National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 953 Can't Kill It

Originally, Su Yu thought that these spirits were easy to deal with.

Because of their huge number.

Just like the ninth-level snapping turtles and tigers, they shouldn't pose much of a threat.

As a result, when Su Yu slashed at the spirit monster that was closer to him, he realized that the knife had a hundred thousand blood, and even the flesh and blood of the spirit monster had not broken open.

The other party just looked at him with a bewildered face, as if a gust of wind had hit his face, only a little pain, nothing else, Su Yu was also stunned at this moment.

Looking up at the blood bars on their heads, Su Yu immediately fell into confusion. The blood bars of these people were even thicker than the so-called monsters!

The stunned Su Yu didn't stay in place all the time, after all, he knew in his heart that being dull for a long time would only lead him to the point of no redemption.

Soon, he calmed down, and after that, he ducked to the side, which was considered to be escaping the shots of those spirits.

Who would have thought that these guys were even more ruthless than the monsters.

Su Yu can only fight against them with his own big sword. During this period, he also broke out his will, but what use can his will be? Apart from solving the two spirit monsters, the spirit monsters all over the city can't wait to run out.

But as long as Su Yu didn't go into 297, they couldn't come out. They could only attack Su Yu from a distance from the wall.

At this time, Su Yu was already numb, and he never thought that he would encounter such a situation when he took the challenge.

Sure enough, tasks with five-star difficulty were not done by humans. When the gamers outside the live broadcast room saw such a picture, they all felt relieved and said excitedly.

"I thought it was only us that would become like that, but I didn't expect Su Yu to be like us in front of the five-star mission."

"Since it's the same, now I'm willing to believe that the game didn't give Su Yu a plug-in."

"Yeah, Su Yu's ability is really unbelievable. Even if it exceeds us by a large margin, he can still die and survive. What kind of strange attributes are these? Why add it to him?"

While those gamers were discussing, Su Yu was also fighting against the monsters in front of him. He could kill one by one. He calmed himself down as much as possible, and slashed away with the big sword in his hand again and again.

It didn't take long for the spirits in front of him to fall one after another in front of Su Yu.

See that they are not their opponents.

Su Yu couldn't help laughing, then stared at one of the spirits, and said yin and yang strangely.

"That's what you look like."

However, just after he finished speaking, the spirits who were cut down by him hiccuped instantly.

Originally they should have died, but they came back to life, but they couldn't do Su Yu any harm, but they could leave the city and rush to Su Yu to cause him some virtual disturbance.

Seeing those things approaching him, Su Yu couldn't help but feel sick, there were some strange things on them.

These things make Su Yu want to escape.

Those spirits didn't know Su Yu's mind, they just looked at Su Yu in front of them quietly, and flew away again, unable to cause Su Yu any harm, they also shouted angrily.

Looking at the monster next to him, Su Yu suddenly reacted.

"Are you dead?"

He talked to the monster, but the monster ignored him, and the moment he closed his eyes lightly, was enough to show all the contempt in his heart.

"I'm talking to you, don't run away from the question.

Su Yu was a little dissatisfied.

When the monster heard it, he just smiled perfunctorily, then looked left and right, and then made a roaring sound.

Hearing his roar, Su Yu couldn't help frowning, then glanced at the other spirits, and said rudely.

"If you want to live, I can bring out some props. Anyway, I have a lot of things in my backpack that I don't need, but if you survive, you must help me deal with these monsters."

If he doesn't help, (aeef) then Su Yu can't handle the trouble by himself.

These words Su Yu said very seriously.

However, the monster was amused when he heard it, but under consideration, he finally decided to resurrect. After proposing what he wanted, Su Yu nodded with satisfaction, and immediately took a prop from his backpack to him.

Not long after, the monster finally resurrected, but his face was not good-looking. Looking left and right, the monster couldn't help shouting angrily.

"What are these things? I can't deal with them. 39

After speaking, the monster was about to run up to the big tree, but the leaves on it had long since disappeared, and he couldn't hide, so he could only hide behind the more prosperous branches.

Seeing the monster like this, Su Yu couldn't help but grit his teeth.

"Anyway, the props can only last for a certain period of time, so you can go as far as you like, you are destined to not get all the props to help me if you go back on your word."

"If you really want to be resurrected, just do as I say. 35

With the last sentence, he grabbed the monster's dead end, and there was nothing he could do. The monster ran out, but looking at the monsters in the city, he felt that his scalp was numb.

"So many, we really can't solve it!

At first glance, the dense number of these things alone can scare people away. At this time, Su Yu is still struggling here.

The monster really didn't understand, but Su Yu didn't answer when he heard the monster's words, just quietly looked at the monsters in front of him, afraid, it was not a choice he would make.

He suddenly thought that since the attribute on his body is to be killed and then reborn, can he be able to trigger it by rushing in now?

Maybe not necessarily, he's going to try anyway.

If this main line is really skipped, then even if he encounters a simple one next, he will doubt his own ability, so he must overcome this challenge.

With this thought in mind, Su Yu looked at the direction of the city gate, and finally decided to step on the iron ring of the city gate and jumped directly onto the wall. In this way, he and those spirits merged together.

At this time, Su Yu was like a drop of river water, dripping into the sea, not only did not cause any waves, but also merged with the sea silently, and no one could see where he was.

The monster stayed where he was, and finally shook his head slightly, and said with a strange expression.

"No need, you really don't need to."

It seems really unnecessary to do these things.

The monster pondered in his heart.

Su Yu didn't hear the monster's words, but looked at the surrounding environment, and a strong breath spread from other places.

The moment it swept in, Su Yu's mood suddenly became extremely depressed.

Because those spirits didn't turn into one damage after another.

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