National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 116 Hidden Boss: Thunder King Zhao

"Hidden BOSS! This is good, if it is not strong enough, just kill it, maybe a bunch of things will explode." Lin Feng's eyes lit up.

At this time, he appeared again on the first floor of Zhao's Tower.

This time, the map is still the same map, but there is a faint blood mist around it, which does not affect the line of sight, but it gives people a bloody and oppressive feeling.

At the same time, the monster in front of him glowed with blood all over his body, his eyes were blood red, and he seemed to be berserk.

front row

Elite Zhao Family Skeleton Cat Head Soldier

Level: 50

HP: 66000

A total of 30 elite Zhao family bone cat soldiers.

behind is

Elite Zhao Family Bone-Headed Soldier

Grade: 52

HP: 72000

30 in total

last side

Ten elite monsters.

Elite Zhao Family Bone Wolf Head Soldier

Level: 55

HP: 81000

Elite monsters surround a BOSS

Rare Boss: Zhao Family Corpse Wolf Head General

Grade: 60

HP: 960000

"This time the monster is 6 times stronger than before, this boss is a bit ruthless! However, it is still within the acceptable range."

Summon seven war servants, two guardian beasts and pet Xiao Hei, and follow Lin Feng's command to attract monsters and let's go!

The monsters became stronger, but not too strong. Within a minute, Lin Feng cleared the first layer of monsters. Quickly picking up the gold coins and equipment, Lin Feng entered the second floor again.

The same blood mist, in the death atmosphere of Berserk 24.

Elite Zhao Family Skeletal Leopard Soldier

Level: 55

HP: 81000

The second batch of 30

Elite Zhao Family Bone Leopard Spearmen

Grade: 58

HP: 90000

last side

Ten elite monsters.

Elite monsters surround a BOSS

BOSS- Zhao Family Bone Tiger Soldier

Grade: 60


Rare Boss Zhao Family Bone Tiger General

Grade: 65


"Damn, the monsters are enhanced enough. Although 6 times does not sound like an exaggeration, but this enhancement is terrifying on the boss. This is stronger than the third layer of the hell mode!" Lin Feng said to himself.

However, his skill group attack damage has increased a bit, and it is still within the acceptable range.

"Go ahead, pull monsters!"

In about a minute, the monsters on the second floor were cleared by Lin Feng. This time, both Xiaogong and Shuang'er were upgraded. Xiaobow reached level 33, and Shuang'er reached level 37.

Quickly picking up the gold coins and equipment, he entered the third floor.

the third floor.

Standing in the center is a tiger-headed humanoid monster with a machete in his hand, a longbow on his back, and a dark golden armor. This time, his body has become stronger. He is more than five meters tall, and his armor is so thick that he can't see his insides. Bone, looks more vicious than hell mode.

Legendary Boss- General Zhao Family Bone Tiger King

Level: 70

HP: 3120000

Surrounding it are 30 tiger-headed humanoid monsters, all of which have grown in size, and their armor has become a combination of red and black, with blood flowing from their bodies.

BOSS Zhao Family Bone Tiger King Swordsman

Grade: 65

HP: 246000

"What the hell, with more than three million HP, and all the original elite monsters have become bosses, this is not for a single person to pass the level, and a team of ten players at level 50 may not be able to pass this level. As expected of death mode." Lin Feng looked at the final legendary boss, feeling a little nervous.

With so much blood, it's not something he wants to kill quickly in a minute. And if you don't make it right during this period, your servants may be consumed to death. Because they don't just fight one boss.

Because he has to face 30 bosses at the same time, the blood volume is close to that of his servants and pets. Completely surpass the 7 war servants. After all, war servants are just ordinary level 50 bosses. These are all level 65 bosses.

"Xiaohei, Shuang'er and Xiaogong hold the legendary boss, and the other warriors lead the 30 bosses to my side."

Afterwards, Lin Feng directly cast Shenlong Transformation.

Now all the bosses are fighting, the current damage is impossible to quickly kill 31 bosses, so he has to increase the attack to the strongest he can play at present

[Shenlong Transformation Lv1] consumes 10% of the life value, according to the player's current occupation, summons the dragon soul possession, changes into the dragon warrior form, the life value instantly increases by 300%, double resistance and double attack increase by 300% at the same time, with an increase in the possession Depending on the dragon soul, it lasts for 60 seconds and cools down for 30 minutes.

At this time, the game prompt sounded.

"The remnant soul of the Sun God Dragon King is possessed, the player's life value is increased by 300%, and the double resistance and double attack are simultaneously increased by 300%. Additional increase: the damage of all skills is doubled, and the duration: 60 seconds.

Afterwards, Lin Feng's whole body erupted with blazing white light, and then white dragon scales grew on his body, a pair of white dragon wings appeared on his back, and a warm feeling spread throughout his body.

"Damn it, the increase of the Remnant Soul of the Supreme Sun God Dragon King is very strong! The damage is even higher, it's so cool."

At that time, Lin Feng's physical defense and magic defense, as well as magic attack and physical attack, all increased by 3 times.

His magic attack directly increased to 8796

"Pull the monster!" Lin Feng greeted, Xiao Hei and the boss team all rushed out.

Lin Feng quickly started to chant.

This time the monster not only moved fast, but also reacted quickly. The servants and pets had just rushed over, and they had already been attacked before they got close. Then run back quickly.

In two seconds, Lin Feng finished singing, and 31 bosses rushed directly into it, and the blood volume on the top of their heads dropped wildly.




At that time, the HP of the entering BOSS and the legendary BOSS dropped sharply

"Damn, this triple magic attack boost, plus double the skill attack, the damage is so strong, it's cool!" Lin Feng couldn't help being excited, this damage, more than three million HP? In his own eyes, it wouldn't be It's stressful.

Guard the Light Array!

Blood mist filled the air!




Immediately, the bosses lost Lin Feng as their target, and at the same time, the blood volume of the bosses who entered the attack range was immediately cleared to zero, and they fell to the ground continuously.

And as they died, the BOSS who continued to run in from behind received damage from two skills, one face-to-face, with more than 200,000 HP, which was immediately cleared to zero!

"All besieged the legendary boss." Lin Feng controlled 7 war servants, and all rushed towards the legendary boss, General Zhao Family's Bone Tiger King

At this time, he continued to sing.

Soul Absorbing Array!



The blood volume of General Zhao Family's Bone Tiger King continued to drop.

At this time, he shot an arrow directly at Lin Feng.

"Boom!" The dark golden light flashed and directly hit the guardian light array.

In the next second, there are only a thousand points left in the light array!

"I'll go! The light array can absorb more than 11,000 points of damage. My dual resistance has tripled, physical resistance 8010, magic resistance 6657. The last time I suffered this attack was a physical attack, which is this attack , can deal more than 19,000 damage directly!

But now Lin Feng's blood volume is more than 13,000, three times the life value, close to 40,000 blood volume. That is to say, in that blow just now, if he had no means of protection, he would be directly hit with one-third of his HP.

Ghost Claw!

[Ghost Claw Lv4] Consume 100 points of health, use the power of the ghost to create a ghost claw to capture the target, bind it for 2 seconds, cause 800% magic attack damage, cast the spell again, you can grab the target in front of you, and bind it again 1 second. The attack distance is 22 meters, and the cooldown is 90 seconds.

-276000917 Afterwards, Lin Feng rushed directly to the boss, and directly cast a death charge.


At that time, BOSS fell into a dizziness.

A blow from the sun!

Golden Arrow!

Twin Phantoms!

The two attacks caused the BOSS to lose HP again, the phantom of Shuang'er appeared, and a group of babies immediately began to besiege the BOSS.

As expected of a legendary boss, he could have been stunned for 3 seconds, but this time he woke up after less than 2 seconds, and directly slashed at Lin Feng with the big knife in his hand.

Death strikes back!

[Death Knockback Lv3] Consumes 70 health points, bursts out a death shock wave, knocks the target back 10 meters, causes 500% magic attack damage, cools down for 110 minutes.


The boss stepped back more than five meters, brushed Lin Feng's face with the big knife in his hand, and slashed directly to the ground.

At this time, Lin Feng once again used the chain of souls, making the boss stay in place.


At this time, 5 seconds have passed, the blood mist, the sea of ​​hell, and the soul-absorbing magic circle have caused about 450,000 damage per second, and even the Legendary Boss has lost nearly 2.25 million HP.

With Lin Feng's set of skills, the BOSS with 3.12 million HP was directly defeated!

"Damn, this dragon transformation is really cool. In five seconds, all the monsters have been overthrown! The boss who was so awesome just now was directly killed by me!"

At this time, a game notification sound appeared in Lin Feng's mind.

"Game players clear the copy of Zhao's Tower within 5 minutes to activate the hidden BOSS."

"Boom!" Suddenly, the ground exploded, and a beam of thunder shot up into the sky, reaching the top of the tower, forming a pillar of thunder more than ten meters wide.

Then, out of the huge thunder pillar, a human monster surrounded by lightning came out.

Legendary Boss Thunder King Zhao

"It's really a hidden boss!" Lin Feng was surprised. .

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