National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 852 The Rotten Treasure Chest

But everyone has ambitions, and Pan Genye is no exception.

When Su Yu was holding the treasure map, he didn't think about so many things, he just wanted to complete the task of this game world first.

With the treasure map in his hand, Su Yu can see too much.

On the sailing route, he encountered a strange fish, the fish could speak human language, and he knew how to show Su Yu the way, listening to the fish, Su Yu nodded lightly.

Heiyuan came out, and when his eyes fell on the fish, he did not hesitate to talk to Su Yu.

"Since you met him, it means that this time you really want to complete the game."

Heiyuan's tone was full of exhaustion and heaviness. Su Yu still didn't understand what he meant. He just took a few photos and videos of the fish in front of him and prepared to post them on social media for others to see. talking fish.

Although in the game world, it is not surprising that this kind of game character can talk, but this fish can not only talk, but also sing, and he is also proficient in human nature, and the most ridiculous thing is that he is extraordinarily good-looking.

Su Yu said that he didn't like it, which is absolutely false, and 04 Heiyuan's words now also made Su Yu feel confused, he glanced at Heiyuan, and finally patted the other party's shoulder and said.

"Don't worry, I will definitely come back when I have a chance in the future. It's just that the purpose of playing the game itself is to clear the level. I heard that after this level is over, it will be an interstellar level."

As he spoke, he looked at the direction above his head with yearning on his face. Heiyuan heard such words, but he didn't know what to do, so he could only lower his head.

In fact, whether it is Heiyuan or those pirates.

They all wanted to follow behind Su Yu.

People with leadership like Su Yu may be the ones they should follow in this life, they thought in their hearts, but such words are hard to describe and may surprise Su Yu.

While they were thinking in their hearts, they also looked in the distance one by one. After the fish left, Su Yu also decisively posted on social media, but unexpectedly a lot of comments came in instantly.

Su Yu picked out a few and found out that he encountered the so-called Jinli, but why is this koi different from what he remembered?

In his impression, those koi are golden, how come this koi is pink?

Su Yu thought and shook her head, she really couldn't understand.

Seeing the look on Su Yu's face, everyone couldn't help but talk to him.

"You still don't understand, the symbol of the appearance of that fish."

"I'll tell you, we've met this fish before, but he never paid attention to us, and once he's chosen, it's basically a lot of luck."

"Yeah, you don't know the unspoken rules here.""

This made Su Yu feel strange.

How could these pirates know so well.

While Su Yu was thinking about it, the pirates began to lament the power of this koi again.

Su Yu's eyes were full of complexity while listening.

It turned out that this koi can double the luck of everyone. Next, no matter what to draw, or what troubles and dangers encountered in the process of sailing.

The injuries he has suffered, including the things he has encountered, will be reduced in thousands of ways, and those things will hardly cause him any impact.

In addition to these, he was also a proper Ou Huang during the lottery process. Hearing that this kind of bug would last for three months, Su Yu was stunned while listening.

Looking at the fish in the distance, he couldn't help but say with a smile.

"Why don't you come back and continue chatting with me for a while. 35

As Su Yu said, he waved to the koi. Anyway, the koi liked him very much, so it's better to stay on his boat.

But Su Yu didn't expect that when the koi heard Su Yu's words, he flicked his tail without hesitation, and then left in front of Su Yu, as if to tell Su Yu not to be too greedy.

Although Su Yu was happy, he couldn't help but started the live broadcast, wanting to share the joy of this time with everyone, and at the same time let them take a look at the unopened things in his treasure chest.

The live broadcast just opened, and a lot of people rushed in, all of them wanting to rub Su Yu's European energy. Looking at these things, Su Yu just smiled, and then opened one of the treasure chests.

Amid everyone's attention, Su Yu said very seriously.

"I got this treasure chest in the dinosaur world. I don't know what is in it. Anyway, after I got it, I didn't think about it, because the influence of the dinosaur world on me was quite big."

At that time, Su Yu thought that he had changed the world, but he did not expect that he was also a torrent of fate.

At that time, Su Yu looked like he had completed the task, but in fact he couldn't tell the pain and helplessness in his heart, so the treasure chest was also stranded by him.

When those players heard Su Yu's words, their eyes suddenly turned red, knowing that in the dinosaur world, no matter how hard they tried, they could only complete the first third of the progress, and they couldn't complete the rest at all.

Now, listening to Su Yu's words, they all turned pale with anger.

"Are you too arrogant?"

"How can you talk like this, 217 Even if the dinosaur world has brought you a bad influence, you can't just throw away those treasure chests! 99

"You don't want these treasure chests, we still want them."

These barrages are very dazzling, Su Yu glanced at it, suddenly laughed, and then said with a solemn expression.

"Seriously, I really want to throw away this treasure chest, but I can't give it to you, otherwise I will definitely give it to you at a high price."

He's telling the truth, because the plots in those game worlds really affect one's experience, so Su Yu doesn't want to reminisce on these things.

His thoughts were indeed different from those of others.

Listening to Su Yu's words, those people couldn't help laughing, and after that, they shook their heads and couldn't help Su Yu.

At this moment, Su Yu just said solemnly.

"I don't know what will be out this time, it should be a small dinosaur egg! 35

But just as he said his words, there was a flash of light in front of him. Under Su Yu's attention, a strange thing appeared with three lines of characters on it. Su Yu looked at it line by line, and finally fell into silence.

The first reward is that Su Yu gets a full-game realmless control.

The second reward is that Su Yu gets a strange item that allows him to survive at critical moments, regardless of conditions and scenarios.

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