"Don't say we will kill you."

They said while watching Su Yu and laughing.

In Su Yu's eyes, their expressions were distorted.

But now they have turned over the board and climbed in front of Su Yu. Their bodies are in a very terrifying folded appearance. In addition, their eyeballs, even if they are similar to people, but Su Yu also saw other look.

That look is to eat people, but in addition to eating people, there seems to be a bit of wanting to torture people.

"We haven't seen anyone in a long time."

Those who saw the last group also said that they were of the same kind and could not kill each other, but in fact, those words were as cheap as a joke to the sea monsters.

While those sea monsters were thinking, their eyes fell on Su Yu, and they sighed with him without hesitation.

"Twenty-three", how did you come up with the idea of ​​breaking into our territory?

"Do you want to be us, or do you want to be the food in our stomachs?"

They asked curiously, and several pirates gathered around Su Yu.

If other people encountered such a situation, they might have been frightened and turned pale and panicked, but Su Yu was not at all afraid, but looked at the sea monsters in front of him and said.

"The purpose of my coming here is very simple, that is to take you down, how about it? Do you want to consider doing it directly with me now?"

While speaking, he took out his dagger, which was sharp. The sea monsters in front of him listened to Su Yu's words as if they heard a big joke. Under Su Yu's attention, they had no idea. He rushed over hesitantly.

In addition, they kept scratching their paws.

Seeing these sea monsters look like this, Su Yu just raised his legs and kicked them on their chests. One of the sea monsters' claws was kicked down by Su Yu. His actions were both rough and vicious. The sea monster looked at it, and instantly turned pale with anger.

You must know that in the past, only they bullied others, and there was no reason for others to bully them, but now, Su Yu easily knocked them into the sea like this.

Seeing that Su Yu can do ten at a time.

And they weren't Su Yu's opponents at all.

In a trance, these sea monsters also began to be afraid, Su Yu was about to jump off the boat, but did not expect a prompt on the game panel, this boat is Su Yu's amulet, if he jumped, it would be over. .

Looking at the above prompt, Su Yu finally calmed down. He just sat on the boat like this, looking at the sea monsters in front of him with a calm face.

The calmer he was, the more panicked those sea monsters were.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"Don't kill us, what do you want, we will give you directly, gold and silver jewelry, we have it."

They said and smiled at Su Yu.

The appearance of ingratiating Su Yu also made Su Yu shake his head.

"Don't put it so nicely, you must know that the purpose of my visit here is very simple, not to take your money, but to plunder your life and make you pay for what you have done.

After saying this, Su Yu added another sentence.

"Don't forget the people you killed.

Seems to be afraid that these people can't remember.

But as soon as these words came out, the faces of these people instantly turned ugly. Under Su Yu's attention, they held their heads one by one and groaned in pain.

But Su Yu listened to those voices, but mercilessly grabbed a sea monster, and at the same time that Su Yu carried him up, Su Yu also did it.

His dagger was still white when it went in and turned red when it came out.

This is the so-called white knife in and red knife out.

The other sea monsters were dumbfounded and didn't expect Su Yu to do this kind of behavior.

Because the action was too straightforward, the monsters in front of them were frightened, and each and everyone hugged their heads and looked for their companions, but Su Yu quickly lifted them up.

The sea monsters one after another were completely eliminated by Su Yu. Originally, they wanted to struggle, but after being cut off by Su Yu, at this moment, they had nothing to do except keep crying.

Who made Su Yu move so fast.

After these sea monsters ran away, he was able to catch them back quickly. That ability is something that ordinary people don't have. It didn't take long for these sea monsters to be left.

Looking at the remaining sea monsters in front of him, Su Yu thought about it and didn't plan to kill them all, but looked at his mission progress bar 0. …

Before long, he saw a shocking number displayed on the progress bar.

This time, he actually completed more than half of the progress, that is to say, the remaining ones are about to be solved, and it is only a small grid, but these sea monsters in front of him still have to find a way to deal with them.

"Why do you want to kill people. 35

Su Yu began to question, and the sea monsters turned ugly when they heard his words.

Isn't it just right for them to harm people?

But if these words are spoken, Su Yu will definitely deal with them.

After thinking about it, the sea monster in front of him said with a tangled face again.

"We didn't do it on purpose.

"It's mainly because we saw them standing on that deck, we couldn't control it and wanted to get close to them, but we accidentally missed it."

Such an explanation sounds reasonable. When the sea monsters heard it, they immediately nodded and followed in twos and threes, but Su Yu felt amused when he heard this.

Looking at the people in front of him, he sneered unceremoniously.

"Are you stupid?

He even treated him as a fool, thinking that he was easy to deceive.

Su Yu was thinking at the same time.

These people in front of them listened, and their faces became ugly.

They opened their mouths and wanted to explain, but this time, Su Yu at 4.5 had not given them a chance.

Looking at the direction in the distance, Su Yu hesitated for a while, and then spoke directly to these sea monsters.

"If you want to live, come up first, let me think about how to keep you alive?"

He said this seriously at the time, and the sea monsters nodded immediately after hearing it, and then they climbed up in twos and threes like this.

Seeing them crawling so slowly, Su Yu couldn't help laughing, they were obviously scared, but naively believed that Su Yu would really let them go, in fact, this matter would not end so easily.

Especially since the world he is seeing has been turned upside down, the sea monsters in front of him must know what is going on, but they are unmoved and unwilling to admit all this, and there are probably other conspiracies.

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