National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 91 You put this card bug aside, congratulations to Hanzo! (Subscribe)

Take a long breath.

The idiots of the Peacock Country have been killed, and for the time being, no one will pay attention to Su Yu,

But among other players, the volume is still very intense.

【Arctic Blizzard】!


Su Yu saw a player, facing a siege of several people, made a blizzard, and the blizzard was fluttering and moving as the player moved.

It was a moving blizzard.

"Elementary school girl?"

Su Yu smiled,

He and Liu Junyao were in the same class, but the whole freshman year, he was honored as a senior, and all freshman students were just juniors and juniors in his eyes.


A flash came forward, Su Yu raised his hand, and released a sword slash, causing casualties everywhere!

"Xue Da, did you recognize me?

Liu Junyao said in surprise.


Su Yu nodded and moved the blizzard, which is Liu Junyao's signature.

While speaking, Su Yu raised his hand, and a frosty aura emerged.


The frost turned into ice cubes and instantly enveloped the two of them.


Liu Junyao's little face is a little confused, what is it, the senior actually came up to freeze her, and even freeze himself, deep in the ice, the two cannot move, isn't it a living target?


Some players noticed the frozen two people, leaned up, and started to fight directly.

Click, click, click...




For a while, the operation was as fierce as a tiger, but in the end, it was zero damage.

The attacking player was stunned.

I tried my best to eat, but I couldn't beat the ice cubes!

This Scarlet Arena is a knockout match, as long as Qianshan Muxue and the two have been hiding in the ice, wouldn't they be invincible??

Holy crap, is this a card bug?

"Well...Xue Da Niu Pen, this ice cube is invincible!"

Liu Junyao understood instantly.

This ice cube is also equivalent to giving her a ticket to the fourth floor!


The two entered the state of watching the play, hiding in the ice cubes, cool and refreshing, watching other players desperately work, it is not too comfortable.


After a tragic fierce battle, the involution ended, and there were only 1,250 people left on the field.

[04 You passed the third floor test, reward: Spirit Gem x1! 】

[You get the admission qualification for the fourth floor (Desert Arena), time, half a day later! 】


After passing the third floor, Spiritual Aptitude +1★, 7★→8★.

Take a half day off.

The fourth floor opens, this floor is also an arena, but the conditions are much worse.

The flames are in the sky, and the void is on fire!

[You enter the 4th floor, and 625 people will be eliminated from this floor! 】

【You enter a state of continuous blood loss, -300hp/sec!】

Same taste.

This layer also eliminated 50% of the people, and it would lose 300 blood per second, so it shouldn't be too cruel.

【Refrigerator Technique】!

Su Yu's eyes simply turned on Liu Junyao, who was in the blizzard. One flashed past, and immediately turned on the refrigerator technique, freezing the two.

Well, next, the battle has nothing to do with the two, just wait quietly for the end.

"This trick again?"

"Turtle, the bug card is addicting, isn't it..."

"Oh my God!"

"It's amazing, as soon as this ice cube opens, Qianshan Muxue and Princess Yaoyao can get tickets for the next floor! 35

"Is this a card bug...

‘Crying at the bug!

"We are working hard to get the tickets for the next floor, and Mu Xue has the tickets while lying down, why is it so unfair?

‘High-end, too high-end!

"It's also an arena, why is the gap so big!"

A whistle sounded.

As soon as the refrigerator was opened, it was invincible, and Qianshan Muxue's showy operation also left the players speechless.

There was a sourness in the air...

[You passed the 4th floor test and obtained: agility gem x1]

have nothing to say,

Passing through the fifth floor lying down, Meizizi harvests an agility gem, agility aptitude: 5★→6★.

Remaining in this round: 625 people.

[You passed the 5th floor test and obtained: Constitution Gem x1]

The fifth floor is also the arena.

familiar recipes,

Familiar taste.

As soon as the refrigerator technique was turned on, Su Yu passed the test lying down, and his physical qualifications: 7★→8★.

Remaining in this round: 312 people.

[You have arrived at the sixth floor of the secret realm of the beast cave. 】

[Everyone will disclose their identities on this floor and fight freely until the last one remaining, and get the qualification to enter the 7th floor! 】

Finally reached the penultimate floor.

On this floor, there are 312 players left, but only 1 player wins and 311 players are eliminated! Everyone can't help but take a breath, and the competition system is too cruel.

University Alliance Headquarters.

The heads of various colleges and universities such as Magic Star University, Jiannan University, Zhongzhou University, etc. chatted while watching the live broadcast.


The principal of Zhongzhou counted and smiled with relief: "Not bad, there are 312 people on the 6th floor, and my Xia Kingdom has 183 people exclusively, breaking the best record in history! 39

There are 10,000 places in the secret realm of the beast cave. Xia Guo only occupied 500 seats, but in the end, 183 people broke into the penultimate floor.

This result is outrageous.

"These little dolls have brought glory to us old things, and our Jiannan University has performed very well.

"Of course the most dazzling one is that Mu Xue!

Principal Jiannan couldn't close his mouth.

A total of more than 30 Jiannan students broke into the sixth floor. Each of these students has harvested several aptitude gems, and their potential has also been greatly improved.

"I'm really happy."

"In the secret realm of the beast cave, my Xia Kingdom has always had too few places and my grades have not been very good, but this time, it has finally risen!

The principal of Hanzhong laughed from ear to ear.

According to the agreement of Asian countries, if the domestic students have excellent grades, the next term will increase the number of places!

All the principals here,

Many students broke into the 6th floor, smiling and laughing, and the hall was filled with a happy atmosphere.

happiness belongs to others,

But it has nothing to do with the principal of Jinghua Qin,

The dignified Xia Kingdom's first academy has a full 100 places, but none of them broke into the sixth floor. It's a shame!


"It's too early to be happy, not yet, entering the last floor!"

Principal Qin spoke with an old yin and yang.

What if 183 people broke into the sixth floor, everything is nothing if they don't enter the last floor!

"The last floor.

"If the guess is correct, it should be generated between [Qianshan Muxue] and [Hanzo Fire].

The principal of Zhongzhou commented.

In the live broadcast just now, all the principals have vaguely guessed Hanzo's identity, and Hanzo's strength has also been recognized by the principals.

"Hanzo Huo is considered one of the best descendants of the new generation on Ronin Island."

"It is rumored that the Huo family will be helmed by Hanzo in the future!"

"This Hanzo must not be underestimated."

"This is the best disciple of the Huohe family..."

"The Huohe family, one of the four major families of the Ronin Island, is like a cloud of genius!"

The principals have commented.

From their point of view, among the foreign players this year, [Huoga Hanzo] is the best.

"Twilight this doll..."

"You must do your best, as long as you defeat Hanzo Hanzo, you will be able to enter the seventh floor.

Principal Situ clenched his hands tightly, with a faint expectation in his eyes.


"On this level, you are the only one who is worthy of being the opponent of my Huoga Hanzo. I, Hanzo, will challenge you one-on-one!"

Inside the 6th floor,

Hoga Hanzo didn't hide it anymore, walked out with a big sword in his arms, and directly challenged.

"Happy to accompany.

Su Yu smiled indifferently.

After resting for so long, he also wanted to move his hands and feet.


Draw out the field and start a heads-up.

"Super Development Scroll"!

"Space Blockade Scroll"!

At the beginning,

Hiroka Hanzo used two purple scrolls, one to prevent Su Yu from being invisible, and one to prevent Su Yu from flickering.

It seems that this Hanzo came prepared.

"Mu Xuejun.

"Please forgive me for using the scroll, your invisibility and flash, I can't parry, I can only limit your ability. 39

Fire He Hanzo said slightly proudly.

Stealth attack and flash are undoubtedly Su Yu's two trump cards, and they can't be used now.

"Go ahead."

It doesn't matter to Su Yu, for a mere player, you can't use [Flash] and [Hidden Attack], right?

【Ninja Speed ​​Up】!

【Hit Technique】!

【Ninja Concentration】!

"Hit Scroll"!

With an acceleration, Huoga Hanzo came swiftly, and the sword slashed down into the air,

Tachi was just split in half, in order to increase the hit, Hanzo used 2 hit spells in a row, and smashed a "hit scroll", and this time it was also full of hits!

【Ghost Form】!

Su Yu shook his head, activated the [Sacred Artifact・Ghost Armor], and burst into the ghost form with 99.9% absolute evasion.





Huoga Hanzo slashed more than a dozen times in a row, but without exception, all hit misses.

This time, Hanzo was stunned,

He used 2 hit spells and a hit scroll, and the "hit value" reached an incredible height, but he slashed more than a dozen times in a row, but he missed all of them!

This Muxue, how high to dodge and fall to the ground is too perverted.


"Ninja Smoke!

Huoga Hanzo failed in one blow, and with the intention of retreating, he released a ninja smoke bomb, which was instantly pulled out more than ten meters away.

"Do you think that if you don't show up, you won't be able to catch up with you?"

Su Yu let out a light breath.

Immediately, step out one step, as fast as a shooting star!

Three times the movement speed, plus the super agile movement speed bonus, in a blink of an eye, Su Yu caught up with Hanzo Hanzo, and with a lightning strike, he stabbed fiercely.



A damage pops up, directly emptying the Hanzo's health bar, highlighting a damage explosion!

【Target consumption: (Blessed Roulette) x1!】

【Target is immune to death!】

The blood bar was cleared.

Fire He Hanzo did not die, a golden light flashed around his body, resisting this death, and then teleported to a hundred meters away.

[Blessed Roulette].

A rare death-free item that triggers an invincible blessing and teleports away when you receive death damage.

Unexpectedly, Hanzo actually carried one on his body.

"Mu Xuejun."

"Your strength is far stronger than I imagined. 35

Huo He Hanzo had a lingering fear in his heart. Although he escaped from death this time, he consumed a piece of [Blessing Roulette], which was also painful.

"You are not as good as me.

Su Yu shook his head slightly.

"Mu Xuejun, it seems that it's time for you to take a look at the true strength of the descendants of my Huohe family. 99

The corners of Huoga Hanzo's mouth twitched, and he was also stimulated.

With his hands open, a corpse appeared in front of him.

They are all the corpses of monsters on the first and second floors. There are ordinary units and boss units. The corpses are densely arranged, and there are more than 10,000 heads.

Everyone was dumbfounded, wondering why Hanzo collected so many corpses?

"Wake up, sleeping corpse...

"Reincarnated from the dirt!"

Hanzo raised his hands and chanted a spell, all the corpses were instantly covered with a layer of clay, his eyes were red as blood, and then he slowly stood up.

10,000 corpses, in an instant, turned into 10,000 combat units!

Among them, there are four or five hundred boss units!

"Ha ha……"

"Qianshan Muxue, my Hanzo's talent is [Soil Reincarnation], which can turn a freshly dead corpse into a Chinese clay monster and fight for himself."

"In front of my 10,000-strong army, you can't fly!

Kaoru Hanzo laughed.

Reincarnation of the Dirty Earth, he originally used it when he was waiting for the 7th floor to clear the customs, but now it seems that he must use it in advance.

rumbling ∼

677 Boom~

The clay army with tens of thousands of units, uniform, pressed towards Su Yu's side.

Hanzo's expression was hideous, as if he saw a picture of victory.


"However, that's all.

Su Yu looked relieved.

Ten thousand legions, in front of his hundreds of thousands of bones, are not scumbags, and even if he is single-handedly, he is not afraid of ten thousand legions!

【Spiritual Changes】!

【Spiritual Changes・Bees】!

Seeing that the army is coming.

Su Yu's figure disappeared, turning into an inconspicuous little bee, flying around in the air.

Lost the attack target, the clay army, instantly stayed in place!


"Where's Twilight? 35

Hanzo looked bewildered, the space had been blocked, and Mu Xue couldn't flash or hide, so why did he disappear all of a sudden?

How is this fat four?

do not understand,

Hanzo Hanzo scratched his head and scratched his cheeks, but he couldn't think of where Su Yu fell to the ground.

"I'm behind you!

An inconspicuous little bee quietly flew behind Huo He, and immediately transformed into the appearance of Su Yu, holding a dagger and stabbing it out.


-22980! (backstab)

2W+ damage is too early, and the Hanzo health bar is emptied again.

【Target consumption: (Blessed Roulette) x1!】

【Target is immune to death!】

on the verge of death,

A golden light flashed, and Hanzo once again consumed a [Blessing Roulette] to resist this death.

Blessed Roulette.

It's not cabbage, there is a market that is priceless, and every piece can be sold for a sky-high price, and there are only 2 pieces of Huo He Hanzo.


Two pieces of Blessing Roulette were consumed in a row, and Hanzo also vomited blood in distress.

last life,

Hanzo spat fiercely, ready to throw a single throw, he raised his hand, ready to launch the final full army charge.

"Super Refrigerator"!

Just halfway up the hand, an aura of frost hit the face, forming a huge glacier spanning hundreds of meters, and it also froze Hanzo and the clay army of tens of thousands of people!

The refrigerator has become so huge that it can be called a glacier!


Huo He Hanzo looked bewildered, is this a duel between the second-order awakeners, actually, he used a glacier-sized "Refrigerator Technique"!

Of course,

Such a large glacier consumes mana is also extremely fierce, and it cannot last for long.

next moment,

When the glacier disappeared, Huo He Hanzo immediately laughed, thinking that it was a turning point. Then he looked up and saw a series of four layers of golden sword energy, with great momentum, splitting the air and slamming down.

The sword energy came so coincidentally that he couldn't avoid it at all. The huge sword power was pressing on him, and Hanzo couldn't bear it at all. With a snap, he knelt down in front of Su Yu.

[Quadruple・Sword Qi Slash]!

-22500! (Submit) (Spike)

Sword Qi fell.

Hanzo's blood bar was emptied again. This time, his [Blessing Roulette] was finally used up. With a thud, he fell to the ground and was repeatedly whipped by the sword qi.

Fire congratulations Hanzo, died!

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