kind of ability will bear what kind of responsibility."

Hearing his words, Pan Genye's face instantly became extremely solemn. If all this is Su Yu, maybe he is still as usual, chatting and laughing with other people.

But now, all the troubles are handed over to him.

Pan Genye also felt unbearable.

His 193 face was full of helplessness and melancholy.

Su Yu didn't know his thoughts, he just looked at the pirates beside him, and later, he talked to them about what happened while sailing and drifting.

The things he encountered were much more exciting than those encountered by these pirates, starting from the story of Heiyuan and then to the other people.

Su Yu talked endlessly, and the more people listened, the more excited they became.

While Pan Genye was listening, his face was also full of complexity.

He also helped, and Su Yu naturally mentioned him, but for some reason, when Su Yu mentioned him, the people next to him were all indifferent and didn't seem to have any big ideas.

Seeing those people like this, Pan Genye felt a little unhappy in his heart.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and after those fish dwindled, Su Yu simply asked them to push the boat off.

After doing this, everyone boarded the boat one after another, and Su Yu instructed Pan Genye to wave his hand beside him. Although Pan Genye had no objection, his hand was already numb.

After Pan Genye was done, Su Yu looked at the radar in front of him again.

After making sure there weren't too many small fish, he let Pan Genye rest beside him, listening to Su Yu's words, Pan Genye fell down beside him in relief.

But when the other pirates saw Pan Genye like this, they couldn't help laughing.

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