And Su Yu's face turned black in an instant, and he stabbed the ink in front of him fiercely.

The guy was injured, and also let out a painful wailing sound.

But Su Yu was unmoved, and said condescendingly.

"I hate those tricks the most~.

"Since you don't want to live, then I will fulfill you.

After saying this, Su Yu rushed over, the ink in front of him was really frightened, and the next second, Su Yu saw the game panel prompting success.

This time, his task was completed, and the ink in front of him did not dare to make trouble in front of him.

This huge dark cloud just disappeared little by little.

It seemed that all the wind and waves had subsided, but Pan Genye lay unconscious on the deck.

But everyone ignored him, and ran to Su Yu's side for the first time.

But Su Yu pointed in the direction of Pan Genye.

"Let's see how he's doing, I don't have a big problem.

There is no need for these people to be so anxious.

Su Yu pondered in her heart.

Everyone listened to his words and nodded, but when they came to Pan Genye, there was a bit of reluctance on their faces.

While checking carefully one by one, it was determined that there was no major problem with Pan Genye, and they reported to Su Yu again.

Listening to those people's words, Su Yu just waved his hand.

This time, in order to deal with the ink, he weakened more than half of his health.

At this moment, Su Yu also needs to be well cultivated. Those people saw Su Yu like this, and did not bother him, but stared at the ink in front of him and said with a complex expression.

"Wouldn't it be this monster that caused the bloodbath? If so, then I must teach him a lesson."

Everyone chatted, and the expansion plan for this ship also appeared in Su Yu's mind little by little.

After the new game mission prompt, Su Yu also knew how to expand his ship.

He has come to a wider sea.

Next, he will also encounter all kinds of enemies, after all, it is the game world, and the emphasis here is on war and nautical plans.

As long as Su Yu can complete the highest mileage of sailing, then he can become the most powerful king in this sea area. At that time, all people have to bow their heads.

And now, Su Yu just closed his eyes and fell into a drowsy sleep. After all, dealing with ink really took a lot of thought.

Even in a short period of time.

But in fact, only Su Yu knows what methods and thoughts he used to make Ink feel that he was not easy to bully.

He gritted his teeth at the time, and directly beat the ink to the point of defeat.

Later, when his strength was about to weaken, he launched a fierce attack again.

At that time, Ink no longer dared to provoke him.

Originally, Su Yu could stabilize the situation in his body by simply putting down the big sword in his hand.

But the loyalty of the ink is only half.

Su Yu had no choice but to use all his strength to give him a fatal blow.

Although this thing will not be killed by Su Yu, but the powerful deterrent force also makes Ink willing to give all loyalty.

Although Su Yu was happy about it, it took too much energy.

When he woke up, the pirates around him all had red eyes.

"What is this doing?"

There was some confusion in Su Yu's tone.

He had never seen anything as strange as these pirates.

Hearing Su Yu's words, the pirates just smiled, then spread their hands helplessly and said.

"Come and see how you are?"

"You shouldn't be a big deal, right? 35

"We've been in a coma for three days, you don't know how many of us are going to die.

shouted the impatient pirates.

Su Yu just smiled when she heard it.

When Heiyuan and several monsters walked in, Su Yu realized how serious his situation was.

Because they directly brought the ink in with a bruised face.

"We brought him to atone for you."

The speaker is Heiyuan.

Su Yu just waved his hand and said with a perfunctory expression.

"You don't have to do this.

It's kind of weird to do that.

Listening to Su Yu's words, those guys just smiled perfunctorily.

But over time, unexpected things happened.

Even if Su Yu is not so weak at the moment, in order to deal with the ink, he will appear in front of everyone with an extremely weak appearance for nearly half a month. After all, his face is pale and his lips are bloodless. This appearance symbolizes death. coming.

0.... ask for flowers ·

While those people were thinking.

Su Yu also just looked at the task in his hand.

Next, he has to deal with a strange ship.

There were a lot of living people on that boat, but there were some wicked people hidden in those living people. Su Yu had to find those wicked people when the two ships were having a banquet.

Although it was a bit difficult, Su Yu was not in a hurry to solve it.

It's just that those people felt that Su Yu was weak, but they didn't understand that Su Yu was taken away by ink because of the color on his body.

Although Ink was clear, he didn't explain it to these people. However, in the next interaction, Ink began to avoid most people and did not dare to get too close to them.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed, and Su Yu's condition has improved a lot.


On this day, it was still sunny and sunny, because there were not a few guys who made waves. In the past two weeks, they have not encountered bad weather a few times, but this time Pan Genye stood on the deck, but saw Things in the distance are getting closer.

Looking at the pirates behind him, Pan Genye couldn't help reminding him in a hurry. Hearing his voice, everyone rushed over in a hurry, and what they saw was a ship in the distance, approaching in their direction.

Looking at the ship, everyone waved a little excitedly.

"My God, someone came to us.

"Would this ship be worth looting?"

"If it is a merchant ship, then we can get a large amount of supplies."

"Yeah, I haven't experienced that kind of robbery for a long time.

For some unknown reason, after they got on Su Yu's boat, even the navigators who went back and forth in the sea, they never encountered a boat, and many people were terrified at that time.

They went to ask Su Yu at the time, but Su Yu kept avoiding answering, which also gave them a headache.

Looking at the ship in the distance, everyone was even more excited.

Hearing their words, Pan Genye couldn't help but grit his teeth.

"I've washed my hands in golden pots, and now I'm still thinking about robbery. Are there less things in our cabin for you?"

There was some dissatisfaction in his tone.

Hearing these words, everyone couldn't help but sigh softly, then looked in Su Yu's direction again, and said with a strange face.

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