National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 828 Have you ever been afraid

"Isn't it just picking someone out? You really think we can't rest assured? We can afford to play this game, and we can definitely afford to lose."

They spoke earnestly.

Su Yu just smiled perfunctorily when he heard it, but then something unexpected happened.

I saw a dummy standing on the table. Under Su Yu's attention, he peeled off all his skin and flesh, and the rest of the blood was poured into the wine glass next to him.

Watch his behavior.

Su Yu couldn't help shaking his head, thinking to himself, he's just a monster.

Even if this kind of thing is done, what can it be, it won't hurt him in the slightest.

The reason why Su Yu proposed such rules of the game was just to give them a certain influence. Now, this guy has taken this matter lightly, which has also made Su Yu dissatisfied.

Su Yu knocked on the table, staring at the monster in front of him impatiently.

"Things can't end like that. After all, there is a gap between you and us. Remember, since you have come out to endure all this, you must be prepared to be tortured by me, rather than torturing yourself. 55

He said this too seriously, those monsters turned black instantly when they heard it, and even the ragdoll couldn't help but tremble twice, you must know that he is the most arrogant existence on the boat on weekdays, basically those monsters have to avoid three points .

But now the doll is really scared.

Su Yu didn't care about these things, he just looked at the monsters in front of him, hesitated for a moment, then waved directly to them.

"Come here first, let me see what you all look like?"

The monsters heard but ignored it, and let the monster on the table approach Su Yu, who asked him to come out willingly to accept the punishment.

While everyone was thinking, the monster approached Su Yu little by little, and at this moment Su Yu also stretched out his finger and lightly tapped the other's head.

The monster originally thought that Su Yu was just looking at it. He didn't expect that the next second, Su Yu directly grabbed his head. After that, an extremely rough scene was also staged. He grabbed the monster's head and beat him.

That action was not only fast and ruthless, but also made the monster in front of him cry in pain.

In fact, it wasn't that painful, but the shadow in his heart was instantly enlarged.

Before he died, his wound was indeed in his head.

But he didn't expect that Su Yu could see through it at a glance, and kept attacking his wounds.

Looking at the person in front of him, the other party couldn't help but speak in a hurry.

"If you continue to fight, then I will definitely not let you go in the future, and if you stop now, you will lose in a while, and I will not treat you so harshly~"

Listening to his words, Su Yu just shook his head, and then looked at the distant horizon and said.

"There is no negotiation. You have lost now, and everything must be heard by me."

After leaving this sentence, the person in front of him was kicked several times by him, and his head suffered a lot of pain. Apart from his head, his heart was also greatly frustrated.

At this time, Su Yu also saw that his progress bar reached a little bit.

That is to say, next, as long as you continue to torture these monsters, it is enough to make their strong psychology weak.

While he was thinking.

The monsters in front of him had long been angered by his actions, and the woman directly threw the card on the table, and said angrily in the direction of Chao Heiyuan.

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you deal cards quickly? 35

He'd have to see if Su Yu would really be that lucky.

Facing the woman's request, Heiyuan nodded, and then put the playing cards in front of each of them again.

As time passed by, the big guys also showed their cards, but there were also one or two monsters who learned Su Yu's way and had to wait until the last moment to show their cards.

See them like this.

Su Yu didn't care either, but stared at the playing cards in his hand and said solemnly.

"But remember, once this card is revealed, what awaits you next will be absolutely doomed."

This made everyone in front of him laugh.

Under Su Yu's attention, they raised their chins and said arrogantly.

"Just because you dare to say such a thing.

"Wait until you show your cards before we show our cards. 99

Noticing Su Yu's gaze, the monsters hurriedly explained.

After all, it was the first time for them to do this kind of thing, and they were not very skilled. There was a bit of unfamiliar meaning between their actions and words, and Su Yu just smiled and nodded when he heard this, and then threw the cards in his hand. onto the table.

At this moment, everyone saw what Su Yu's card looked like, and his rank turned out to be the smallest.

At this moment, the faces of the two monsters also turned green.

And Su Yu just looked at the monsters in front of him and said.

"`~ Who will come out to suffer next?"

Facing Su Yu's question, the woman finally knocked on the table and pointed to one of the monsters.

Seeing that a woman can be in charge of all this, Su Yu also knows that this guy's status must be extraordinary. If he can directly attack him and achieve the purpose of capturing the thief first, then maybe these monsters will be led by his nose.

While Su Yu was thinking, the woman didn't know the thoughts in his heart. He only looked at his subordinates, shaking his head and sighing helplessly.

"Why are you so useless?"

The woman's tone was full of exhaustion, and those subordinates were even more stunned when they heard it.

And Su Yu just looked at the woman in front of him, and then patted the monster's body again. He was looking for the fatal wound on the monster's body.

But what he didn't know was that at the moment when he gritted his teeth, the gas in his abdomen leaked out a little bit.

It turned out that he was stabbed to death several times by someone else.

While Su Yu was thinking about it, he simply moved his hand to his stomach.

Even in the game world, the plot here is very cleverly designed.

At the moment when Su Yu started, the monster in front of him also released the things he encountered before his death.

Unexpectedly, they encountered a sea monster, and after being brutally killed by the sea monster, their souls stayed right here.

Because there is no way to let go, they have also become new monsters here.

And Su Yu just looked at it for a while, and his face became solemn.

He threw the monster in front of him to the side. Although it was torture, even a fool could see that Su Yu's attitude was a little more perfunctory, and even the monster froze in place, he looked at Su Yu After a while, he pointed to his nose and said.

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