National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 142: Murong Er Er's Shock!

"A new copy!" Lin Feng's eyes brightened immediately, and he flew directly to Longyuan City.

While flying, he sent another message to Murong Wuwu: "How did you find out?"

Murong Wuwu said: "Erer's skill is group damage. She happened to be near a lake. It may be that the skill continued to cause damage in that area, and then suddenly a stone exploded by the lake, and then she was prompted to open the instance. She will tell you the details."

Afterwards, Murong Xiaoer sent a message to Lin Feng: "It's like this, I suspect that the huge rock by the lake may be the opportunity to open the dungeon, every time my skills attack there, it may break the seal, and then it will open. .”

"Then, the current dungeon requires level 50. I am an opener, and the requirement has been lowered by 20. Currently, I am level 30, and I can just enter. But Wuwu is level 35, and I can't enter yet. Lin Feng, you are almost level 60 , you can enter."

"So, we thought, come here quickly, don't be robbed of the first kill. You enter first, at least we will take this copy for the first kill, so the first kill rate will definitely be high.

"That's it, okay, I'm rushing back to Longyuan City now, and I'll be there soon." Lin Feng replied again: "The dungeon is open, is there any sign?"

Murong Er'er: "A spring rushes up tens of meters, and after that, there is only a teleportation gate standing there like a wave. At present, the distance from our side is Yashan City, which is hundreds of miles away. Yashan City is our guild Yes, there are only a few hundred people, and no one should have seen it at the moment."

"However, even if someone sees it and spreads the news, people from other guilds will not be able to come, because except for the core members of our guild, other people cannot be teleported to Yashan City. If they want to come from other cities, how many days will it take? !"

Lin Feng: "That's okay."

Afterwards, he directly applied to join the Murong Erer team.

Lin Feng rode the Gemini guardian unicorn, accelerated to the limit speed, and arrived at Longyuan City in 20 minutes.

After teleporting to Yashan City, it can be said to be non-stop, and quickly rushed to the side of the two Murong sisters who formed the team.

About 20 minutes later, Lin Feng arrived at the Sea Demon Forest, where Murong Wuwu and the other two were located.

After seeing each other for a while, Lin Feng realized that Murong Wuwu had improved a lot. She used to be covered in broken bronze, but now she was at least silver, and her armor was still gold.

However, the "keel" of the bone mallet is still so conspicuous.

Murong Er'er is wearing a black robe, holding a magic book in her hand, and has long black hair and a natural shawl, giving her an extra elegant temperament. It is in stark contrast to Murong Wuwu who carries a big mallet on his shoulders.

"Lin Feng! Here." With a distance of tens of meters, Murong Wuwu on the ground waved and shouted directly to the sky.

"Huh!" Gemini Guardian Unicorn landed on the ground, kicking up dust.

Lin Feng quickly jumped down and looked at the two women.

It was a Might and Magic Gate like water ripples, about two meters high, and round in shape.

If you are far away, you may not be able to see it.

"It's really not inconspicuous." Lin Feng looked at the magic circle and said in surprise.

"Yeah! It appeared suddenly, but unfortunately I can't enter, only you two can now, I really want to go in and have a look~". "Murong Wuwu said: "I have to quickly reach level 50

Now on the game forum, it has been revealed that 5 dungeons have been opened in various places. "

"It's a pity that there is only the opener at the moment. It seems that because it is the first to open it, the requirement can be reduced by 20 levels. Everyone else has to be at least level 50 to enter. The person who opened it is only 30 or 40 levels. It seems that the current single-player pass has failed."

"Looking at the door of the dungeon, I can't get in. Damn it! And that NPC old dragon king master told me that if I awaken at level 60, I will have the opportunity to transform into a dragon. I'm excited to think about it, but unfortunately my level is not enough."

As she spoke, she raised her eyes to look at Lin Feng, her big watery eyes showed hope.

"I also have to quickly level up to level 60, awaken. After I wake up, I will come back and bring you to level up." Lin Feng said casually, seeing Murong Wuwu's eyes, she knew that she wanted to be lazy again

But it's different now, Lin Feng's leveling up is fast. At the same time, they are all from their own guild, so let's improve their strength.

At this time, Murong Er'er worried: "Lin Feng, can you be alone? It requires level 50, and I heard that the dungeon can only be completed in a team. It should be quite difficult to enter alone."

"It's okay, the Zhao's tower in Longyuan City, I use the death mode twice a day, it only takes a few minutes. It's just a copy required by level 50, it's not difficult for me. Okay [let's go in!"

"Eh?", Murong Er'er was a little surprised, then shook his head slightly and said: "I'm going to hold you back, if it's dangerous, I'll take you to fail together, the gain outweighs the gain."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "At worst, you're dead. I'll continue to farm monsters. Last time I told Murong Wuwu to teach you to familiarize yourself with your skills. Unfortunately, I encountered something later, and I wanted to reach level 60 quickly, so I didn't look for you. It just so happened that this time we were fighting monsters while chatting.

Murong Wuwu also said: "Er Er, you don't know, he was at level 20, and he took me to the level 50 monster area. It's just a level 50 dungeon, no pressure, go!"

As she said that, she directly withdrew from the team: "I'll wait for you outside, and I'll pass the dungeon in a while, you and I will do the task! This task is definitely not easy, and there must be great rewards

"Then, let's go in then!" Murong Er Er looked at Lin Feng, and said slightly cautiously, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, we're a guild, I can bring members to upgrade. Okay, let's go in!" Lin Feng glanced at Murong Wuwu: "Come out, let's do your task."

After finishing speaking, he stepped in first, followed by Murong Er'er.

At this time, Lin Feng got a game prompt.

Copy: Siren Dungeon

Requirements: Level 50 (Daily: 0/5)

Mode: normal mode, elite mode, abyss mode, hell mode, death mode

Did the player enter?

"Enter." Lin Feng selected, and at the same time chose the normal mode.

He wants to enter a higher mode, but unfortunately he can only choose the normal mode at present.

"Shua! Shua!"

Two rays of light flashed, and Lin Feng and Murong Er'er appeared in the dungeon.

Afterwards, Lin Feng quickly looked at the small map of the instance.

At the same time, he said: "I often enter the dungeon of Zhao's Tower, so I am familiar with the dungeon. Every dungeon, when the player enters it, there will be a small map in the upper right corner of the viewing angle, indicating how many small spaces we need to go through. , also called a room by me."

"If you enter a new dungeon by yourself in the future, you should pay attention to this. Because we have to calculate our own skill cooling and recovery potion usage."

"After all, if the skill has not been cooled down well, the potion is gone, and we still have three dungeon rooms that we haven't passed, if we rashly enter the next room, we may be killed by monsters directly."["

Murong Er'er nodded: "Yes, I understand. I also often browse the game forums, and there is no strategy on it. It seems that most players have not entered the instance, and they do not want to disclose."

Lin Feng noticed that this copy of Siren's Dungeon is divided into six rooms, or six main halls.

At present, they are in a large hall with a space of more than one thousand meters, and at the end there are two closed doors.

There are quite a few monsters in the main hall, a quick calculation, 50 of them.

Siren Yaksha Soldier

Level: 50

HP: 11000

Lin Feng looked at the monster and said, "50 of them, these monsters are walking around in the hall. This situation shows a point. If we attack one of them, it should attract the attention of the other 49, and they will all besiege us.

"Let's talk about the distribution first! The distribution is based on the output ratio between the two of us. But... under normal circumstances, I should be able to account for more than 90%. Therefore, for the equipment that will be purchased later, gold or above will be mine, and others such as silver, Bronze equipment, materials, etc., are directly stored by our three companies, and the recovery potion is yours. Of course, if you have a skill book and equipment suitable for you, it is yours

Lin Feng said again.

Two days ago, Murong Yiyi made a special trip to his house and signed a contract directly.

The name of the company is "Sanhe Company" and the legal persons are him, Murong Yiyi and Murong Erer. Each person contributed 50 million yuan, and the registered capital of the company was directly set at 150 million yuan, which is not a small investment.

However, Lin Feng doesn't care about the specifics, and the two women will solve the problem.

"Yes." Murong Er Er nodded, and said: "Now I am recruiting people, and I will train 100 people in the early stage. In terms of distribution, I will add one thing, that is, the skill books and equipment that suit me. I will buy them according to the market price."

"It's enough for you to take me to upgrade and experience the new dungeon at the same time. I can't take too much advantage, and... Can I let go and attack these monsters?"

"Of course, you can do whatever you want! I'll let two war servants protect you for a while, and you let go of the attack, just practicing your skills." Lin Feng smiled.

"Thank you, I will try my best to adapt. Since you let Wuwu's pet protect me last time, I have improved a lot. In less than a month, I believe I can also become more powerful." Murong Er'er said a little excitedly.

"Come on!" Lin Feng clenched his fist and made a cheering gesture, and then directly performed the contract of all souls, pet summoning, and guardian unicorn.

30 huge BOSS evil dragon kings appeared.

The pets Hei and Dandan, and three guardian unicorns (pronounced) appeared.

"There are monsters!" Murong Er Er exclaimed, and ran behind Lin Feng involuntarily.

"Eh!" Lin Feng turned his head to look at Murong Er'er, grinning and said, "One more game lesson, when we form a team, the summoned creatures summoned by teammates have names on their heads, and the names of teammates are displayed in brackets. Don't just look at The appearance of the monster depends on whether it is an enemy or a summoned creature by a teammate. Then...these are all my pets.

"This... so many!" Murong Er'er looked up at the names on the heads of Lin Feng's servants and pets, and then showed a look of shock.

She has been playing this game for many days, encountered too many things, and there are many strategies in the forum. At the same time, he watched Lin Feng's battle against Hot Pot City, and roughly remembered how many pets there were, and there were not many, but... ...This time there were more than 30 people.

Especially the 30 evil dragon kings, each of which is more than ten meters long and looks like a dragon with a single horn. 30 of them together are simply terrifying!

"Are you hanging up? This, this is too much!" Murong Er Er looked at Lin Feng, and couldn't help but say something.

"Yes, I am Invincible." Lin Feng grinned.

"Really? Then give me a cheat." Murong Er said: "Actually, this is the first time I play a game. I have also found a way to cheat in the second world, but I haven't found it yet. If so If it can be hung up, we can make a lot of money.”

While speaking, her cheeks were slightly flushed, and she also showed an excited expression.


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