National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 147 Egg Beast Evolution: Dragon Frozen Master

【Mission: Golden Dragon Search Mission】

Difficulty: S

Explanation: Ao Lie, the five-clawed golden dragon, chased and killed the traitor of the dragon clan who betrayed the dragon clan and joined the Dark Night Holy See. He has not returned to the dragon clan in three months, and there is no news at all. Now we need the children of the Dragon Clan, find Ao Lie, bring him back to the Dragon Clan, and the task will be considered complete.

Requirements: Children of the dragon clan, can form a team (limited to 3 people)

Rewards for completing the task: Level +2, Dragon Merit +500, and a dragon accessory.

Mission failure: no penalty

"This task is not bad. It can be directly upgraded to two levels, and the dragon accessories will definitely not be bad. The main thing is that there is no penalty for failure, which is not bad." Lin Feng was slightly surprised.

"Yeah!" Murong Wuwu said: "Seven days should be enough for us to find it. When I go to the guild to ask, there are special skills that can track NPCs. Just let someone take us there, and then bring the golden dragon back. , even if the task is completed.”

At this time, Murong Er said in his ear: "It shouldn't be that simple! I also read the mission, but I just found it and took it back. It looks simple, but as an S-level difficulty, it can't be so simple."

Lin Feng nodded slightly, and said: "It is said that he is hunting down another dragon traitor, so we may face that dragon traitor. The danger should be that traitor. At the same time, if we can't catch the dragon traitor, maybe this golden dragon is still stubborn If you don’t go back, it will be difficult to bring him back when the time comes.”

"However, it's too early to discuss these, let's find out first! Before that, I need to let my pet evolve first.

Afterwards, Lin Feng selected Dandanmon to evolve.

Dandan Beast could evolve a long time ago. After fighting for so long, it is just waiting for a better boss form to change.

Afterwards, Lin Feng summoned the Dandan Beast, and then selected the legendary boss Flood Dragon Ice Master as the Dandan Beast's evolution route.

This Frozen Master used skills as soon as he appeared, and his basic attacks were all accompanied by magic attacks. The overall basic attacks were stronger than the legendary bosses of the same level, which was quite suitable as an evolution target.

Following Lin Feng's selection, Dandanmon's whole body exudes ice blue light.

The light curtain in front of his eyes showed:

Eggmon is evolving...

Murong Wuwu and Murong Er'er looked at Dandanmon curiously at the same time.

After about five seconds, the light dissipated, and Eggmon turned into a little mage wearing a blue robe, with gills on his face, and holding an ice-blue trident.

It is indeed a little mage, because the current Dandanmon is in the form of a Q version of a little girl, only more than one meter tall, similar to the form of the little black man of the Dragon King of Taiyin.

At this time, the attributes of the egg beast also changed

【Egg Beast】

Three forms: Eggshell form / Ice Hell Six-Headed Dog / Frozen Dragon Frozen Master

Grade: King (can grow)

Name: Eggy

Host: Meng Wang

Level: Level 47

Grade 1

HP: 160000

Mana: 50000


Magic Attack: 3500

Passive skills: 1. [Swallowing Alienation] The egg beast can devour living beings to undergo heterogeneous evolution. (Evolution: 0/1000000)

2. [Frozen Lv1] When in the four-headed dog form of the ice prison, the general attack issued by each head has a special effect of slowing down the target by 2%. If attacking the same target, the deceleration effect can be superimposed, up to 12%.

3. [Frozen Lv1] When in the form of the Dragon Frozen Master, the basic attack comes with 30% magic attack, and the target is slowed down by 5%, and there is a 1% chance that the target will be frozen.

4. [Earth Cracking Ice Spike Lv1] When in the form of Flood Dragon Frozen Master, within 100 meters, launch an ice spike attack on a 5-meter area, causing 400% magic attack, and freezing the target for 2 seconds, cooling for 180 seconds.

Devour target: None

The attributes of the egg beasts that reached the gold level also began to increase.

However, the level is still limited, and there is still a gap between the Guardian Unicorn and the Lunar Dragon King. The attributes of the current Taiyin Dragon King and the three summoned beasts are terrifying.

【Dragon King of Taiyin】

Dual Form: Dragon Form/Dragon Lady Form

Grade: Legendary grade (growable)

Name: Xiao Hei

Host: Meng Wang

Level: Level 41

Grade 1

HP: 1110000

Mana: 500000


Magic Attack: 8200

Passive skill: [Taiyin Chillness v2].

【Lunar Ice Armor Iv2】...

Active skills:

【Frozen Land Lv2】----

[Sunshine Strike Iv2]

Gemini Guardian Unicorn

Dual forms: guardian unicorn form/guardian warrior form

First name: Shuang'er

Host: Meng Wang

Grade: rare grade

Grade: 48

HP: 510000

Mana: 510000


Magic attack: 4800

Passive skill: [Guardian Shield lv3] When attacked, there is a 30% chance to appear a shield that can withstand 35% of HP.

[Gemini Counterattack lv3] When a normal attack falls on the body, there is a 16% chance to make the attack immune and bounce the attack back to the target.

Active skill: [Gemini Phantom v3] Consumes 500 mana to create a shadow, owns 70% of its own attack power, lasts for 30 seconds, will disappear in advance when killed, cools down for 4 minutes.

Sagittarius Guardian Unicorn

Dual forms: guardian unicorn form/guardian warrior form

name: small bow

Host: Meng Wang

Grade: rare grade

Grade: 47

HP: 500000

Mana: 200000


Magic attack: 4500

Passive skill: [Archer's Arrow v3] Normal attack has a 21% chance to deal damage equal to 125% of physical attack and cause the target to be stunned for 1 second.

[Unlimited Arrow Control] The arrows of Sagittarius can be generated infinitely.

Active skill: [Golden Arrow v3] Consumes 200 mana, shoots a golden arrow, hits a target within 100 meters, causes 700% physical attack damage, and produces bleeding effect, the hit target loses 1% per second Life value, lasts 5 seconds. Let cool for 2 minutes.

Aquarius Guardian Unicorn

name: bottle

Host: Meng Wang

Grade: rare grade

Grade: 36


Mana: 200000


Magic Attack: 3600

Passive skill: [Light of Aquarius Lv21] Companions within 100 meters around Aquarius automatically recover 1.1% of their health every second.

[Ice Clean] The attack of Aquarius comes with a freezing effect, which has a 30% chance to slow down the target by 30%.

Active skills:

【Diamond Stardust Wave Lv2】With itself as the center, emit light waves like diamond stardust outward, causing 500% magic attack damage to enemies within 30 meters, recovering 25% of the HP of companions within this range, cooling down : 300 seconds.

~What grade is it? This is.....that Flood Dragon Frozen Master just now "~?" Murong Er Er was not sure.

Lin Feng nodded slightly and said: "Eggy Beast, you can devour the corpses of various monsters, accumulate evolution points, and reach full value, you can choose a monster that has been devoured. It is currently gold level

"That's great!" Murong Er'er ran over, and immediately picked up the Dandan beast in a small ice blue mage robe, and said enviously: "It would be great if I had such a good pet! I don't even have a pet now. Woolen cloth!"

"Huh? No, Lin Feng, can't we all have only one pet?" Murong Wuwu asked in surprise.

"One of my passive skills can currently have 5 pets. Well, I will search directly! I don't need to look for others, I have accessories that come with this." Lin Feng directly used the " Devil's Curse" skill.

[Devil's Curse] Enter the name of the target, and the direction of the target can be tracked within 1 hour [and the damage to bids is increased by 30%. Chill for 6 hours.

"NPC: Five-clawed Golden Dragon Ao Lie.

Lin Feng entered the name, and soon, a small faint arrow appeared on the interface in front of his eyes, pointing directly to the southwest.

Lin Feng pointed to the southwest and said: "In that direction, I don't know the exact distance and location, but the direction is determined, we will teleport directly to Longyuan City first, and then teleport one by one, we should be able to determine a rough idea.

"Yes." Murong Wuwu nodded.

"Then... let's go together, my time limit is 1 hour, and after that, the cooldown is 6 hours (the money is good), I have to wait." Lin Feng said, seraphim wings appeared on his back, and then said: "Can you fly?"

Murong Er'er nodded slightly: "I have wind spirit wings and can fly."

"I can do it!" Murong Wuwu's back appeared red golden dragon wings.

"Go!" Lin Feng flew directly to Yashan City.

As soon as he started flying, Lin Feng realized it. Although they are both flying, the speed of the two women is too slow, not even half as fast as his.

It's also normal, one main intelligence, one main defense, agility is naturally low. Even if there is a skill increase, it is not so fast.

Really can't wait, Lin Feng grabbed a woman's arm with one hand, and directly accelerated the speed.

In about 20 minutes, the three rushed back to Yashan City, and then Lin Feng and Murong Wuwu left and were directly teleported to Longyuan City.

After arriving at Longyuan City, the display angle is still southwest. But this time the southwest angle is closer to the south.

Afterwards, the two continued to send...

Longshi City, Longfeng City, Long'an City, Longshu City.

Heading north and south, until the two teleported to Longshu City, the direction changed. This time pointing north.

"Hundred Thousand Beast Mountain!?" Lin Feng was a little surprised. He had never been there before, but he knew a little bit about it.

"Then teleport to the nearest city of Hundred Thousand Beast Mountain to have a look."

Continue sending.

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