National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 874 Another interesting level

For him, time is life now, he has to seize the opportunity and can't let those people come to the tenth level, otherwise they can control the next levels, and even with his clearance, they may become their oppressors. Tool of.

While thinking about it in his heart, fortunately, Su Yu also came to the 11th level. In this level, all he saw was a lot of strange bubbles, but hidden under the bubbles was a white shark .

Looking at the white shark, Su Yu couldn't help frowning.

You must know that this kind of shark is the most vicious, and they can often engulf people invisible. Although Su Yu was frightened, he took out his weapon very calmly, and then launched an attack on the shark in front of him. attack.

As time passed, these sharks were quickly solved by him. In the blink of an eye, he also reached the 15th level. Although the previous levels were a bit more difficult, he was able to deal with them.

But for some reason, at the 15th level, Su Yu suddenly got stuck, as if the trouble in front of him could not be solved, because the strong monsters that appeared in front of him were one after another.

Those monsters roared at him, and when he looked around, there seemed to be hundreds of them, and now, looking at these things, Su Yu felt unspeakable nervousness in his heart.

Although there was fear in his heart, Su Yu quickly calmed down, and then took the weapon in his hand and attacked the monsters in front of him. His movements were fast enough.

Those monsters were not Su Yu's opponents at all, and soon, they were knocked to the ground by Su Yu.

Seeing them like this, Su Yu couldn't help but sneered. After that, he successfully cleared the level. As a result, just after level 16, Su Yu found that the difficulty had changed. If he guessed correctly, some players should have reached the tenth level.

After all, he also spent a lot of time and thought on this journey. After hesitating for a moment, he also took out the immediate clearance card that he opened when he first opened the treasure chest.

Looking at the card, Su Yu used it without hesitation.

After using it, he also came to the end of level 30, where Su Yu saw the prompt that he had successfully cleared the level.

Sure enough, as he guessed, those gamers were in the tenth level, and they wanted to torture Su Yu severely. Unexpectedly, while torturing Su Yu, the people who were still clearing the level were one after another. Come to the tenth level.

And now, instead of being tortured by them, Su Yu retreated, on the contrary, he used an item card and passed the level directly.

Immediately, everyone's faces became extremely ugly. When they realized that something was wrong, they also saw a countdown at their feet. Looking at this thing, everyone frowned.

"What does this mean? Why can't we see it?"

"That's too weird, isn't it?

While talking, they shook their heads, obviously not understanding all of this, and Su Yu only smiled lightly when he heard their question, and then said condescendingly.

"This means starting from the beginning. You guys didn't seize the opportunity and let me pass the level successfully. Now you have to start over. Remember, whoever reaches the tenth level first? Whoever has the priority to go down. a hurdle."

These levels are really crazy enough. Although Su Yu has not experienced the latter levels, but with the tenth level, he feels that there is no need to experience those levels that he has not experienced.

While thinking about it, he also closed his eyes gently and glanced at the direction behind him. There, he saw one planet after another. In addition to the planet, there were also spaceships flying around the planet.

Looking at the spaceships, Su Yu couldn't help but smile, then waved in their direction.

It didn't take long for a spaceship to come to him, and Su Yu jumped up (aeef) with joy on his face, and then, looking at the game characters inside, he said excitedly.

"How long have you been here?"

Listening to Su Yu's words, those game characters could not help frowning, and then shook their heads in twos and threes.

"We've been here long enough to forget how we got here?

"You don't ask these questions anymore."

"Yeah, we haven't seen an outsider like you for a long time, tell me about your situation, where did you come from? Where do you want to settle? 35

Once these game characters started talking, they directly pulled Su Yu and chatted non-stop. Listening to their questions, Su Yu just smiled lightly, and then said perfunctorily.

"It doesn't matter where it came from, what matters is that you people have nothing useful to say other than these questions?

In the face of Su Yu's question, those game characters couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then told Su Yu all the information they knew.

At this time, Su Yu knew that although this game passed the novice village in front, but later, if he wants to have his own territory, he must first expand his territory like a real warrior.

While expanding the territory, he has to collect all kinds of materials.

Those materials can be bought with money, but some of the materials are priceless, and he has to find them himself before he can get them.

Listening to the reminders of the game characters, Su Yu also nodded slightly, indicating that there is no problem.

He can accept and even understand these things, but the other gamers probably can't stand it.

Who made him get a lot of game coins when he opened the treasure box just now, looking at those game coins, Su Yu also began to ask, how many game coins these people have to be considered real wealthy businessmen.

In the face of Su Yu's question, those gamers couldn't help laughing slightly, and they said very calmly under Su Yu's attention.

"Don't think about so many complicated things, those real rich businessmen are not something we can catch up with, it's a good thing that you have such game currency now, because you can cross too many classes, although not rich, but you can catch up .

Hearing this, Su Yu couldn't help laughing happily, but he was not particularly excited. Instead, he looked at the spaceship in front of him and asked himself where he was going next, knowing that these game characters were often the most critical.

Most people will choose to ignore them, but Su Yu knows that these characters can often help themselves that ordinary people cannot.

If that's the case, then he doesn't have to panic about this matter.

Soon, these game characters gave him hints, even though Su Yu didn't seem to have anything now, he didn't even get the most basic hints he should get.

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