National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 848 Benefits and Risks Coexist

There was tension and helplessness on their faces. Although they were posting a bullet screen, they felt that they were facing the difficulties in front of them together with Su Yu.

Looking at these barrages, Su Yu finally shook his head and said calmly.

"No, that great white shark hasn't launched an attack, so it shouldn't have much lethality."

As long as you don't provoke him, things should be fine.

Su Yu's idea is good, but while the ocean is rolling, his boat is also rising and falling, and no one can determine the route of the great white shark's swimming and whether it will collide with his boat.

Once they collided, it was not the same as angering the great white shark, it was just a momentary effort, and the dramatic thing was staged like this.

Pan Genye was still at a calm stage. Seeing Su Yu directly fighting with the great white shark, Pan Genye was stunned for a while, and then spoke to Su Yu.

"How are you over there? Why do I feel that something is not right? What happened to that great white shark? You might as well tell me carefully.

While talking, Pan Genye carefully explored.

Facing his question, Su Yu just smiled perfunctorily.

This great white shark was indeed scary, but Su Yu had already threw the big net in his hand.

Of course, this big net is not a reward that everyone sees, but a net created by Su Yu using his fishing line to constantly outline the tangled back and forth.

Of course, it was impossible for Su Yu to say this.

Once informed, those people will know that Su Yu is anxious.

Now, looking at the big fish in front of him, Su Yu's eyes are also a little more excited.

In this way, he forcibly pulled the big fish up.

At that moment, the big fish also fluttered in front of Su Yu, and after that, he made strange calls, and hearing those calls, Su Yu's face became complicated.

He seems to have caught the wrong fish.

Should have caught the great white shark.

After hesitating for a moment, Su Yu hurriedly threw down his big net.

When the big net was thrown down, he didn't want the fish to escape at all, but instead was swallowed by the great white shark. At this time, Su Yu pulled his fishing rod with all his strength, and the fishing rod was so tight that it was about to break. state.

Su Yu was also nervous in his heart, but he knew that there was only success and no mistakes, so he just gritted his teeth and kept pulling upwards. Fortunately, the great white shark was finally pulled up by him, but the great white shark was able to set off a storm Blood waves are not fake either.

He was just flicking his tail, but he didn't want a few more gusts of wind next to him, and the waves came over one after another. The waves were more than ten meters high, and Su Yu was so frightened that he hurriedly changed the sailing direction of the big ship.

Even if he avoided it, when the waves hit Su Yu's big boat, Su Yu could still feel that his feet swayed, as if his whole body was about to split in the next second.

At this moment, he realized that something was wrong.

Although the great white shark in front of him was caught by Su Yu, he opened his mouth and made a whining sound in the direction of Su Yu. Hearing those sounds, Su Yu had a headache and could only speak to him. .

"I didn't mean to, you have to understand me~〃


After saying this, Su Yu stopped paying attention to the great white shark in front of him, and he acted extremely calm.

But the great white shark didn't care at all, and under Su Yu's attention, he kept roaring.

At this moment, Su Yu just watched the great white shark quietly.

After a while, he threw his fist on the belly of the great white shark again.

Soon, the great white shark was easily solved by Su Yu, and the task was successfully completed.

Everyone couldn't help shouting excitedly, although this time Su Yu was a little easier, but everyone also saw how powerful his ability was.

Pan Genye was also stunned beside him, thinking is it really that simple?

Even if he couldn't believe it, Pan Genye was not too entangled. He only looked in the direction of Su Yu and said with a strange expression.

"Speaking of which, do you think the damage caused by this great white shark is small or large?"

"I can't tell.

Su Yu shook his head and opened the treasure chest.

He didn't care about Pan Genye.

But he did not expect that the moment the treasure box was opened.

He actually saw a bigger great white shark.

At this time, some words appeared on the public screen of the game. It turned out that Su Yu, a gamer, got the big white shark, the elder brother of the great white shark.

Looking at such a prompt, Su Yu's eyes were only confused.

After that, he put the great white shark under his feet, but he didn't expect this guy to speak to him directly.

"I can help you get rid of the others.

There was excitement and madness in his tone.

When he came back to his senses, Su Yu understood what this meant, and hurriedly shook his head to refuse.

His refusal made Jaws a little angry.

"`~ You're too hateful, aren't you? How can you do this, I'm willing to help you, this is what you can't ask for..."

Before the great white shark could finish speaking, Su Yu rolled his eyes and said impatiently.

"Shut up, if you don't want to die, just lie beside me quietly. 35

Listening to Su Yu's words, the big white shark nodded, and the people in the live broadcast room couldn't help laughing. Only Pan Genye looked at Su Yu's direction worriedly, if Su Yu really wanted to take action against him. He, now is the best time.

And characters like Pan Genye, even if Su Yu solved it in this way, those gamers wouldn't think it was too much.

But Su Yu didn't do this, but opened the next task. He knew that this great white shark was definitely not used to deal with the gamers next to him, and there were definitely other uses. As he guessed, he had to pass a Weird glacier.

In that place, he is likely to hit the rocks.

Once it hits the rocks, the ship sank (good enough) and he would freeze to death.

This is not what Su Yu wants to see.

Looking at the great white shark beside him, Su Yu opened his attribute panel, only to find that he has a bottomless stomach.

Does that mean you can do weird things.

While thinking about it, Su Yu patted the great white shark on the shoulder excitedly.

The other party did not understand Su Yu's mind.

The other people seemed to see Su Yu's thoughts at a glance, and they did not hesitate to tell Su Yu that he was handsome.

"You'd better be careful."

"We felt something was wrong with this guy. 95

"Yeah, in case you go too far and the big white shark in front of you bites you in turn, then things will be bad."

"Su Yu has always been the hottest."

Suddenly someone started to shout these barrages, Su Yu glanced at it, then laughed, and then patiently waited for the glacier to appear.

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