At this moment, Su Yu just closed his eyes and walked into the white light.

Just walked in, everything spread directly, those memories seem to appear for no reason, but it is not the case.

Su Yu looked at the surrounding environment and realized that he was only a shopkeeper of a restaurant, and immediately laughed, which was quite suitable for a person like him, because his life ambitions were not broad.

However, on the first day as a shopkeeper, Su Yu knew what life is like with ups and downs.

Because his restaurant is the most desired by the heroes of the rivers and lakes, when they gather here to drink, they will always have an impulsive fight.

During the fight, Su Yu's stuff would always be broken by them.

After that, Su Yu wanted to count the money and asked them for money.

Ended up fighting with them again.

In the rounds of discussions, Su Yu was beaten by them at first.

Looking at the beard in front of him, Su Yu couldn't help clenching his teeth. The other party held two throwing knives in his hand, looked at Su Yu self-righteously, and said with a sneer.

"As long as I have a thought, I can make you die, 04 don't ask me for money now, or I will let you die.

After saying this, he looked at the other people.

When those people saw the look on the bearded face, they immediately laughed, and they were all mocking Su Yu at the moment.

Although those words were ugly, Su Yu was not hit, but silently picked up the dog-beating stick next to him, which was left to him by a beggar gang leader at the beginning.

Because when the other party was drinking, he suddenly realized that he had no money, and after that, he left this stick as a repayment for the debt.

At that time, Su Yu was extremely disgusted.

However, the stick blocked the two throwing knives of the bearded beard, which shocked Su Yu. At this moment, he could be sure that the stick must be a good thing.

While he is happy, his face is also a little more excited, but there are some things that can't be too blind, for example, the current situation.

He has to solve it in other ways, not really suppressed by them, but it is definitely not full of sharp edges.

While Su Yu was thinking, his eyes were filled with indifference.

Beard took his little brothers away because he was happy, and he didn't care about Su Yu's life or death, and he didn't care about his free meal, and he even broke Su Yu's restaurant.

The world in front of her seemed to be real, but another voice told Su Yu that it was all fake, it was a game world, it was a game.

However, when these voices sounded, what Su Yu was struggling with was not whether his life was real or fake, as most gamers thought, all he thought was that life itself is a play.

Some things don't have to be taken too seriously.

Looking at the surroundings, Su Yu closed his eyes and started waving the stick in his hand, he kept honing his abilities.

The people next to him saw that the shopkeeper Su Yu was so hardworking, and couldn't help but smiled slightly. In fact, most of the good men who came to drink with him were good-natured, and they knew a lot of things.

Seeing that Su Yu practiced so earnestly, they all pointed at him one by one.

Hearing those people's words, Su Yu couldn't help laughing, then looked at them and said seriously.

"You people impart these things to me unconditionally, don't you worry..."

Before Su Yu's words were finished, everyone's faces became a little more smiling.

"It's nothing but a small thing.

"Yeah, looking at you like this, giving you these things unconditionally, can it explain anything?"

"We're just giving random pointers, and we haven't given you all of it."

Everyone's faces were full of calmness and calmness. Su Yu nodded at the end, and no longer struggled with them, but tried hard to learn.

After some speculation, Su Yu's strength finally improved a little.

Beard appeared on a sunny day, with a lot of younger brothers and some unfamiliar faces.

Those people's faces were filled with excitement and excitement, while others remained indifferent and looked out of tune with the world.

Su Yu glanced at them, then stared at the bearded man in front of him and said, "I'm here to eat and drink again."

There was impatience in his tone, and the bearded man heard Su Yu's words, as if he heard a big joke, he directly picked up the two flying knife tide Su Yu in his hand and threw it over, and said loudly.

"I'm tired of you.

He kept shouting, Su Yu heard it but was unmoved, and hit the stick in his hand at will, and the two throwing knives returned to the original ghost line like this, and at this time, the beard had no choice but to take over himself. flying knife.

Looking at Su Yu in front of him, Beard couldn't help sighing softly.

"Your strength seems to have grown stronger, what's going on?"

The shock that these things brought to Beard was extremely large, and Su Yu heard Beard's question but did not answer.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Su Yu closed his eyes, and his face did not necessarily have unnecessary emotional ups and downs.

The more calm, the more it shows that his heart is strong.

Seeing that Su Yu looked like this, the bearded man did not dare to do anything wrong, he directly took out his purse, and then said cautiously.

"We 273 just forgot what we ate last time, and now we make up for the money."

"Yeah, don't know us in general."

"We are still here to drink your wine. Except for your wine, we are not used to drinking other people's wine."

"Yeah, hurry up and take the money, we were just confused at the time, don't think too much about us fools. 35

Hearing these people's words, Su Yu just smiled and accepted the money.

And among them, there are also many women passing by in twos and threes.

When those women walked past, their eyes always fell on Su Yu, their faces and eyes were always thrilling, when Su Yu looked at the past, what Su Yu could feel was his own soul, as if being hooked away. half.

The feeling of the heart beating fast made Su Yu feel a little strange that this should not have happened.

He wouldn't feel right for these people.

While thinking about it, Su Yu took a deep breath, and then turned to look in another direction.

Those people had already walked into the restaurant, thinking that he was the shopkeeper of this place, Su Yu was no longer polite, but walked in directly, and then began to entertain those guests, doing what he often did before.

He didn't disrupt his rhythm because of the appearance of those women.

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