National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 861 They Can't Open That Top Treasure Chest

After Su Yu also decisively opened the live broadcast, a large number of people poured in. It turned out that this upgrade directly pushed the time to 20 years later. May not be as capable anymore.

Looking at the pirates in front of him, hahaha laughed. He didn't expect that they would be decadent for so long after he left. Although Su Yu was helpless, he still walked in front of them non-stop.

"Are some of Heiyuan still there?

Faced with Su Yu's question, everyone's faces suddenly became extremely ugly, and then they all shook their heads in a trance, stared at Su Yu carefully and looked at it, and determined that the person who appeared in front of them was Su Yu.

They also burst into tears of joy, and seeing them weep directly, Su Yu's face gradually became solemn.

"It's too strange for you to be "220"? Why are you crying?"

He couldn't understand, but these pirates faced Su Yu's question, but did not answer, but in Su Yu's attention, one by one said emotionally close to collapse.

"Do you know how long we've been waiting for you here?"

"I thought I couldn't wait. Several pirates have already left, and they were recovered by the system because they were unhappy. They were Pirate No. 13 and Pirate No. 26. 99

"We thought we would also be recovered, but now it seems that we are lucky, and we don't know if the 13th and 26th pirates will be able to come back. 55

"If only I could come back."

These guys kept talking, Su Yu thought about it and simply patted their shoulders and said with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, they will definitely come back. Next, we will find a way to expand our big boat and go fishing for those fish."

This time, the game task panel was full of various tasks, and Su Yu couldn't help laughing just by looking at it.

When everyone listened to Su Yu's words, they all nodded lightly, their faces full of approval.

In this way, they followed Su Yu to stand on the deck and returned to this height, which naturally gave people a pleasant feeling, when he found a city and stepped aside.

It was only then that Su Yu found out that the game upgrade this time is not only the expansion of the sea area, but also the fact that there are so many occupations and characters in it, whether it is those game characters or some important key characters in the plot.

While those characters increased, the plot also expanded a lot. Su Yu just glanced at it, and his face became extremely ugly.

"There's so much drama, it's surprising.

At the same time as he was talking, the big ship was also leaning on the shore. The city was not big at first, and now the big ship was about to top half the city, so that many people noticed the movement and ran away in a hurry. come over.

Looking at those people, Su Yu smiled, and then looked at the live broadcast again and said indifferently.

"This time we go to a fishing competition and see who can catch a good fish first.

After saying this, he left the boat.

Afterwards, under the gazes of those people, Su Yu began to ask helplessly.

"Where's the fishing competition?

Hearing Su Yu's question, and looking at the pirates following him, everyone couldn't help laughing, and then they said happily.

"The fishing competition is in the front, let's take you there!

"Is this ship your own? It looks really good."

"Yeah, we've never seen a boat like this before. 35

Everyone started talking excitedly, and Su Yu couldn't help but smile when he heard those words.

After that, Su Yu looked in another direction.

There was thoughtfulness and sophistication on his face.

There actually appeared several familiar figures, those kings of krypton gold in the game world. When Su Yu saw them, the group of people naturally noticed Su Yu.

Their faces are full of sophistication and eccentricity.

"How will you be here?

"You're also in this game world?

While they were surprised, Su Yu just shook his head, and then pointed to the ground under his feet.

"What are you doing in this city?"

"Open the supermarket and complete the game tasks.

The few krypton gold bigwigs replied reluctantly, to be honest, let them bend over to this place and do the things they are reluctant to do. This is a kind of torture for them, but the situation has already happened, Now they have no choice.

While thinking about it, these kryptonite bigwigs looked at Su Yu in front of them and said with puzzled faces...

"What about you? What are you doing?"

"You look so strange. 99

"Could it be that you came here to complete the mission? But there's nothing fun in this place, right?

They couldn't open that kind of top treasure chest, and they felt that Su Yu was here and wasted as much time as they did, but facing these people's questions, Su Yu didn't answer them.

As long as the corresponding task is completed, everyone has a chance to draw a top treasure chest, and no one knows what will be opened in it, but it is a good thing in general, otherwise how can it be called a top treasure chest.

When Su Yu found out, his face also got a little more smile, and then he ran to the side of the fishing competition, looking at the people sitting there, he also found a bench and fishing rod, in the eyes of everyone , Su Yu fished quietly like this.

Because there is no time limit for the competition, as long as you can catch good fish, you will be considered a winner.

In the face of such rules, Su Yu's heart is somewhat indescribably complicated. To be honest, he has played so many games, but he has never seen a game that stipulates these things like it does now.

In any case, it should be synchronized action.

Although he thought so in his heart, he was not particularly impatient, but waited patiently, and the fishing rod soon shook.

But just as his fishing rod was shaking, the person next to him glanced at Su Yu, and then said without hesitation.

"You're kind of funny looking at 4.5.

"Yeah! It's unrealistic to catch a fish not long after we arrived. Look at how many fish we all caught."

"That's right, even if we can't catch good fish, we can still get points based on the type of fish we have. As long as we have enough points, we can win the first place. 99

"Look at that is the standings.

The crowd chattered non-stop.

Su Yu listened to their words, looked up in the direction of the standings, and finally nodded slightly. He understood what these people meant, but he was just expressing to him that no matter how hard he tried, he was no match for these people.

Even he couldn't keep up with the fractions of these people, but Su Yu didn't care, and pulled the fishing rod on his own.

Not long after, a big fish appeared.

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