National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 835 Special circumstances

Not long after walking, he saw a silver-gray figure. If he guessed correctly, it should be the wolf he was going to deal with this time!

After thinking about it, Su Yu ran over decisively, and it was a sturdy wolf, but his left leg seemed to be injured, and he was limping when walking.

But soon, Su Yu discovered that the target of this sturdy wolf was his companions.

He stood on that high place, and then made a wolf roar.

Su Yu's face became a little weirder while listening.

He involuntarily clenched his fists, and then rushed over with a solemn expression, since he was injured, he still wanted to get his companions over and deal with his people.

Then don't blame him for rushing to kill.

In just a split second, the wolf fell directly to the ground, and a reminder was added to the task progress bar.

After all, it was a wounded wolf, and Su Yu appeared as a sneak attack.

So much so that the wolf was no match for Su Yu at all, and with a click, his neck was twisted.

But his growl also attracted the attention of other wolves.

After that, those wolves began to respond one after another.

Hearing those responses, Su Yu couldn't help but grit his teeth, but at this time he found out that the wolf had a unique reward. He opened the box and found a key inside.

This if symbolized is about the ultimate pirate treasure.

If Su Yu can find the ultimate pirate's hideout, then next he can take that pirate's treasure.

This makes Su Yu excited.

But when he came back to his senses and took a closer look at his side, he found that he was surrounded by those wolves, and when he looked around, there were more than ten of them.

This time there may be big trouble.

While thinking about it, Su Yu backed away, he didn't want to fight these wolves directly.

After all, fighting directly didn't help him much.

While Su Yu was thinking, the wolves in front of him only roared at Su Yu in a low voice, they were warning Su Yu and testing Su Yu's ability.

Seeing these wolves look like this, Su Yu just smiled. He decisively rushed over, grabbed the wolf closest to him, and started directly. Because the action was too fast, it was too late for those wolves to react.

Soon, Su Yu took out three or two wolves.

Those wolves just fell into a pool of blood, and the other wolves were so frightened that they wanted to flee with their tails between their tails.

Seeing them running in such a hurry, Su Yu couldn't help but smile.

The wolf who was originally knocked to the ground by him was pitiful enough, but he didn't want Su Yu to throw the other wolves over.

Those wolves were hurt a second time.

At this moment, Su Yu killed ten wolves, but after the other wolves fell one after another, their emotions became even more excited. Under Su Yu's attention, those wolves rushed over like this.

They were trying to break Su Yu apart, after all, the combined offense was what they were best at.

At this moment, Su Yu was just watching quietly.

He was too cold.

The plans of those wolves were also disrupted in an instant, probably because they were afraid that Su Yu would have other moves.

The other people were awakened by the movement here long ago. They couldn't help rushing over in twos and threes, but they couldn't help crying when they saw the scene in front of them.

"How could such a thing happen? 35

"what on earth is it?"

Su Yu didn't answer their questions, but looked firmly at the wolves in front of him, his eyes were full of arrogance and arrogance, and there was no fear on his face at all.

When the wolves saw Su Yu like this, they were even more angry, gritted their teeth one by one, and tried to rush over to attack Su Yu.

Seeing the look on Su Yu's face, everyone couldn't help but speak.

"What happened? Explain to us!"

"Why don't we come and help!

They also try to give Su Yu some help.

Listening to their words, Su Yu waved his hand, and when the wolves rushed over, he also rushed over. In a split second, Su Yu's figure turned into a streamer and disappeared in front of them. .

After that, more and more wolves fell in front of him.

Looking at these wolves, they couldn't help laughing, and now Su Yu got more keys.

0.... ask for flowers.....

But after he closed all those keys.

Only then did Su Yu realize that his actions were extremely ridiculous. It turned out that he only got a part of the keys. If those were not complete, he needed to keep fighting monsters to get more complete keys.

And the most important thing is that the keys on each island are limited, which means that it is impossible for him to stay on this island.

After leaving the island, he will go elsewhere to find the key.

Looking at the golden key in his hand, Su Yu's eyes were full of complexity.

Saying no to cravings is absolutely false.

Because people in the entire game channel are paying attention to this matter.

"Do you know the treasure of pirates?"


"My God, I heard that was a great reward."

"If it can be taken down, it will be really developed.""

"Anyone who is more developed can become a celebrity."

"Look at my years of experience working at sea, how can I have such great prestige in this sea area. 35

"These people who work at sea come to this game, not that they are really invincible."

The comments kept popping up, Su Yu didn't look carefully, but looked at the key in his hand quietly.

He was too calm, he wasn't even a little bit happy or even excited because of these things, and he didn't even want to share his thoughts. The people around him saw Su Yu's indifference and couldn't help but speak.

"Seriously, these wolves have been solved by you like this, and you are too capable.

"Yeah, we haven't seen anyone like you."

While they were talking, they were complimenting, and the reason why they kept touting was just to hope that Su Yu would be happier.

Seeing these people look like this, Su Yu just shook his head slightly, he put away his keys very indifferently, and said while looking at the things in front of him.

"It's all over, there's no need to mention it again, just go back to rest.

Listening to Su Yu's words, everyone nodded.

In this regard, they have no opinion, just like this, everyone left in twos and threes.

Not long after they left, Su Yu took the key in his hand again and walked in another direction.

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