National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 102 S-Class: Assassination Mission Of The Son Of The Night

"Boom!" The blood-colored thick fog spread rapidly, and soon expanded the range of 20 meters, and at this time Murong Shanshan hadn't escaped from this range!

The player Murong Xiaosan died, and the player Meng Wang won the duel. Excuse me, do you want to start the second round?

At this time, Lin Feng saw that Murong Shanshan chose the second match, and he also chose to agree.

"Shua Shua!"

The two appeared on the stage of life and death again, but this time Murong Shanshan did not hide, nor did she make a move.

She looked at Lin Feng and said: "From the beginning, you can use that skill, so that I will be instantly killed when I rush up. I was not sure last time, but this time I confirmed that "the skill of the bloody thing is smooth."

"I want to see how far my PK skills are from yours." Lin Feng said: "It turns out that if I don't use that skill, or don't use racial transformation, my movements can't keep up with yours. My other skills can't hit you at all, and the final result will be consumed by you."

Murong Shanshan said: "That's not how it is calculated. Every job has different characteristics. My job characteristics are invisibility, high agility, and high single-target damage, but my defense ranks first. Except for one of your skills, the rest are group attacks. And... you are not a hidden class, are you? Because your skills are light and dark, it is difficult for these two skills to exist in one class normally, and you don't seem to get a lot of skill books."

"Let you guess right." Lin Feng smiled and said, "Not one, but I rely on skills. We can PK a few times when we have time, and I want to learn PK. Because I still have a lot of skills that need to be chanted, really Shunfa has too few skills. If you can learn to use basic attacks to deal high damage, it will be much easier to spawn monsters in the future, and you won’t rely too much on skills.”

"I won't teach you. I won't teach you, come and kill me in the end." Murong Shanshan said 24.

"Ah!" Lin Feng was speechless, she refused so directly, and didn't she take the initiative to PK with herself twice?

"Okay! Do it again next time? I don't use that skill." Lin Feng said.

Murong Shanshan: "I'm not coming. I said before that whoever loses must have the same level as the opponent. I'm going to upgrade. The first goal is to reach the same level as you within 5 days. If I can't reach it, I will renege on my promise." , then I will teach you my PK technique."

After finishing speaking, Murong Shanshan directly chose to admit defeat, and then disappeared...

Walking out of the duel arena, Lin Feng did not take off his dragon mask. He will become the hottest person in Longyuan City in the past few days, and I even suspect that he may be within a week.

From the first live broadcast of the game to when he directly killed more than 3,000 people in Hot Pot City, he almost became the spokesperson of the game forum, and he was the most discussed on the forum.

And, as his name shows.

In just a few hours, the voters directly smashed him to the top of the popularity list, surpassing the second place by more than 100,000 votes, and the gap is still widening rapidly.

This time, he has become number one on the six lists. As long as he is number one on these lists, his popularity will not be low, and more people will naturally pay attention to him.

Now he doesn't dare to show his face, after all, he is always surrounded by people chatting, or like looking at exotic animals, which is really embarrassing.

After Lin Feng left Longyuan City, he went straight to the west of the city and lost it.

The PK is over, everything is back to normal, there are continuous incidents, causing him to forget the copy of Zhao's Tower.

This dungeon requires level 50.

At present, no player has reached this level and cannot enter. Now only he himself can enter.

Maybe more players will enter in the future, and the drop rate will decrease. Swipe a few more times now, there are a lot of gold coins here.

After a few days, no new dungeons appeared anywhere in the Huaxia District of the Second World, only the Zhao Tower, and many people tried, but they couldn't enter the Zhao Tower. Some people even contacted the game customer service, but they didn't get any reply.

Then, someone guessed that it might be due to insufficient level, so they couldn't enter.

At present, in Longyuan City, apart from Lin Feng, the ancestor dragon is level 34, and he has been unable to enter even after trying. Players whose natural level is not as good as his did not come here when they heard the news.

Knowing that this is a dungeon, but most players can't get in, so they ignore it.

Lin Feng naturally entered into it.

Zhao's Tower

Dungeon requirements: level 50 (required to be reduced to level 30 by the player Moe King)

Remaining times per day: 2 (1 time for ordinary players, extra +1 for cute players)

Difficulty selection: normal mode, elite mode, abyss mode, hell mode, death mode

At this time, because Lin Feng has not cleared the level of the elite mode, only the normal mode and the elite mode are lit.

Subsequently, Lin Feng chose the elite mode.

The first floor of Zhao's Tower is the same as before, the space has not become larger, and the monsters have not become larger.

However, the monster's life value has increased a little compared to the normal mode.

Zhao family bone cat soldiers

Level: 50

HP: 13200

A total of 30 Zhao family bone cat soldiers.

behind is

Zhao family bone dog soldiers

Grade: 52

HP: 14400

30 in total

last side

Ten elite monsters.

Zhao Family Bone Wolf Head Soldier

Level: 55

HP: 16200

Elite monsters surround a BOSS

BOSS: Zhao Family Corpse Wolf Head General

Grade: 60


"The whole is 20% stronger than normal ones, will experience points and gold coins be increased by 20%?"

Thinking in his heart, Lin Feng directly cast the All Souls Contract

With the current damage of Lin Feng, the damage of Hell Flames per second can directly kill monsters other than the boss in seconds, and the natural killing is very fast.

In just 10 minutes, Lin Feng cleared Zhao's Tower in the elite mode.

This time I harvested 1800 gold coins, mainly because the number of gold coins obtained by killing the boss has decreased. The gold coins of ordinary monsters are more than before. At the same time, there was no gold-level equipment released this time, just three pieces of level 50 silver equipment, which were useless.

For the second time, Lin Feng chose the abyss mode this time.

Zhao family bone cat soldiers

Level: 50


A total of 30 Zhao family bone cat soldiers.

behind is

Zhao family bone dog soldiers

Grade: 52

HP: 24000

30 in total

last side

Ten elite monsters.

Zhao Family Bone Wolf Head Soldier

Level: 55

HP: 27000

Elite monsters surround a BOSS

BOSS: Zhao Family Corpse Wolf Head General

Grade: 60


This time the monster, as can be seen from the health value, has doubled directly.

The bone cat soldier of the Zhao family with the lowest health value reached 22,000. The first floor boss even reached 320,000 HP.

However, the current sea of ​​flames in hell has reached level 5, with a 500% magic attack increase.

Even in his normal state, he can cause 336,145 points of damage per second, which is more than 300,000 points of damage in ten seconds.

The third floor boss has 1.04 million HP, which can't handle Lin Feng's current damage.

It still took more than ten minutes to complete all three layers.

This time, I paid 3,200 gold coins and a gold-ranked yellow robe helmet.

Lin Feng did not leave the instance in a hurry after brushing the instance twice. Instead, the task column of the Holy Cult of Light was opened.

There are only daily tasks for the task of the Holy Cult of Light when Lin Feng enters the Holy Cult of Light. But now there are two more types, which are divided into three types.

The first type, daily tasks: the difficulty does not exceed C, and the current year can intercept 10 daily tasks.

After that, ten daily tasks are listed. For example: deliver 10 undead biological materials, reward for completing the task: 2 gold coins, 1 point of meritorious service. Or kill 10 undead creatures of level 30, the type is not displayed, and after killing, you will be rewarded with 1 gold coin and 1 point of bright merit.

These are relatively routine, and the rewards are not too high.

The second world game task difficulty is divided into: SSS, SS, S, A, B, C, D

The second type, high-level tasks: the lowest level of difficulty is B, the highest level is SS, there is a daily limit of 5 tasks, and there is a task time limit.

Currently Lin Feng can only see five.

For example: to kill level 100 necromancer Bekley, the time limit is 7 days, the target is located in the Yellow Bitter Land of 950 Demon Realm, and the difficulty is A. Reward: 50 gold coins, 3 points for Bright Merit.

Not to mention that Lin Feng didn't know the location, even if he knew, he couldn't beat a level 100 necromancer, and the only thing he could do was kill the monster with the same fate.

The third type, Holy Child Mission: the lowest difficulty is S, the highest SSS level, you can only receive one at a time, and you can accept the second task only after completing the current task. There is a time limit for the task, and only Bright Son can intercept it. Great rewards.

Lin Feng can only see 3 of them so far, and the rewards are indeed very generous.

1. After defeating the inheritor of the God of War Temple, you can directly transfer to the City of God of War after accepting the task, difficulty S. Rewards for completing the task: 500 gold coins, the current experience level increased by 1, and 500 points of bright meritorious service.

2. Enter Hell, kill the 100-level rare boss Demon Sha Beast King, and bring back the material Demon Sha Beast, difficulty S. Rewards for completing the task: 300 gold coins, 50% increase in current experience, 200 points of Bright Merit.

3. The mission of hunting the Son of the Dark Night: Billy Quinta, the son of the Holy Cult of the Dark Night, enters the area of ​​​​the Holy Cult of Light to carry out mysterious activities, and kill him within 7 days after accepting the task. Located within the jurisdiction of Naro City, difficulty SS. Rewards for completing the task: 1000 gold coins, 3 levels of current experience, 1000 points of meritorious service.

"Good guy, you only need 1 point of merit after completing one daily task. The mission reward of the Son of Light is really high, 1000 points of merit, but it is equivalent to a thousand daily tasks. No wonder the game introduction is rich in rewards, but the difficulty is enough High. Except for the second one, the other two, although they didn’t specify the level of the task target, but looking at the rewards, you can tell that it is harder than killing a 100-level rare boss.”

Lin Feng thought about it for a while, and finally chose "That's it, the Son of the Night hunting mission, the task of defeating the opponent is too difficult. But killing the opponent, I have my talent. As long as I use it well, I will be killed once." It can be done."

Making up his mind, Lin Feng chose to leave the dungeon, and then flew to Long Yuancheng...

Do the task and walk up.

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