National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 905 Crossing the river to draw the board is a routine operation

Those other gamers don't know what's going on on Su Yu's side yet.

But they have regarded Qin Mingtian as a lifelong public enemy.

Who made Qin Mingtian so arrogant and presumptuous? Treat these guys directly as human beings.

At this moment, those gamers only want to take revenge on Qin Mingtian.

But now, Su Yu held his head and looked at the half-blooded bar in his heart. He was very frightened, but he was not afraid. Instead, he looked at the gray paw in front of him, which was too huge. , able to cover - half of the sky.

When Su Yu was frightened in his heart, there was something unspeakable - complicated.

Knowing that it would develop to this point, should he have calmed down a bit? Instead of rashly releasing this thing?

Su Yu was helpless, and finally silently put all the sins on Qin Mingtian's head. If Qin Mingtian had not cut off those chains, leaving him nowhere to go, how could he have come to this point?

Thinking of these things, Su Yu also fell into silence, instead of rushing to deal with the mythical beast in front of him.

The two of them presented a very clear confrontation like this, neither Su Yu nor the divine beast made another move.

Finally, the beast took the initiative to speak.

"Why did you let me out? 35'

There was some contempt in the divine beast's tone.

Hearing such a question, Su Yu didn't have time to answer.

The other party spoke again.

"I've been hungry for a long time, and it happened that you brought it to me, so let's use it as food."

After speaking, he opened his mouth, and immediately, the grass and soil around Su Yu were blown up by the strong wind.

After that, the soil and grass were just like this, swallowed by the divine beast.

But the beast also found that Su Yu was not blown over by him, and immediately clenched his teeth angrily.

"What do you mean by that?"

The Divine Beast's tone was full of impatience. Facing his questioning, Su Yu took a dig from his backpack, and finally took out a few magic weapons, and while they threw them down one after another, there was also the sound of chewing from the Divine Beast.

At this time, Su Yu also opened an extremely mysterious box.

That box is destined to be a wishing box, that is, Su Yu, as long as you can make a wish that this box can fulfill, then this box can give Su Yu what he wants.

After making the wish, Su Yu opened the box.

Inside were two pills, one pink and one red.

He just needs to throw the pink one down and let the beast eat it.

While thinking about it, Su Yu also spoke to the beast.

"Mouth open, I'm jumping down now."

After saying this, he swallowed the red pill, and then jumped down with the pink pill.

His movements are extremely fast.

The beast felt Su Yu's sincerity and couldn't help but laugh.

"Very well, I like a happy person like you.

The divine gift was telling the truth, but Su Yu ignored him, closed his eyes, and silently felt everything around him, he threw the pink pill into the mouth of the divine beast, but he himself was shaking in the air. half a day.

In the end, Su Yu fell on the platform next to him.

There are a lot of gravel on it. If he hadn't discovered it in time, he might have really fallen into the belly of the beast.

Now, lying on top of it, Su Yu also heard another voice.

The connection between him and the beast was successful.

Since the binding was successful, then the divine beast had to listen to him.

"If I die, you will die too. The pill I gave you just now is destined to make us inseparable. 35

Su Yu's words were extremely serious.

The divine beast also heard that voice, and it was hard to believe that Su Yu would use such a method to plot against himself. He was so angry that his face turned pale and kept howling, and now, under Su Yu's attention, the divine beast kept flapping around.

Soon, the dirt and dust flew up like this, but Su Yu was not afraid, but ducked aside.

Just dodging, the beast laughed excitedly.

"Since the two of us live and die together, now it's time for you to pay the price, don't even think about living, neither do I, we both die together.

This guy is crazy.

Even in the gaming world, Su Yu has never seen anyone like him.

While he was helpless in his heart, he was also dodging in a panic.

Even though the movements were quick, the divine beast was not a vegetarian, and Su Yu was stopped by the divine beast after just three or two strokes.

0.... ask for flowers ·

"Still die!"

The divine beast has already climbed to the ground, Su Yu is like an ant in front of him, the divine beast is like a high mountain, condescending, staring at Su Yu at the moment, it brings more than strong suffocation and oppression to Su Yu. .

More is still irreversible.

If he really wants to go back to Novice Village, wouldn't everything he did next, including the things he saw along the way, become a joke?

There must be a lot of people who want to see his jokes, but there must be people who don't want to see his jokes.

Rather than suffer in pain, it is better to let the divine beast in front of him let him go. In a word, the connection between the two of them is not so embarrassing, but the divine beast has always placed himself in the highest position. .

In the cognition of the beast, except for those who can defeat him, other people are not worthy of talking in front of him, or even have a foothold.

While thinking about it, the beast looked at Su Yu quietly, he was about to kill Su Yu, but Su Yu's next words made him laugh.

"You've been there for so long, and now you're dead when you come out, what does that mean to you? Why can't you just look away as a human being?"

There was curiosity and confusion on his face.

Hearing these questions, the beast was stunned for a while, and finally realized that he had heard something, looked at Su Yu in front of him again, and said with a complex face.

"You are really interesting, you can say anything.

It is indeed good to live, but in his current state, if he wants to live in this place, seriously, he will threaten the interests of too many people, and even the game world will eradicate him.

It's not dead by then, and since that's the case, it's okay to die with Su Yu.

While the beast was thinking, Su Yu couldn't help laughing when he heard his words.

"It doesn't matter what you said, anyway, you don't care about it yourself, then I'll go back to the novice village and start over again if it's a big deal. These don't affect me much. 99

That's the way it is, but he doesn't want to be criticized by the outside world, so he is willing to lower his face and negotiate with the beast in front of him, and he doesn't want to return to the novice village so quickly.

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