While everyone was staring blankly, they could not help but clench their fists.

"I'm going to trouble those unattackable game characters and let them know that I have a temper.

"I'll go as well.

"Add me, everyone is idle anyway, so it's better to find some work for these stupid things.

In moments like the present, those gamers shout and run up to invulnerable game characters.

They shot directly, and the next second they were directly ejected into the game world. Because they violated the rules of the game, there was silence for a while, and no one dared to challenge the bottom line of the rules of the game.

But on the other side, Su Yu stopped in place, because the green snake brought him to a big golden tree, except for this big tree. There is also a huge lake next to it.

Su Yu hadn't had time to appreciate the beautiful "297" scene here. Unexpectedly, the green snake flicked its tail and threw him down.

Seeing this guy like this, Su Yu couldn't help shaking his head.

"Be better tempered, otherwise game characters like you will be complained, and you will have to go back and rebuild.

Su Yu's words were very serious, and the green snake seemed to understand it, and turned back and glared at him. After that, it slipped silently into the grass. The moment the green tail disappeared, Su Yu couldn't help rolling his eyes.

This kind of snake is really scary.

These were the things he was most afraid of before.

But looking at the golden tree in front of him, Su Yu was also thinking about why he stayed here, the big snake should have a purpose in throwing him here.

Before he could understand it, Su Yu saw a prompt appearing in the copy, asking him to pick up a golden leaf.

Looking at this prompt, Su Yu couldn't help but stare blankly,

It's just a leaf, don't you have to try your best to get it?

Really can't understand, he shook his head, and finally jumped directly into the air, using the props to come to the side of the golden yellow tree, the hand and the leaves were only a short distance away, unexpectedly, a vine directly slapped him heavily. on the ground.

He died before he could pluck the leaves.

The vine was not thick, but the slivers were exceptionally fast.

When Su Yu got up, the vine stood in front of him like a person.

He also took out his big knife and tried to solve this annoying thing, but the vine didn't have any pain, and it seemed to have the property of being invulnerable. No matter how Su Yu's big knife slashed, the guy didn't move.

However, the vine did not take the initiative to attack, which is a good thing, but there is no health bar on his body, which brings Su Yu no ordinary distress, no wonder he is invulnerable, it turns out that he does not even have a health bar.

Then he lost the chance to cause damage, and could only get leaves through other means, but is this leaf really that hard to get?

While irritable, Su Yu also gritted his teeth, and then jumped to the pond next to him. The vines just watched quietly, did not chase after him, and beat Su Yu out.

Seeing the vines like this, Su Yu also stayed in the water slowly, trying to find more opportunities.

But whenever he jumped out to try, seeing that he was only a tiny distance away from the leaves, he could always be beaten out by the vines without emotion, who made it impossible for his broadsword to penetrate the vines.

There is really no way, Su Yu can only think of other ways, but the vine is the most important target of attack after all.

He had to solve the problem with the vine, and after thinking about it, Su Yu came to the vine, and the guy stood quietly in front of the golden tree, like a guardian.

Even if Su Yu just looked at his small body, he could still feel the firm will of this guy.

But even so, Su Yu was not afraid, but rushed in front of the vine again, and then jumped up with the help of the props.

His speed is fast enough, but the vines in front of him are not vegetarians, and he is quickly knocked out. He has lost several attempts over and over again, but it is absolutely impossible to give up.

After hesitating again and again, he decided to drink the attention of Tengman first,

Who let him have more props and magic weapons in his hand?

When taking those things out.

The vine was still standing there, and Su Yu immediately used a prop to appear as a huge elephant. This is a type of prop. Although it only lasted for one minute, it should be able to attract the attention of the vine.

At this time, the elephant rushed forward a few steps, and under Su Yu's idea, he came to the side of the leaves...

And Su Yu also took advantage of the moment when the vine rushed past, and hurriedly flew to the side of the leaf. He successfully picked one, but felt that something had changed, and there seemed to be a dark current tumbling under the lake.

Intuition told him that it had become strange and dangerous to approach.

But it was impossible to retreat, so he gritted his teeth again and continued to retreat with the leaves. He tried to return to the grass. After all, this time the task was completed, and there were also rewards for customs clearance on the sub-board.

But what he got was only experience points, which was too embarrassing. He had broken here so many times, and had been hurt so many times by the vines.

Although he was unwilling, Su Yu didn't show it either. Instead, he looked at the vine in front of him with a cold expression. The vine seemed to be angry, but he didn't rush over, probably because he didn't have the chance to attack.

At this moment, a strange prompt lit up on the main line panel. Su Yu glanced at it, but found that the so-called prompt actually asked him to kill the monster in this tree.

He doesn't have that ability.

In addition to being irritable, Su Yu also gritted his teeth, but he did not think about giving up, but waited quietly. Once the main quest appeared, it meant that this quest started. will end easily.

While thinking like this, Su Yu also waited patiently.

It wasn't long before the main quest 4.5 still existed, and the tree was still calm and unaffected, but there were some strange waves in the pond below, rolling over and over again.

I really don't understand, at this moment, Su Yu can't come up with any other way than calm down.

Not long after, the water in the pond suddenly tumbled, and many bubbles appeared like boiling, and then, countless tentacles spread from underneath.

In addition to the tentacles, there are those vines, those vines flying in all directions, so many that Su Yu was stunned, and he even doubted what he saw with his eyes.

But he couldn't back down, he could only pick up his big knife and fight against the vine tentacles in front of him.

At this time, he also saw the blood strips of the vines and tentacles.

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