"People die for wealth, and birds die for food. This is a very normal thing. You also agree. If this is the case, don't think that I have done too much."

After saying these words, Qin Mingtian said while looking at the people around him.

"What are you still doing? Don't hurry up and take action. 39

Qin Mingtian shouted angrily, and those people reacted.

And just like that, they rushed to Su Yu.

After three or two efforts, Su Yu was directly cleaned up by them.

Soon, Qin Mingtian saw that both Su Yu and Bailichang were arrested.

The two of them didn't seem to be the opponents of those in the yamen.

Qin Mingtian couldn't help but be happy, excitement and excitement appeared on his face.

But in fact, it was Su Yu who didn't want to struggle, he voluntarily gave up the opportunity to struggle, and while being caught by those yamen people, Su Yu's eyes also fell on Qin Mingtian.

"If that's the case, then you're ready.

After saying this, he left directly with the people from the yamen, followed by Baili Changdu.

It was because Su Yu was unwilling to run that Baili Changdu was arrested together with him.

Not long after, the two were brought to the court, looking at the official in front of him, Su Yu actually saw experience points on his face, which was not 280.

As long as you can get it, you don't have to worry about money.

After thinking for a while, Su Yu couldn't help but chuckle, then looked at Master Guan and said seriously.

"There's one thing, I want to make it clear to you that the people who died have nothing to do with the people of the Five Poisons faction.

Su Yu's face was full of seriousness, and the words were spoken in an orderly manner, making Master Guan unable to help frown.

Originally, he thought that Su Yu and Bailichang were both inexperienced knights who only knew how to shout and kill, but he didn't expect that they would even speak.

Looking at Su Yu's appearance, he seems to be gentle, not as fierce as they say.

While thinking about it, Master Guan waved his hand gently and said to Su Yu with a smile.

"Apart from these, what else?"

He actually didn't believe what Su Yu said, but he was willing to give Su Yu a chance because he thought this guy was unusual.

With Baili Changdu around him for comparison, Su Yu immediately appeared to be a talent.

Master Guan also had some inexplicable appreciation for Su Yu.

Su Yu didn't know these things, he said his guesses, and at the same time told the poisonous insects last night.

In this matter, he did not do anything to hide.

But about the people who chased and killed him last night, Su Yu smeared it.

"Even if they arrest people, they can't arrest them with such thoughts, they just wanted to kill us.

There was only indifference on Su Yu's face when he said these words.

Master Guan glanced at him, and finally shook his head slightly.

"Even so, what can we do? It's impossible to find those bugs. There are many people on the road. How can we find bugs?"

The words of the master were very serious.

Su Yu glanced at him, then shook his head with a slight smile.

"That said, but we can use another method, for example, at night, go to that place to catch bugs, as long as I can catch the bug and prove to you that the bug will kill people, then you Just let me go." 5

Su Yu's request did not sound difficult, but Master Guan thought about it, and finally shook his head and said.

"In case you are united with the people of the Five Independence faction, as long as you stage a play casually, then the people of our yamen will be fooled around. Does that make sense?"

The old man rolled his eyes as he spoke.

"Naturally it's unreasonable, but those bugs will continue to harm people. If I don't let me do it, this thing will get worse. 99

Su Yu looked at Master Guan and made a serious report.

His words were very serious.

For a time, Mr. Guan couldn't help but admire him, there are really too few humble and polite knights like Su Yu (aeef).

Finally, he nodded lightly and said seriously.

"Then I'll trust you once, you catch the bug alive, remember, you must live, because I want to use him for experiments."5

If it really has nothing to do with the Five Poison Sect, then he will not investigate this matter thoroughly.

It is precisely because he is worried that people in the rivers and lakes will threaten the status of the court.

That's why the people in the court do such things.

But now, Su Yu just looked at the old man in front of him and nodded lightly, then he turned and left.

Not long after Su Yu left, Master Guan couldn't help but look in another direction.

Those people came over with complexity and weirdness in their eyes.

"What's the matter with you?"

The official said directly that they came from the imperial court.

The people in the court are generally ruthless.

Even more vicious than the people on their Yamen side.

Now, Mr. Guan was talking to them well, but he didn't expect those few people to stare at him, and said contemptuously.

"Give up your seat, we will sit here to try the case, if you don't want to, then we will kill you."

While speaking, they actually showed their weapons.

Seeing that these people's threats were so vicious, Master Guan naturally hated it.

But there is no way, because the emperor's secret order is also here.

In desperation, Mr. Guan could only give up his position to them, but things about Su Yu and Baili Changdu were going to get worse. He originally wanted to keep these two people.

It's a pity that the people from the court came too fast, and the official master really couldn't do anything about it.

On the other side, Su Yu squatted on the street.

Who would have thought that the people from the imperial court would come again, with complex and eccentric faces on their faces, when they grabbed Su Yu, they also said directly.

"We will take over this place from now on. 35

"We also handle cases including you and him. 35

Hearing this, Su Yu couldn't help but chuckle.

The plan has already begun, and those people in the court are going to do something to these knights.

It seems that they are arresting these people who have committed serious crimes, but in fact, they are just talking nonsense and smearing the rivers and lakes in the hearts of many knights.

Su Yu knew this in his heart, but didn't say much else.

He nodded lightly and followed the other party away.

Seeing that Su Yu didn't struggle, the people in the court were stunned for a while, but Baili Changdu's face was not good-looking.

His eyes fell on Su Yu, as if to remind Su Yu to run away quickly, but in that case, he couldn't say it because Su Yu was calm and composed.

Just like that, Su Yu followed them away.

Baili Changdu also followed behind Su Yu.

Regarding this case, not only a retrial, but also severe torture, because neither Su Yu nor Bailichang was willing to admit their guilt.


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