But he didn't want him to be so indifferent, and speaking so directly, it also made those self-righteous people lose their faces in an instant.

Under Su Yu's attention, a large number of gamers who came to visit him also disappeared, and they left quickly in their own boats.

But the great white shark knew Su Yu as a human being. Looking at those people who left quickly, he kept turning up all kinds of huge waves. Those people's boats were either overturned or flooded.

Their faces became extremely ugly.

Looking at Su Yu's direction, those people couldn't help shouting anxiously.

"Aren't you going too far?"

There was impatience and disgust in their tone.

Hearing such words, Su Yu smiled perfunctoryly.

"What does this have to do with me? It was done by the great white shark. If you have the ability, you can punish him. It's no use telling me these words. After all, he is also a game setting character with his own ideas. What do you want to do? , I have no contact with it ~.

He was extremely indifferent.

When those few people saw Su Yu like this, they turned pale with anger.

Although they hated in their hearts, they sneered and said to Su Yu-.

"you are vicious."

After dropping these three words, they left directly.

Seeing them walking away from him, Su Yu also turned his head and glanced at the guy beside him.

"Don't do such a thing next time, or they'll kill you."

Su Yu was telling the truth, and the big white shark only nodded slightly when he heard it.

Although he heard it, when his eyes fell into the distance, he couldn't help but lower his voice and talk to Su Yu.

"I always feel that those guys are not so easy to deal with, and they will definitely come back in a while."

The great white shark had a look of caution and nervousness on his face.

Su Yu ignored him, just looked at the game panel in front of him, and soon a new task came out, and this time, what he had to do was very simple.

That is to continue sailing and reach the next island, but before reaching that island, he will encounter all kinds of dangers and troubles.

In addition to these dangers, after Su Yu arrived at the island, he was able to get a map, which was related to the treasure.

Once the map is in hand, Su Yu can take off in place.

Seeing these prompts, Su Yu couldn't help smirking. Later, when he saw line after line of barrage floating past, he suddenly realized that he hadn't turned off the live broadcast yet.

A whole bunch of people were watching Su Yu giggling.

"What happened?"

There was curiosity and puzzlement in the voices of those people.

Faced with these questions, Su Yu just smiled perfunctorily.

He behaved extremely indifferently, and did not share what he saw at the moment, but said solemnly.

"We are going to officially set off next, if you want to continue watching the live broadcast, then wait for the next chance to see you again.

After he finished speaking, he closed it directly, his attitude was extremely rude, Pan Genye saw that Su Yu was like this, he hesitated for a while, and he directly talked to Su Yu.

"I want to sail alone by myself."

In the face of such a request, Su Yu also nodded, and then crossed the name of Pan Genye from the crew. After crossing it out, soon, Pan Genye had a boat of his own.

But the boat is not too small, at least the size is enough to allow 30 people to move freely in it.

While Pan Genye passed by, he looked at the people on Su Yu's boat with a complicated expression on his face, and then he waved to them and said.

"come over."

But Su Yu glanced at him, but whispered something to the people around him, no one knew what Su Yu said, after that, things were moved one after another, looking at the things in front of him, There was only confusion on Pan Genye's face.

"What is this doing? 99

Pan Genye couldn't understand, and Su Yu just smiled perfunctorily when he heard what he said. After that, when those people finished moving things, Su Yu spoke to Pan Genye.

"After all, you have also done a lot of work with us, and your sacrifices are obvious to all. Now you have to do it alone, and we also wish you more and more courage on this road.

Su Yu clenched his fists and said to Pan Genye with a smile on his face.

Hearing such words, Pan Genye couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and then said with a complicated expression.

"Don't worry, I will definitely."

After he finished speaking, he ignored the crowd, because of the attitude of those pirates, Pan Genye also saw it, but he just didn't want to follow him on an adventure outside. Su Yu's big ship was really good and could give them a comfortable life.

0.... ask for flowers ·

But Pan Genye knew in his heart that what he wanted to pursue was only the blood of a single man.

If you really want to follow Su Yu all the time, even inconspicuous, then it is better to choose to come out alone.

But this kind of thinking is still a bit too naive. He has experienced too few things now, and has too few skills. Even if he really runs out, even if he has done a great job, he will definitely pay an unimaginable hardship. .

Pan Genye didn't know that after splitting the ship, he also saw some new prompts appear on his task panel.

And Su Yu just looked at Pan Genye and shook his head.

"This time, I just hope he won't regret it.

After that, Su Yu began to change the sailing route. As time passed, he and Pan Genye parted ways, because Pan Genye was going to another island to get one thing, and after taking that thing, he could do other things. thing.

It's just that he is the only one on this ship, no matter what he is doing, Pan Genye seems extremely embarrassed.

In the end, Pan Genye could only look at those game characters and forcibly pull them onto his boat.

They don't have any skills, they are just ordinary fishermen, not as delicate as Su Yu thought when he brought the pirates to the boat.

When Su Yu brought the pirates to the ship, he carefully selected everyone's areas of expertise, and finally, Su Yu let them stay.

Those who have no special skills, or are not good at sailing, Su Yu will be eliminated at the first time.

Pan Genye forgot this important point, looking at the five people in front of him, his face became a little more excited, but the five people standing in front of him shook their heads with forced smiles.

They don't want to deal with the roots.

But Pan Genye doesn't care, just let them do what they say.

His request is very simple, that is, let these people work well.

Listening to Pan Genye's words, everyone nodded.

After that, they started to operate randomly. Originally, Pan Genye was not far from the island, but because of the mischief of these game characters, it was directly deviated by more than half a billion.

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