National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 930 Too complicated...

Their strength is not only above Qin Mingtian, but Su Yu can only beat them like this by outsmarting them.

If Su Yu hadn't attacked first, he might have really fought them, and Su Yu couldn't gain anything.

Relying on the momentum to crush these monkeys, this is the most reliable idea in Su Yu's mind.

Qin Mingtian listened to Su Yu's words, and felt a little grateful in his heart, and finally nodded lightly and thanked Su Yu earnestly.

Hearing those words, Su Yu just smiled perfunctorily.

"You're welcome, but it's just a small situation. We have to look forward and take a long-term view."

While speaking, Su Yu looked in the direction of Hualou again.

"Why are you looking for the head of the beggar gang, what use is he to you?

Qin Mingtian suddenly came over to ask.

Regarding the beggar gang leader, it can be regarded as notorious, because he likes to eat the king's meal so much~.

Qin Mingtian's awareness of him is also extremely high.

At that time, Qin Mingtian thought he was homeless and extremely pitiful, because the beggar gang leader used these reasons and excuses when he was in the morning. At that time, Qin Mingtian was too young to believe it directly.

As a result, after he believed it, he was deceived several times.

In the end, it was those people who talked about the shamelessness of the beggar gang leader, and he realized that he had been deceived.

"He really likes going to Hualou, and he usually relies on deceiving people to eat, drink, and save money in Hualou."

Qin Mingtian's words were very serious.

Recalling the head of the beggar gang, Qin Mingtian's expression gradually became complicated.

Because there was unspeakable anger and disgust in his heart, but Su Yu looked at Qin Mingtian and said solemnly.

"Anyway, he is also half of my master, don't say these words, and continue to run your restaurant now!

He will handle this matter himself, without Qin Mingtian pointing and pointing.

Hearing Su Yu's words, Qin Mingtian nodded, but he couldn't help but spread his hands and said.

"I just can't bear to see you being deceived. It's no good doing it anyway."

After he finished speaking, he looked directly at the shop assistants behind him.

After being busy all night, everyone was about to die of exhaustion. Qin Mingtian stopped torturing them, let them clean up and go back to rest early, and Qin Mingtian also left the game world.

After leaving the game world, Qin Mingtian had more smiles on his face.

Because he thought of Su Yu's help today, the relationship between the two of them seemed to be a little closer, not just tit for tat as before.

At this time, Qin Mingtian couldn't help laughing while thinking.

But on the other side, Su Yu was also in the flower building and learned the news of the death of the beggar gang leader.

"He died in the arms of a woman.

This sentence was learned by Su Yu from the owner of Hualou.

However, Su Yu shook his head.

He clenched the dog-beating stick in his hand, and the anger on his body was looming.

The boss felt that something was wrong, he hurriedly raised his hands, and swore to Su Yu again.

"Really, what I said is true, he really died in the arms of a woman, when I went to see it, I was really taken aback, you didn't expect an old man to look like this ?"

While speaking, his eyes were full of disgust and complexity.

As if recalling something dirty.

But in the next second, a very sharp blade flew out of Su Yu's stick, and in the next second, it rested on his soft neck. As long as he touched it lightly, the guy's head would probably fall off. down.

The other party stared at Su Yu's actions, and couldn't help but froze in place for a while.

"You can't do such a thing.

He shook his head cautiously and stammered.

"It's fake."

Su Yu only said four words, and the face of the owner of Hualou became extremely solemn.

After that, the two of them looked at each other. Just when Su Yu thought that what the owner of Hualou was saying was true, and decided to quit and leave, unexpectedly, the owner of Hualou revealed his real face.

This guy's face gradually became hideous, his facial features began to distort, and then he roared directly at Su Yu.

"Stupid boy, don't think I'll let you go easily."

"There are some things you shouldn't know. It's not good for you to ask too much. Since you are actively seeking death, then I can only promise you."

While speaking, he slapped Su Yu on the chest.

When that palm came, it made Su Yu go back several steps.

The dog-beating stick in Su Yu's hand also shocked the opponent and did not dare to move forward rashly.

I didn't realize there was actually an inside story.

Su Yu just wants to know more about everything, even more secrets from this guy.

0.... ask for flowers ·

Because he looked like he was lying, and if he wasn't lying, how could he stutter when he said anything.

It turned out that he was really lying, and he also told such a low-end lie.

Now that he has been seen through, his strength is also above his own.

Su Yu had no choice but to hold the dog-beating stick in his hand, waved it a few times, and then said.

"Next time, I will come back again. 39

After saying that, Su Yu left.

But the boss of Hualou shook his head with disdain.

"Don't inquire about the gang leader any more, if you continue to inquire, you will definitely die, I didn't do it, but someone will definitely do it.

After speaking, he closed his eyes.

Under Su Yu's attention, the face of the owner of Hualou was filled with tears.


Su Yu didn't know why he was crying, but felt the tears were extremely hypocritical.

"Stop pretending to act like this, I won't believe you.

After speaking, Su Yu left with his dog-beating stick.

But the owner of Hualou said with a complicated face.

"The gang leader is also my father, do you think I want him to die?"

This sentence made Su Yu stop.

He was a little irritable because the man seemed to be breathing heavily.

Wouldn't it be better to say this sooner? He had to turn around, and he was still in this embarrassed state.

Su Yu was a little angry in his heart, if it wasn't for the sideline of the game quest, how could he do such a thing.

This kind of errand is not only bad, but also tires yourself.

While Su Yu was irritable, he returned to the other side.

But there was some pride in his eyes.

"Tell me, apart from these, what else should I explain?"

Su Yu held the dog-beating stick in his hand with a calm expression on his face.

Since he is the son of the gang leader, then things must be easy to say.

Unexpectedly, the owner of Hualou looked at Su Yu and said strangely.

"You care so much about the gang leader, isn't it because you are also his child outside?

Su Yu couldn't understand more and more.

Obviously it's just a world of rivers and lakes, this kind of game world is the simplest.

Why does he feel that there are too many tricks that he doesn't understand?

"What does this mean?" Yi.

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