National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 119 Boss: Evil Dragon King, This Is A Treasure Land Of The God Of Wealth!

When the BOSS team went out, Lin Feng only used the soul-binding magic circle and the chain of souls, and soon the BOSS Sea Demon Shark King's HP was reduced to less than 10%.

Afterwards, he cast the contract of all souls directly at the boss Sea Demon Shark King.

"Contract failed!"

Afterwards, the BOSS Sea Demon Shark King's eyes were blood red, his body became taller suddenly, knocked away the guardian unicorn of Gemini, and rushed towards Lin Feng ferociously.

Guard the Cross!


The BOSS blood volume was cleared to zero and fell to the ground.

Level 70 silver-level shark armor, 50 gold coins.

"The explosion rate is not bad. It may be the first time to be killed by a player, and more gold coins will be exploded. Wait until you kill a few more to see the situation."

Afterwards, Lin Feng took the BOSS team and started looking for the next target again.

Lin Feng discovered that the concentration of monsters in the Great Sea Demon Forest is really high, and there are many bosses, but after running hundreds of meters, he encountered another boss, Sea Demon

- Fish King.

Keep on killing!

After spawning monsters in the game for more than two hours, Lin Feng covered more than 20 kilometers, killed more than 60 bosses - Sea Demon Shark King, and recovered 7 bosses - Sea Demon Shark King War Servants.

There are 60 silver packs at level 70 and 3040 gold coins.

This time, he truly experienced the 30% recovery probability of the All Souls Contract, which is not low.

He found that this probability is for ordinary monsters. When he recovers ordinary monsters, almost one out of every three will succeed. The success rate is quite high, but for bosses, the probability has indeed become much lower. It is about 10% as it is now. Success rate.

Originally in Longyuan City, it was too difficult to regain a BOSS, maybe even a 5% chance was difficult.

Here today, the recovery has gone too smoothly.

At the same time, he also found that the monsters in the sea monster forest are quite valuable. The boss dropped at least one piece of silver-level equipment, at least 45 gold coins, and more than 60 gold coins. Ordinary level 70 monsters, at least 50 silver coins.

You know, if he kills ordinary monsters now, he can directly attract hundreds of them and kill them in groups. If he starts spawning monsters like crazy, he feels that he can quickly win thousands of gold coins here!

"This is simply a treasure land of the God of Wealth! Killing a level 70 monster in Longyuan City sometimes doesn't even have 10 silver coins, but there are at least 50 here, it is definitely a treasure land of the God of Wealth.

At this time, Lin Feng received a message from Murong Xiaoyi: "I have arrived in Yashan City, and I have seen your layout, and it is no problem. In the early stage, we need to gather the shops in one place, so that players will be active in that area, guards Also easy to protect."

"I originally planned to buy 50 million gold coins as a start-up capital, but I saw that you have recruited all the NPCs you need. It costs more than 10,000 gold coins, and you are really rich.

"She can also teleport across the world! It seems that she has also obtained some identity." Lin Feng was a little surprised. He had talked with Noon Bing Bing. Son.

And Murong Yiyi can teleport from Oumen's side to Huaxia's side, obviously she has some game identity.

Lin Feng replied: "I opened the first dungeon in this game, so I can enter the level 50 dungeon in advance. Currently, I'm farming monsters in the Sea Demon Forest outside Yashan City. There is a lot of money here. I will go back later and I will Inject some gold coins into Yashan City, you use them first, and tell me if there is not enough. Also, don’t recruit, I will reduce the cost by 20% when recruiting, and tell me what you need to recruit, which can save a lot of money."

Murong Xiaoyi: "That's just right. In the last few days, I'll farm monsters here first to earn more money. In the early stage, at least Yashan City has a reserve fund of 30,000. I just found out that you know the four of them. , you can come directly to my house in a while!"

"I originally planned to go to the Forbidden Hotel, but there is still half an hour's journey away from here, which will affect the progress of the game. Why not have dinner at my house."

"It's really efficient. Seeing the news, Lin Feng smiled. But he was also a little curious. The five sisters are all together. He really wants to see what it's like when they get together.


Afterwards, Lin Feng continued to search for the BOSS...

In less than two minutes, Lin Feng, who continued to look for the next boss, saw three bosses in front of him gathered together and flying slowly.

BOSS Evil Dragon King

Level: 70


This evil dragon king looks like a snake, more than ten meters long, with black snake scales all over its body, a sharp single horn, only forelimbs similar to dragon claws, and no hindlimbs.

↓The Evil Jiao King is not crawling on the ground, but floating and flying in mid-air.

"It's the same boss, but the blood volume is much higher than that of the boss Sea Demon Shark King! Moreover, the three of them act together, so the difficulty of fighting becomes higher, but it's acceptable. Go!"

Lin Feng greeted, and 15 war servants, pets and guardian beasts rushed out at the same time

Most of what Lin Feng found next were the three BOSS-Evil Dragon Kings who acted together. This BOSS has a lot of blood, and the three of them act together, so it is easy to be besieged by a single player.

However, Lin Feng's group attack skills are just right, he can't wait for the monsters to gather together and have a one-pot fight.

Just kept killing the boss, moving forward, looking for the boss, and continuing to kill the boss. After more than three hours, Lin Feng had killed more than 90 evil dragon kings and recovered 10 evil dragon kings.

A total of 90 pieces of level 70 silver-level equipment and 4520 gold coins were harvested.

Up to now, 17 of his war servants have become level 70 bosses, especially the 10 evil dragon kings, which Lin Feng is quite satisfied with.

This BOSS not only has higher blood volume than other bosses of the same level, but also their attacks spit out black water from a distance, one mouthful at a time, which looks disgusting, but the attack frequency is quite high, and the attack distance is the same as Xiao Hei and the others, both are 20 meters.

Afterwards, in Lin Feng's riding mode, Shuang'er quickly flew back to Yashan City. He first injected 5,000 gold coins into Lanshan City's assets.

Then I checked the time, it was ten minutes before 12 o'clock, Lin Feng quit the game.

Leaving the game room, Lin Feng washed his face first, put on white half-sleeve jeans, and then left the house...

In this villa area, there is a small yard in front of each villa, about two hundred square meters. When Lin Feng came here, he happened to see a person sitting under a parasol in the yard playing with his mobile phone.

Looking at the white dress, Lin Feng pushed open the fence gate of the small courtyard, and raised his voice slightly: "Murong Wuwu?"

Surprise flashed in the eyes of the girl on the wooden rattan chair: "How do you know it's me?"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Although Murong Yiyi invited me to dinner, but...we are a little familiar, so I guess it is you."

At this time, the girl shook her head slightly: "Just kidding, I'm Er Er, I asked too many questions last time, which made Wu Wu angry, so I'll pick you up this time."

"Eh!" Lin Feng was embarrassed. He was full of confidence and wanted to pretend, but unfortunately... he admitted his mistake.

The problem is that these five people are all without makeup, beautiful, straight and long black hair, the same height, and the same hot body. If you don't chat, your expression doesn't change much, and you really can't tell the difference.

...asking for flowers...

"Sorry!" Lin Feng scratched his head.

At this time, the girl walked towards Lin Feng, stretched out her hand and said, "Hello, Lin Feng, let me introduce myself again, I am Murong Yiyi. I heard from Xiaowu that you recognized them quickly last time, so I want to try. It seems , It’s because they don’t have enough acting skills.”

"!@!" Lin Feng suddenly didn't want to speak.

"Hi, I'm Lin Feng."

A little embarrassed, Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi shook hands, then let go naturally, and said: "You are real sisters, you both like this kind of game.

"It's interesting, so I'll give it a try. Wuwu likes white, Erer speaks softly and kindly, and it's not difficult to disguise the surface. Let's go in together! Erer is ready, just right."


Afterwards, Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi entered the villa.

At this time in the villa, Lin Feng only saw three people, all wearing large white T-shirts, except for the different patterns on the chest, the style was the same.

"Who am I?" The girl with Pikachu on her chest raised her hand.

Lin Feng said helplessly: "You are testing my IQ! Murong Sisi, it is a miracle that you are so good at eating that you are not fat.

"Huh? You guessed it every time. Murong Sisi smiled and said: "That's right, it seems that I am the most recognizable.

As he spoke, he ate the last bite of cake in his hand.

"Dinner is ready!" At this time, a girl wearing a white T-shirt and an apron walked out of the kitchen and brought the last dish to a rectangular dining table.

At this time, there were already many dishes on the table, including more than ten cold dishes and hot dishes. Lin Feng was in the living room, and everyone could smell the fragrance.

"Let's go eat." At this moment, the girl with the little Charmander on her chest tugged on Lin Feng's half sleeve.

"Murong Wuwu?" Lin Feng whispered.

"Of course it's me. If you don't know me, you're dead." Murong Wuwu pouted and said.

"I'm so hard!" Lin Feng's heart was about to collapse.

If they don't pretend, I can still see it, after all, they have different personalities. But now I'm not familiar with it, it's a little disguise, it's really hard to recognize them all!

After the six sat down, Murong Yiyi opened a bottle of red wine and poured a little red wine into each person's goblet.

Afterwards, she raised her glass and said, "I brought it back from the Southern Winery last year. It tastes good. The five of us have joined Lin Feng's guild. Let's have a toast first. But just take a sip, and we'll get down to business later. Somebody don't drink too much."

As she spoke, she glanced at Murong Wuwu.

"Cut! I don't like your red wine yet!" Murong Wuwu curled her lips, but she also raised her glass and said, "Welcome Lin Feng to visit our house, and he can come more often in the future. I'm also completely burnt.

Murong Sisi trembled a bit: "Dark cooking, my baby is ugly!"

"Welcome!" The other two also raised their glasses.

"Thank you." Looking at five identical beautiful eyes, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a little cautious, and he raised his glass.


Then, everyone took a sip.

As soon as she put down her wine glass, Murong Sisi couldn't wait to say: "Haha...... Today's food is too rich, Lin Feng, come every day from now on! In this way, Second Sister can perform exceptionally every day."

"That is, you have developed beyond the standard, and your double chin has come out. Murong Erer is not in a good mood.

Afterwards, everyone talked and laughed and ate.


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