When the tourists on the boat learned about it, they all had smiles on their faces. Originally, they stayed on their own boat and had a good life, but in fact there were some strange things on that boat. .

Everyone knows it, but no one dares to bring it up, because once it is brought up, those things may stare at them, so everyone turns a blind eye. Now, the two ships are merged together, That is to say, they only need to stay here with Su Yu.

From now on, they will not encounter those troubles and dangers again, and after the two ships merged, Su Yu also notified the pirates at the first time, saying that this matter has passed, and he reassured the pirates.

In the face of Su Yu's warning, those pirates expressed no opinion at all, they were able to accept those people again, and they were able to live a happy life with them, but the voyage on the sea was still going on, but there were already quite a few people. I want to dock temporarily.

Looking at Su Yu in front of him, Pirate No. 1 stepped forward resolutely. He expressed his thoughts. After all, he had been sailing at sea. Although the feeling was not bad, he still wanted to go to the shore for a walk.

While listening to Su Yu, his eyes became a little more calm. Looking at the nearby islands, he simply picked a larger island and said.

"Then let's go upstairs.

While speaking, he also called Pan Genye over, although the other party was a little reluctant, but looking at Su Yu in front of him, Pan Genye still showed a smile.

"I know that the merger of the two ships has brought you troubles, but you are a successful person. These troubles are just some obstacles in your life. I believe you will be able to overcome them."

As he spoke, he clenched his fists in praise.

Hearing this, Pan Genye couldn't help laughing happily, saying in his heart that he was unhappy, it was definitely false, but looking at the island in front, he couldn't help but remind him again.

"That island is written on the map, it's a ghost island, it's probably not a good idea for us to go in the past~".

"Map, why didn't I see the map?"

Su Yu was shocked by Pan Genye's words.

At this moment, Su Yu hurriedly rummaged through his backpack, but did not see the so-called map.

He froze in place, and when his eyes fell on Pan Genye, he couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

"I really didn't see those maps you were talking about. 35

What was going on, he didn't know at all.

Seeing that Su Yu was so confused, Pan Genye couldn't help covering his mouth, laughed lightly, and then explained to him.

"I recently won a title, the title of butler, so most of the places I can see here will have a small map hint."

He was the only one who had these things, and when Pan Genye said it, his face became a little more proud.

Su Yu couldn't help laughing when he heard it, then patted Pan Genye on the shoulder and said excitedly.

"My God, that's great too, but if that island doesn't work, which island do you think is better?"

As he spoke, he looked at the surrounding islands.

Faced with Su Yu's question, Pan Genye finally lowered his head and pointed in the direction Su Yu pointed at the beginning.

"That's it, although that place is called Ghost Island, it is much safer than other islands.

Hearing this, Su Yu couldn't help but laugh.

He nodded and directly asked those people to plan the route.

With the passage of time, the ship soon docked, and at this time, the crowd continued one after another. Although it was dark, but they had lights in their hands, each one had a light, that is extremely Dazzling existence.

But this place is a ghost island after all, and it might not be appropriate for them to come down at night. After hesitating, Su Yu asked them to go back again, and decided to let them explore the next day.

In the face of Su Yu's request, everyone nodded, but in a flash, it was the next day.

Unexpected things happened.

There were several unfamiliar faces on the island in front of him.

Those people's faces were filled with excitement and excitement, they seemed to be gamers, because there were no hints of those NPCs on their heads.

Su Yu just glanced at them and realized that something was wrong. The few gamers raised their legs and walked in front of Su Yu, and they said excitedly one by one.

"When we were in this game world, we accidentally overturned the boat and were washed here by the waves."

"We thought we were finished."

"I didn't expect that there is no way out of the sky. As long as we start the road of sailing, we will be able to return to the right track at the beginning.""

The few gamers looked at Su Yu and laughed while talking.

Listening to their words, Su Yu just nodded lightly, he didn't do much about this matter, and made other remarks, but he didn't expect that the few gamers in front of him would wave to Su Yu and say.

"`~ But one of our comrades was injured, I hope you can come and take a look and solve the situation on him by the way.

"Although it is very troublesome, if you don't help, there is nothing we can do."

"Yeah, please help us.

As they spoke, they watched Su Yu raise his eyebrows, and the gesture of supplication made Su Yu laugh.

He nodded and didn't reject these people, but while walking forward, Pan Genye looked at Su Yu's figure and the few gamers, and he couldn't help but say.

"You guys don't count on us.""

What Pan Genye said was very serious.

When the few gamers heard it, their faces instantly became extremely ugly.

There were guilt and panic in their eyes, but soon, these emotions were completely covered up.

"Don't worry, we won't do this."

"(It's good) Yes, how could we possibly plot against you?

"Everyone comes here to play games, we won't do such a thing, don't worry, the two of you are our idols. 35

The crowd laughed while talking.

Hearing their words, Pan Genye couldn't laugh. He always felt that something was abnormal and there must be a demon. Originally he wanted to help Su Yu, but Su Yu raised his hand and waved it gently.

Pan Genye had no choice but to stand in place.

At this time, Su Yu also followed these people and came to the grass in front, but just walked into the dragon.

A huge rope fell straight from his head, and Su Yu was quickly tied up, but he didn't panic.

Looking at the few gamers in front of him, Su Yu said helplessly.

"What you want should be blocking the road and robbery, whether you fancy my ship or the sailors above me. 35

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