National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 100 Meng Wang Vs Ghost Assassin

"Don't go back to the city? That's even better. If I was killed by you just now, would you block all four city gates and kill me back to level 1?" Lin Feng said.

Hot pot with red wine frowned, what Meng Wang said was really his idea, if he could kill the opponent once, he could kill him twice. After all, if such a high-level player is allowed to live, it will be a threat to kill people in Hot Pot City again and again in the future.

It's better to go back to level 1, because the player dies, and the equipment will drop with a probability. If you kill it 20 or 30 times, even if the probability is lower, you will have to drop all the equipment and weapons. In this way, Meng Wang was completely killed by them.

"You think it over." Hot pot and red wine said: "Our hot pot city has entered the second world with 100,000 people. What you see in Longyuan City is only a small part of our members. If you tear your face today, the main city can be teleported in the future. We One hundred thousand people will take action. At that time, you will be unable to move an inch, and you will not even be able to play this game.

Lin Feng said: "That's it! You want to take revenge on me! Can you imagine, that means I let you go, and when the main city opens the teleportation array, you will still kill me, then okay! See you later. 11

"Boom! Boom!" Lin Feng rushed forward and slashed twice, the hot pot with red wine was killed!

Just like that, 4 seconds passed, and the level 24 hot pot with red wine was revived in place.

"Don't be too extreme, be careful not to get into trouble." The face of hot pot with red wine was extremely cold.

"You threatened me again, then I'll give you another ride." Lin Feng struck with two swords again, and the hot pot paired with red wine was hacked to death.

And this time his gold-ranked battle ax dropped-!

Lin Feng picked up the tomahawk and said, "Let's continue."

When players pick up things, they don't need to bend down, they just need to pick them up silently, as long as they can pick up props or equipment, they will pick them up naturally.

In the previous battles, Lin Feng would pay attention to whether there was a drop every time he killed, and if it was a bronze outfit, he would pretend that he didn't see it. As long as it is silver level, as long as he has the opportunity, he will pick up all of them.

After all, the expensive ones are a few gold coins, and the cheap ones are dozens of silver coins. The killing of more than three thousand people is not a small gain.

It's a pity that he killed a lot before, but he didn't pick up gold-level equipment or higher-level equipment. He only picked up 845 pieces of silver equipment. Fortunately, his nether backpack has 1000 slots, otherwise so much money might have to be refreshed.

But now, this golden battle ax is worth a lot of money, and at the same time Lin Feng found that hot pot with red wine may not have killed anyone, or it may have been a good life "He didn't even drop this set of golden equipment.

At this time, the level 23 hot pot with red wine came back to life again, suppressed his anger and said, "One million is my apology.

"Bang bang!" Lin Feng slashed Hot Pot City to death with two swords, and this time he dropped the gold-ranked Karin armor.

Lin Feng has seen that it was mentioned in the forum that in the second world, the player has reached the level and meets the level requirements of the equipment, so he can wear these equipment. Even if you are killed by a monster and the level falls below the required level, the equipment will not drop automatically.

However, Lin Feng discovered that both the battle ax and the armor required level 25. The other party hadn't dropped it before, but now it is falling one after another. The possible reason is that the other party's level is not enough, and it was killed by the player, not within the rules of killing monsters.

After another four seconds, the level 22 hot pot with red wine came back to life again, and said quickly: "Two million earth coins, tell me your bank card number [I will transfer the money immediately.

Another two sword strikes were made, and Lin Feng hacked to death with hot pot and red wine.

It is impossible for him to tell the other party his bank card number, because it is possible to find out his location and his name and other information. Although this conflict is in the game, Lin Feng does not believe that the game will not hurt reality.

He has been playing games for many years, and it is not unheard of that someone died while playing games, or the conflict broke out to a real fight.

And this time, another gold-ranked Kalin leggings exploded.

And at this time, Hot Pot with Red Wine received a message from his younger brother Hot Pot with Sprite: "Brother [what's wrong with you? I see your level keeps dropping in the friends column! What's going on?"

Hot pot with red wine replied: "Meng Wang found me and is killing me, but he agreed not to go back for the sake of my brothers, so I can't go back. Once I go back, I will die so many times."

This time we are completely defeated. Leave me alone, don't let anyone find me. "

Hot Pot with Sprite: "This is not good! If you die and go back to level 1, it will hurt your face too much if it spreads. Why don't you go back to the city! In fact, everyone understands you, you are for our own good. Everyone understands , you'll be fine when you come back."

Hot pot with red wine: "No matter what, you can't go back. If you go back, all the losses will be lost. Don't come here, don't bring anyone here. Now I am the only one who dies. When you come, you will all die together, and the loss will be even greater." big."

The level 21 hot pot with red wine was revived again, the anger on his face has disappeared, and he became calm: "No money, it seems that you are 100% going to kill me back to level 1. That's fine

Meng Wang, I remember this. "

"You're so stupid, you're still talking harshly at this time." As he said that, Lin Feng slashed twice again, and the hot pot with red wine died again...

The next step is simple, there is no hesitation in pairing hot pot with red wine, and if you die, you will be resurrected on the spot, and Lin Feng will be killed quickly.

Died, lived, lived, continued to die, died, continued to be resurrected...

It didn't even work for three minutes, and the hot pot with red wine has already returned to level 1. And the protective gear, weapon, and seven accessories on his body were all exploded. Lin Feng feels that this has a higher explosive rate than killing a big boss.

"It's no wonder that some people specialize in killing players in the wild. This is simply stealing money, much more rewarding than holy monsters."

Level 1 hot pot with red wine was revived, and this time he said: "It's level 1 now, do you still want to kill? If you want to kill, I'll accompany you."

"As I said before, I've reached level 1. I'll keep my word. Now that I've arrived, I don't need to kill any more." After speaking, Lin Feng summoned the Gemini Guardian Unicorn and flew directly to Longyuan City...

"Meng Wang, this matter is not over." Waited for three minutes, exited the game state, and exited the game with hot pot and red wine...

More than ten minutes later, the hot pot with Sprite and the online hot pot with red wine merged again.

"Brother, this... Cao Te, that Meng Wang really dared to kill you to level 1, he really wanted to die." At that time, the hot pot with Sprite became angry.

"Okay, the reality is already doomed, let's think about the future!" Hot pot with red wine said: "I found that this second world is very different from other games."

……ask for flowers…

"Other games have fixed occupations. Everyone has learned about skills and equipment in advance. Naturally, they know how much they are. So it's easy to target. But in this game, some players have hidden occupations that others don't even know about. Race is also added, there are tens of thousands of different races, and the blessings are different, making this uncertain factor even more."

"And the combination of powerful hidden professions and races will even create a situation where one person can fight thousands of troops. Now we are all just ordinary professions. I am a shield warrior. I just keep holding a battle ax to improve my attack, but the actual attack is still not enough. Strong, but at the same time the defense is not very strong."

"With the development of time, the gap between ordinary occupations and hidden occupations will become wider and wider. I used to PK with some hidden occupations. I have also killed many hidden occupation players. I don't think hidden occupations are so strong. But now it seems that it is I was wrong, I can only say that the hidden occupation I am fighting against is too weak."

"This time, our biggest problem is that we underestimated the combat power of Meng Wang, a hidden profession and race combined. At the same time, when the three of us were killed, it should have been done by two hidden professional players."


"So, our next development route is mainly to find job-changing tasks and race-changing tasks for hidden occupations. Send me news, look for these two news, as long as the news is accurate, money is not a problem, millions, thousands Wan I also spend."

"Hmph! King Meng killed me to level 1 today, and I will definitely kill it back later. You are also here. We must become a hidden profession as soon as possible. Even if we spend money, we must spend a few powerful hidden professions.

"Okay, prison." 1

About twenty minutes later, Gemini Guardian Unicorn flew back to Longyuan City, and Lin Feng directly entered the duel arena.

Then, he typed directly.

"Apply to add Murong Xiaosan as a friend."

The next second, the latter agreed.

Lin Feng sent a friend message directly: "Is the war starting now?"

"Open, but settle the accounts first." Murong Xiaosan: "Hot pot with red wine level 25 gold set, and a gold weapon, the total value is close to one million. Let me tell you where it is."

Lin Feng: "One third, is that okay? Three hundred thousand."

Lin Feng watched the video, Murong Shanshan killed the hot pot with red wine very fast, that is to say, the level of strength crushing. If the latter wants to kill, he doesn't need to tell himself at all, and the hot pot with red wine will still not return to the city to revive.

Although he killed the hot pot with red wine and got into trouble, it was considered a risk, but the profit was real.

Murong Xiaosan: "I'm not short of money, I don't need money or gold coins, I'm at level 40 for the race change mission, you go with me. This time you help me get paid for that time. The more powerful the race, the more difficult the mission is than the hidden profession Difficult, I'm afraid of encountering the difficulty of Wuwu's task, so you and I will go. If you die, I won't lose money."

Lin Feng: "No problem, I can't die."

At this time, Lin Feng got a game prompt

"Murong Xiaowu invites you to PK, chaos mode: 1VS1, do you accept?"


Afterwards, white light flashed, and Lin Feng and Murong Shanshan disappeared in the main square of the duel field at the same time... Knife....

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