National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 912 This Is Not Worth Fearing

Qin Mingtian's words were a bit too inexplicable, Su Yu didn't react yet, and a powerful force came directly in the next second, even in the game world, but Su Yu still felt the pain of burns.

It's just that when these pains spread, they also bring corresponding damage reduction to Su Yu.

Looking at the weapon in his hand, Su Yu couldn't help but smiled softly, fortunately he opened enough boxes and had more magic weapons, otherwise he would really be solved by Qin Mingtian now.

But after being fortunate, Su Yu couldn't help but grit his teeth. The two of them were a healthy competition, how could Qin Mingtian kill them all.

In addition to anger, Su Yu's face was also full of impatience.

Qin Mingtian didn't know Su Yu's thoughts, but said condescendingly.

"Don't snatch those things from me, I have already got the purple and gold three-piece suit, and a person like you is not worthy of being my opponent. 55

Even if it was only a short trial period, it was enough for Qin Mingtian to show off his strength. Hearing Qin Mingtian's words, Su Yu could not help frowning, and then saw a line of words floating on the public screen.

So at this moment, Qin Mingtian got a three-piece purple gold reward.

This is the pinnacle of the krypton gold world.

While Su Yu was thinking, there was a bit of contempt on his face.

What he never believed in was the so-called krypton gold, but the other gamers were still shocked by the coins in front of them, and they didn't believe what they saw at all.

Just like that, everyone fell into silence.

Seeing that Su Yu didn't speak, Qin Mingtian thought that his momentum had won, and immediately looked at Su Yu and said loudly.

"Just like you, you also want to fight with me, don't think about it, you are still too tender."

Qin Mingtian said while looking at Su Yu and laughing.

Hearing such words, Su Yu did not respond, but looked in another direction. He raised his head to look at a lot of krypton gold players, and the faces of those bigwigs became extremely pale, and they were all ashen.

But among these big men, there was one person who said indifferently.

"It's just so much money."

The other party's words had just been spoken, and the next second, he also got a corresponding purple gold three-piece suit, although only three days of use period, but enough for him to show off in front of everyone, and the public screen also showed the amount of his recharge. .

Looking at these things, Su Yu glanced at Qin Mingtian's direction again.

Seriously, it all happened so suddenly that until now, Su Yu can't believe what he saw.

But even if he can't believe it, things have already happened, what he can do is to face it calmly.

Now, looking in Su Yu's direction, Qin Mingtian said without hesitation.

"Now you know how terrifying my abilities are? Don't fight me any more, you will definitely die. Now kneel down and admit defeat, kowtow and apologize by the way, then everything can be written off.

I don't know what Qin Mingtian is dreaming about, but he can say everything.

While listening to Qin Mingtian, Su Yu couldn't help laughing softly, and then nodded to Qin Mingtian.

"Be patient, boy, I haven't seen a character like you in a long time."

Su Yu said with a thumbs up.

Qin Mingtian heard Su Yu's words, although his face was complicated for a moment, but soon fell into silence again, he closed his eyes, silently felt the power in his hand, and then directly beat the power down.

Just a moment's effort.

At this moment, Su Yu was beaten and retreated.

Looking at Qin Mingtian's direction, Su Yu couldn't help but grit his teeth.

"Damn you."

After saying these three words, Su Yu couldn't help but look in the direction of the others, and immediately said to those gamers.

"Are you really afraid?

Hearing Su Yu's question, everyone shook their heads, but said helplessly.

"You are not Qin Mingtian's opponent, how could we possibly be able to deal with him? Don't ask for this magic weapon, or if we really fight him, we will be finished.

Everyone's face was full of earnest persuasion, and Su Yu's mockery was also obtained by his hard-hearted gesture. In the eyes of everyone, Su Yu also took out a purple and gold three-piece suit, but the kung fu thing disappeared in an instant.

"Have you never gotten the Zijin three-piece suit, so you deliberately made such an illusion in front of us, in order to scare me, you really did anything to scare me.

Qin Mingtian suddenly looked at Su Yu's tentative question. Faced with such a question, Su Yu couldn't help frowning, as if hearing a joke, he looked at Qin Mingtian and said with a face full of surprise.

"What are you talking about? I've never heard a joke like this, you might as well say it again and make me laugh."

As Su Yu said, he looked at Qin Mingtian and raised his eyebrows.

His arrogant appearance also angered Qin Mingtian. In the end, Qin Mingtian attracted countless thunder and lightning, and directly let these things fall at Su Yu's feet. In just a moment, those thunder and lightning exploded at Su Yu's feet.

But Su Yu was not afraid, but looked in the direction of the sky, although it was covered with dark clouds, it was not worth fearing.

While Su Yu was watching, his face became a bit more complicated. Those thunderbolts seemed to be Qin Mingtian's subordinates, and they were left to Qin Mingtian's control. At this moment, Su Yu knew that something was wrong.

267 Before Qin Mingtian could react, Su Yu put on a white crystal suit.

The three-piece suit made everyone's eyes turn white, and everyone was about to go blind, because the white crystal on Su Yu's body represented real money and luck. It was definitely not comparable to amethyst, and it was permanent.

There is a permanent sign on it. Qin Mingtian's set has only a three-day sign. At first, they thought that three days was just a small sign, but now it seems that the three days are just a sign of use. .

It took so much money to get it for three days. To put it bluntly, Qin Mingtian had some failures. While everyone was thinking about it, they couldn't help but ridicule with yin and yang. Listening to their words, Qin Ming's weather didn't make any mistakes, and he roared at them directly. .

"Shut up you people. 35

While Qin Mingtian kept talking, everyone heard his words, but they felt extremely amused, and then said yin and yang strangely.

"Would you be too ridiculous, is what we said false? You originally charged so much money, and in the end you only got a trial period, a snatcher like you should be liked by all game developers Bar!

"Yeah, I also like a big head like you."

"You give me money, and I'll give you a permanent one. I'll definitely not pick up the search like this, and only give you a three-piece set."

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