"Anyway, the two of us will definitely encounter this kind of trouble. Since I haven't encountered it now, but you have, it's better to deal with it together. When I face it alone in the future, I won't be so busy."

His sense of crisis is much more than the average person.

Always like to plan ahead.

Hearing Su Yu's words, the beast finally nodded.

When the white snakes heard Su Yu's words, they looked at Su Yu as if they heard a big joke, and they said without shyness.

"You can pull it down. We have met many people like you. Don't fight us again, or we will kill you."

"Yeah, you're not a divine beast, you're not as rough-skinned as him, and you can slash a thousand cuts without hurting your internal organs. If we really come to deal with you, you'll be a dead end.

"Yes. 35

The crowd chattered.

So many white snakes can speak, which has a big impact on Su Yu. While thinking about it, he is not afraid, but looks at these white snakes with a calm expression.

The white snakes saw that Su Yu was unmoved, and finally decided to climb over. Under Su Yu's attention, they were entangled, but before Su Yu could struggle, the beast shot directly.

The white snakes in front of them disappeared without a trace in an instant. Although the other snakes were entangled in the body of the divine beast, they did not dare to act rashly. In just a moment, they were all released.

When these snakes returned to the mound, the divine beast also shook his head gently.

"I've said it a long time ago, dealing with you is like drinking water, why hasn't anyone listened to it?"

But the beast never expected that Su Yu had just said these words and laughed beside him.

Originally, the beast was impatient. What he resented most was the ridicule of others. Even Su Yu couldn't laugh at him at this moment, but the beast didn't expect Su Yu to point in the direction behind him.

"Look at that place~".

Hearing Su Yu's words, the divine beast looked up and saw a snake bigger than him appearing in front of him. The snake was the same as the other snakes, but its size was terrifying, and the scarlet on top of its head was extremely conspicuous.

Su Yu glanced at it and took a few steps back involuntarily.

It is absolutely false to say that he is not afraid, and the divine beast is not necessarily his opponent. Just as Su Yu guessed, when the divine beast saw this big snake, he involuntarily became frightened, and said helplessly at the same time.

"Why are you here? Weren't you being suppressed there? Who let you out?"

It turns out that this guy, like him, has been suppressed by chains for nearly ten thousand years.

Now that the white snake in front of him appeared, the impact on the divine beast was extremely great. Facing the problem of the divine beast, the white snake just smiled lightly, and then looked at the white snake under Su Yu's feet and said.

"You dare to hurt my people. 35

Listening to his words, Su Yu just frowned, but didn't say anything else, but quietly looked at the divine beast beside him.

He believed that this guy had the ability to fight, just like Su Yu thought, the beast raised his chin and said with a proud face.

"I did this thing, don't hold him accountable, if you want to punish me, punish me."

While talking, the beast patted his chest, and the white snake in front of him suddenly laughed when he heard it, and then, with a flick of his tail, flew up with Su Yu and the beast.

The impact was so powerful that Su Yu felt like his internal organs were about to shatter.

Even if this is just the game world, his real body will not be affected in any way, but that kind of sensual pain. Still, Su Yu couldn't help but sigh, and at the same time, it was accompanied by a sudden decrease in the blood bar.

Seeing that the blood bar was reduced by such a large amount, Su Yu's face instantly darkened and his heart became cold.

See the look on Su Yu's face.

The beast seemed to have guessed what he was thinking.

"Wait, I'll teach you a lesson, he's not my opponent, he wasn't ten thousand years ago, and it's even more impossible now."

Hearing the beast's words, Su Yu nodded slightly, but he didn't give much hope. After all, reason was also telling him that it would be good if things were really as the beast said.

As Su Yu guessed, even if the divine beast's move was decisive and quick, the white snake in front of him was not a vegetarian.

The divine beast let out a piercing scream, and then begged for mercy with a face full of pain. Hearing such a voice, Su Yu couldn't help but stay where he was.

"I said long ago that you are not my opponent."

The white snake swiped its tail directly, lifted the divine beast high, and then threw it down heavily.

His action made Su Yu froze in place, and the beast's eyes widened. Even though he was unwilling, he just shook his head and said nothing.

Seeing the divine beast like this, Su Yu couldn't help but look at the white snake in front of him and said.

"`~ Are you too cruel?"

The two of them sometimes do things that go too far, but compared to this white snake, Su Yu thinks this guy is even more hateful.

While he was thinking, the white snake heard Su Yu's words, as if hearing a joke, he stared directly at the beast and said.

"Do you know the grudge between me and him?"

Facing White Snake's question, Su Yu didn't answer, but picked up the weapon in his hand, obviously trying to fight this guy desperately.

"Run quickly. 35

After saying these three words, the beast thought that Su Yu would rush over without hesitation, but he didn't expect that he actually ran away, and said to the beast seriously at the same time.

"That's what you said."

Pushing is not as good as being ordered, Su Yu ran to the horizon while thinking.

Seeing this guy disappear like this, the face of the beast couldn't help but turn ugly. When the white snake saw Su Yu running away, he laughed out loud, as if he saw a joke.

Looking at the divine beast in front of him, the white snake hesitated for a moment, then said unceremoniously.

"With something like him, he wants to be my opponent, wouldn't it be too funny? Get up quickly, continue to fight with me, and when you beat me, I'll let you go.

The two of them are indeed old enemies, but they will not kill them completely.

The divine beast had no choice but to get up and fight the big snake again.

But Su Yu stayed on another hill for a while, and found that there was no big problem on the side of the beast. Originally, he was going to go there, but he didn't want Qin Mingtian to appear in front of him.

"I'm going to kill you today."

Qin Mingtian's face was full of excitement.

Su Yu heard what he said, but before he could react, he saw countless gamers rushing out beside him. Besides, they also threw the weapons in their hands.

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