National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 822 What should I do?

Listening to the answers from the pirates, Su Yu only said in a heart-wrenching way.

"Okay, I get it, you go to rest now, but I hope you will all appear in front of me with brand-new faces tomorrow morning."

His request was very simple.

Those pirates nodded when they heard it, and patted their chests one by one, guaranteeing that they would definitely be able to complete it.

But while they were happy, one or two shrewd pirates flowed down, their faces were complicated and weird, and when their eyes fell on Su Yu, they said without hesitation.

"There seems to be something wrong."

"It stands to reason that those people do such outrageous things."

No matter what kind of leadership style they are, in fact, they will get angry, and even make a strict criticism of this matter.

But Su Yu did nothing.

These pirates couldn't understand, Su Yu also raised his hand to interrupt while they were talking.

"The people on this ship are cursed. Once they leave, they will be doomed, but God will give them a chance to come back. If they can cherish and live, they will not die."5

But if you can't seize the opportunity, then there is only death.

Su Yu's words were extremely serious.

04 When everyone heard their faces, they couldn't help but turn ugly. Finally, they covered their cheeks and wailed deeply. Su Yu didn't bother to talk to them and left here.

He began to count the things he had lost, and after counting them, he went to upgrade the cabin in front of him.

The cabin became advanced little by little under his fingers.

Those pirates realized that something was wrong, and their faces were a little more shocked.

They surrounded Su Yu, even if they wanted to ask questions, but Su Yu was indifferent and unwilling to pay attention to them.

Those pirates had no choice but to look at Su Yu with a wistful face. As time passed, Su Yu also upgraded the entire ship.

The space for the boat in front of him has grown again.

Those pirates knew, though, that it was a cursed ship.

But the comfort this ship brought them is really nothing to say.

Including, the work they are busy in this, compared with the pirates before, it is not too easy.

Those pirates also gradually calmed down, no longer thinking about how to escape from here, but down-to-earth to enjoy all this.

Su Yu didn't know these things.

Looking at his surroundings, his face was full of complexity and eccentricity.

The sea seemed calm, but Su Yu knew something must be happening.

Just as he guessed, a small boat appeared in front of him not long after sailing.

There was only one rag doll on the boat and nothing else.

Su Yu was taken aback, as were the other pirates.

After all, this ship is too weird.

There was a puddle of water beside the doll.

That trace is the appearance of a human body.

Whether it was Su Yu, or the others, their faces turned pale with fright.

And just like that, they stayed where they were.

One of the pirates pushed Su Yu's arm, and then said tremblingly.

"Could it be that the dead pirates came back?"

If so, what should they do next.

Faced with such a question, Su Yu did not answer.

But Heiyuan and several other monsters ran out in a hurry, looking at Su Yu in front of him, Heiyuan reminded him without hesitation.

"This is a big situation, and he must be pulled up."

This is not a simple monster. Once you let him slip away, the next monster will find them. At that time, they will be doomed. But when they are pulled up, they must be prepared to be targeted by this foreign monster. .

Heiyuan just said such a few short words, Su Yu's face turned black, he turned to look at Heiyuan beside him, and questioned without hesitation.

"Do you have to bring him up? Will you die if you don't?

There was some dissatisfaction in his tone.

Hearing such words, Hei Yuan couldn't help sighing softly, then lowered his voice and said.

"Of course nothing will happen, but I feel that I should keep my feet on the ground, otherwise, if I really fight with him, things will be bad. 55

While Heiyuan was talking to Su Yu, the pirates next to him listened and pushed Su Yu's arm. Their faces were anxious, and no one wanted to cause them so much trouble.

If you can solve everything in front of you in a friendly way, it is naturally the best.

While these people were thinking, Su Yu just smiled perfunctorily when he heard such words, and his face didn't necessarily show much emotional ups and downs.

"Stop doing this, let him get out of here, really brought this kind of thing up, how long do you guys live?"

Su Yu is not a game character and is not as vulnerable as they are, but the lives of these game characters are short, and Su Yu understands that they can't take the risk and can only let the monster in front of them pass.

Hearing Su Yu's words, everyone could not help frowning.

But at this time, Pan Genye came out. He pointed to his game board, and then he spoke to Su Yu seriously.

"This thing belongs to me, and I have to take it down. 35

But Su Yu was amused when he heard it, there were no such thing as a predestined monster in this world.

While he was thinking, he also came to Pan Genye's side.

"I look at your game board, what is written on it?"

Although Su Yu's tone was a bit severe, it was normal. After all, Pan Genye had also done something similar to this, but it was just a civet cat for a prince, trying his best to gain some strength.

When Pan Genye heard Su Yu's words, although he was a little dissatisfied, he still put his game panel in front of Su Yu. It didn't take long for Su Yu to read the content inside, and he was stunned for a while.

Immediately, Su Yu looked at Pan Genye next to him and sighed.

"Since he belongs to you, then you can bring him up.

But some things must be suppressed with strength, otherwise, in terms of the ability of Pan Genye, it is actually difficult to completely control all this.

After saying this, Su Yu stopped talking to Pan Genye.

When the rag doll was pulled up by Pan Genye, he seemed a little happy, and the corners of his mouth became clear.

When everyone realized it, their faces became extremely ugly, and those pirates fled one by one because they were worried that this thing would attack them.

But Pan Genye sneered disdainfully when he saw that they looked like this, and then waved in Su Yu's direction.

"Don't worry, if you have monsters, I will have them too. In the future, I will shoulder these responsibilities with you."

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