National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 155 The Crisis Of The Ninth Round

As the light dissipated, Lin Feng looked around.

The layout of the monsters this time is the same as last time, with monsters coming from eight directions.

Level 75 Blood Wolf Demon Soldiers charge forward.

Eight directions, 300 in each direction, 2400 in total.

After that, there is a level 75 blood wolf demon shooter.

Eight directions, 75 in each direction, 600.

At the end, there are 8 bosses, one in each direction, which are more enhanced than the previous round.

BOSS·Blood Wolf Demon Warrior

Level: 80

HP: 380000

These monsters are more than ten meters tall, but they are bigger than the previous round of bosses, and they are even more imposing.

At the same time, in the southeast and northwest, there are four more rare bosses.

Rare Boss-Blood Wolf Demon Sorcerer

Level: 80

HP: 760000

These four bosses all have a human body, a wolf's head, and hold a staff in their hands. There is a bloody light flashing on the staff.

"Eight bosses, four rare bosses! And the number of ordinary monsters has increased to 3000!" Murong Wuwu said: "Or the original plan to fight?" "Two Thirty"

"Naturally unchanged." Lin Feng grinned, and quickly cast "Guard the Cross Hymn".

Then, he cast the "Dragon Transformation"

"The remnant soul of the extremely yin demon dragon king is possessed, player...

"It's still a good life, not bad." Happy in his heart, Lin Feng began to sing without stopping.

Two soul-absorbing circles and two soul-binding circles were successfully created by him.

The battle plan changed slightly this time, that is, he didn't fly up to the sky and rush to the back of the monster at the earliest.

Because 2,400 ordinary monsters crowded outside Lin Feng's servants, completely blocking him from those monsters behind, the distance was close to fifty meters.

The blood wolf demon shooter with a natural attack distance of 20 meters couldn't hit Lin Feng at all.

Even if the monsters are dead as soon as they rush into the magic circle, but they can't handle too many of them, the dead monsters still fall to the ground [it hasn't disappeared for a few seconds. Naturally, it also resisted the momentum of the monsters swarming forward.

At the same time, the 8 bosses and 4 rare level bosses also stopped in the outer circle, and there was no tendency to enter. This made Lin Feng even less anxious to rush out.

Instead, after creating the magic circle, he directly joined the battle and started the crazy killing.

When the cooling of the magic circle is over, he will surround the war servants and create another magic circle.

It lasted like this for half a second, and Lin Feng cast two more soul-absorbing circles and two soul-binding circles, blocking the other four directions.

This way, monsters die faster.

There were magic circles in eight directions to temporarily resist, Lin Feng felt relieved, and then flew into the air, flying directly behind the blood wolf demon soldiers.

In the same way as the last round of fighting, Lin Feng rushed into the group of blood wolf demon shooters, first of all he used death charge.





...... A large number of monsters were instantly killed, and finally he hit one of the bosses, the blood wolf monster general, and instantly killed that boss on the spot.

At the same time, more than half of the blood volume of the rare boss in the north - the blood wolf demon wizard also dropped. Afterwards, Lin Feng rushed in front of the rare boss, and the general attack landed on him.

Death Harvest!



After killing this, Lin Feng flew into the air without hesitation, and sprinted directly to the next direction.

This time his goal is to kill the boss and the rare boss first.

Because there are too many BOSS and rare level BOSS, especially the latter is likely to display skills over time.

If the four rare level bosses use skills on Lin Feng at the same time, they may kill him instantly.

Rather than waiting for the enemy to act, it is better to strike first.

The current Lin Feng can directly deal 403200 damage in one death harvest.

Quickly rushing to the northwest, at a distance of 30 meters, Lin Feng cast the chain of souls on the boss, and then harvested death to kill the boss.

Continue to fly to the west, kill the BOSS in the chain of dead souls and the field of flames, and then add a death harvest to the rare BOSS and kill them directly.


In 30 seconds, Lin Feng killed all the bosses in eight directions, and also killed four rare bosses.

By the way, more than two hundred blood wolf demon shooters were killed.

And at this time, the time for Shenlong Transformation has come.

And at this time, he activated the feature of [Time Leakage Necklace] again,

"Designate a skill and make it cool down instantly. Cooldown: 12 hours."

Dragon Transformation!

"Possessed by the remnant soul of the Dragon King of the Sun God, the player's HP is increased by 300%, and the double resistance and double attack are increased by 300% at the same time. Additional increase: the damage of all skills is doubled, and the duration: 60 seconds"

This time there is no cooling reduction, but the skill is doubled, making Lin Feng's skill damage stronger.

Continue fighting..…………

Without the threat of the boss, Lin Feng can be regarded as completely letting go. However, because there is no cooling reduction, his skills cannot be completely cooled in a short time.

However, there is one passive skill that is enough for him to come and go freely among the monsters, and that is "wandering spirit possession".

Now he can instantly kill ordinary monsters with basic attacks, and while moving fast, the Archangel sword in his hand keeps slashing across the monster's body, which is continuous instant kills.

Arrows hit him like raindrops, and his blood volume plummeted, and then he killed five or six at a time, and his blood volume increased by half.

And the monsters at this time are still besieging Lin Feng and his servant pets, as well as Murong Wuwu.

This time Murong Wuwu learned smarter, hid behind the war servant, kept using long-range skills, and kept alive, and relied on long-range damage, although the killing was slower, he also killed a few monsters.

But Lin Feng's kill was much faster.

time flies…………

There are too many of them this time, and the increase of the Shenlong Transformation is the possession of the remnant soul of the Sun God Dragon King. Many of his skills have a relatively long cooldown time. If you use it once, you cannot use it a second time in a short period of time.

Most of them rely on basic attacks to deal damage.

Although, each time the wandering spirit possesses his body, he can restore a lot of blood, but too intensive damage has to be avoided quickly.

In one minute, the time of Shenlong Transformation is over, and Lin Feng can easily kill many monsters in seconds without being able to move fast. The only way is to harvest monsters one by one by death, and then combine skills to slow down the speed even more...

"It took 30 minutes to kill the eighth wave of monsters. There are still 6 hours and 30 minutes before the ninth wave of beasts arrives."

"Phew! It's finally finished." Lin Feng didn't even go under the stone tower. After killing the last monster, he sat down on the floor. And now, 10 of the Evil Jiao Kings have died, leaving only 17.

Murong Wuwu quickly picked up the last gold coin, and sat down next to Lin Feng weakly: "There are so many monsters, it's really hard to kill. Fortunately, this time I dodged continuously, otherwise I would die again. But after this time, I have to give A few points of agility, too slow movement speed, a group of monsters can instantly kill me every time.

Lin Feng said unhappily: "I told you a long time ago, if you add a few points to agility appropriately, you can avoid skills in this game, and even basic attacks can be avoided. You are fighting monsters now, if you encounter high-level opponents in the future Agile player PK, you can't hit him, he can kill you."

"Kill me, I'm looking for you, why don't you go and kill him?" Murong Wuwu said casually: "Anyway, it's just one death.

"Ah!" Lin Feng was speechless.

If he just entered the game, even if he is killed by the player, he doesn't care, anyway, game death is not a real death.

But with the passage of time, his identity has been different from the beginning. His mentality also changed, and he gradually couldn't accept being killed by any player.

In fact..... Most players fight each other, dying once, or dying several times, is commonplace!

"That's the reason, but don't you feel sorry for dropping equipment?" Lin Feng said.

Murong Wuwu said innocently: "Other than the keel is valuable, what else is valuable in my body? At most one gold armor, not much money! What's more, the keel is bound and cannot be dropped, the NPC master said.'

"You're awesome! Anyway, be careful." Lin Feng couldn't help Murong Wuwu.

"Hee hee... I got it, I know you're good for me, okay!" Murong Wuwu said happily: "I calculated and got a total of 21,600 gold coins, it's a big explosion! There are so many gold coins, thinking about it is like a dream have to!"

"The harvest is good." Lin Feng smiled. Even if he is 3.9, he is very happy to have earned so much in just half an hour.

"Play chess again?" At this time, Murong Wu Wu said.

"Do you have others?" Lin Feng asked curiously.

Murong Wuwu nodded: "Yes! Go, this is the most difficult, I don't believe you can beat me.

"You can try."

A Go game took a long time, but...Murong Wuwu lost again.

Lin Feng has few friends. In addition to studying and working part-time, he spends his time reading and playing by himself. Almost all chess games on the market, he has played online for many years.

In addition, he is good at studying, and his IQ is not very strong, but he is also considered smart.

As for Murong Wuwu, in Lin Feng's opinion, it was obviously just a chess skill for the fun, and he was not proficient at first glance.

Therefore, he decisively won Murong Wuwu several times.

While playing, chatting nonsense, soon, because more than an hour passed.

At this time, the game prompt sounded: "7 hours are approaching, the ninth round of monsters is about to attack. The number of ordinary monsters is 4000, the number of bosses is 16, and the number of rare bosses is 12. Players should pay attention to safety."

"12 rare bosses! This monster is getting more and more perverted!".

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