National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 157 Powerful Legendary Boss!

The tenth round is the same as the first two rounds, divided into front, middle and back.

There are eight square teams at the front, 500 monsters with a height of more than ten meters in each direction, a total of 4,000.

blood wolf demon warrior

Level: 80

HP: 38000

Behind it are monsters that are also more than ten meters high, 200 in each direction, and 1600 in eight directions.

Blood Wolf Demon Archer

Level: 80

HP: 38000

Behind the normal monsters, there are no BOSS this time, but there are 2 rare BOSS in each direction, a total of 16.

Rare Boss-Blood Wolf Demon Wizard

Grade: 90

HP: 1040000

Behind each rare level boss-blood wolf demon great wizard, stood a more powerful rare level boss, more than 20 meters tall, which was still very prominent behind these huge monsters of more than ten meters.

Rare Boss Blood Demon Wolf King

Grade: 95

HP: 1200000

East, south, northwest, 2 in each of the four directions, a total of 8

After that...………


Legendary Boss Lord of the Blood Wolf

Level: 100

HP: 7000000

With this blood volume, even if Lin Feng's damage is high, he still can't kill this powerful legendary boss in a short time.


Legendary Boss-Blood Moon Sirius

Grade: 110

HP: 9000000

Being stronger is definitely the most important and most difficult task of guarding the golden dragon this time.

"Guard the Cross Hymn!"

After Lin Feng used his skills, he buffed the remaining seven servants and pets, and then began to chant to create a magic circle.

This time he chose not to rush to the legendary bosses, but to avoid them.

Because there are too many monsters, his war servants have decreased instead. This time, it is very likely that the war servants will die before he finishes killing the monsters. And it is too difficult to kill a legendary boss in a short time.

It's better to kill a group of ordinary monsters first, and watch the boss's movements. If there are no monsters to attack within a certain period of time, Lin Feng will not rush to attack.

If one more common monster can be killed, the pressure on the servants and pets will be relieved.

"If the rare bosses directly attack this side, we should focus on killing these first, and then kill the legendary bosses." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

2 soul-absorbing circles and 2 soul-binding circles were successfully created, and then the monster rushed forward.

Guard the Cross!

"Boom!" The Cross Sword Qi flew out, and the monsters along the way were directly killed.

But... this time the monster is big and occupies a large area. Even if it is crowded, Lin Feng's skill is not as effective as the previous round.

Within a range of 20 meters, Tuanxin killed more than 2,000 monsters.

If it was the one in the last round, there would be more than 50 skills per skill.

But it is good to be able to kill.

After the actual battle lasted for more than ten seconds, Lin Feng found that the IQ of these ordinary monsters was really low, and they didn't let the long-range attacking monsters come forward, and they still crowded and attacked frantically.

Fortunately, it was like this, if Lin Feng had a high IQ, Lin Feng would be a bit overwhelmed.

And those BOSS are just standing behind, not in a hurry to move forward.

Half a minute, a minute later.

Lin Feng once again created 10 soul-absorbing magic circles and 6 soul-binding magic circles, surrounding the servants, killing monsters while protecting the servants, and at the same time protecting the stone tower.

At this time Lin Feng had killed more than 600 monsters. At this time, Murong Wuwu beside the stone pagoda suddenly shouted loudly: "Lin Feng, be careful, the big boss may have to use skills!"


As she spoke, she pointed into the distance.

Lin Feng looked over quickly, and found that the 8 rare bosses of level 95, Blood Demon Wolf King, were all around, and at the same time, the whole body was emitting bloody red light, and then the body was slightly lowered.

"Boom!" All of a sudden, the monster leaped over 50 meters, directly jumped tens of meters, and all rushed towards Lin Feng!

"Damn." Lin Feng cursed at the attack from all directions, and at the same time directly spread his wings and soared into the sky.

At this moment, the backs of the eight blood demon wolf kings who rushed towards Lin Feng from mid-air suddenly rushed out of the blood-red flesh wings, instigating Lin Feng who rushed directly into the sky.

Lin Feng, who had soared into the sky, flew directly to the outside, but fell directly to the ground after being above the group of monsters more than 40 meters away from the long-range attacking monsters.

When the distance was 30 meters, he cast the chain of the dead soul at the monster on the ground, and his body shot straight to the ground.

Nether Flame Domain!


With Lin Feng as the center, flames within 20 meters burst from the ground, and all the monsters in this area were instantly killed!

At this time, the 8 rare bosses, the Blood Demon Wolf King, quickly fell and swooped in front of Lin Feng.

Just when they rushed into the damage range of Lin Feng's skills, and they were five meters away from Lin Feng [ Lin Feng directly displayed the guardian light array.

"Boom!" The rare boss who rushed into it was bombarded from a distance, and was directly pushed out of the guardian light array.

At this time, the light array also directly shattered. Obviously, the attacks of these bosses were strong enough to directly shatter the light array defense.

However, the effect Lin Feng wants is to push the air.

Blood mist filled the air!

The two skills exploded at the same time, and all ordinary monsters who broke into it were instantly killed. And the BOS$ directly lost 445,000 HP per second.

Afterwards, a blood-colored thick fog surrounded the area, and the eight huge rare bosses lost their target in an instant.

However, they still rushed forward, according to the direction of the sprint after locking on to Lin Feng.


Lin Feng found a gap where the two monsters hadn't passed, and took advantage of the chaos to pass through. The eight bosses collided directly, but they didn't attack Lin Feng.

"Death charge!" With a distance of about ten meters, Lin Feng sprinted backwards, knocked down six rare bosses with a bang.




Six rare bosses were stunned, and the other two bosses were not hit. But at this time, Lin Feng cast the chain of dead souls in their direction, directly walking the two bosses in place.

In the third second, the 8 rare level bosses with 1.2 million HP were all emptied and died!

"I'm not afraid of your cohesion, but I'm afraid of your not cohesive." Lin Feng grinned.

And at this time, 16 rare bosses-the great wizards of the blood wolf demon shook the vine staffs in their hands at the same time, and a bloody whirlwind appeared under their feet, driving their bodies to fly into the air

At the same time, blood-colored energy flew out of these boss staffs, eight of which wrapped around the waist of the legendary boss-Blood Wolf Lord, and the other eight wrapped around the legendary boss Blood Moon Sirius.

Afterwards, the two huge monsters with five-degree heights were driven to fly into the air.

Afterwards, he was thrown directly, like a parabola from mid-air, and dived directly towards Lin Feng below.

-Guardian Star Shield!"

A shield appeared on Lin Feng's body.

"Boom boom boom!" The sixteen blood-colored energies were controlled by the great wizard of the blood wolf demon flying in mid-air. They pierced the ground at an extremely fast speed and formed a circle, trapping Lin Feng in it.

"Boom!" A magic circle with a range of more than 50 meters appeared on the ground under Lin Feng's feet, and all the monsters that were about to rush towards him were blocked.

"The blood wolf monster traps the enemy's magic circle, the guardian star shield function is activated, and the player is not affected by the trap."

At this time, two monster-shaped legendary bosses stepped on Lin Feng directly below him.

This monster is too huge. If he is really trapped in the magic circle, even if he is not stepped on, he will be hit by the aftermath of the attack formed by stepping on the ground.

But... Lin Feng is out of control.

Then he moved quickly.

"Boom! Boom!" Two legendary bosses fell to the ground one after another, and with two ear-exploding noises, two big pits appeared instantly.

With the two bosses as the center, it spreads outward for more than 200 meters, reaching a depth of more than ten meters, and the ground is cracked with countless gaps.

The surrounding monsters were even blown away by the powerful air waves.

At this time, Lin Feng was more than 50 meters away from these two legendary bosses, and received two aftermath damage, directly losing tens of thousands of HP.

"Damn, the aftermath attack from such a distance can deal such high damage! As expected of a legendary boss, it's a good thing that he runs (good Zhao) fast, if he is stepped on, he might be trampled to death directly." Lin Feng was surprised.

"Roar! Roar!" The two legendary bosses roared at the same time, and rushed towards Lin Feng.

These two bosses are in human form, but instead of running with their legs, they lie down, grasping the ground with both hands, and sprint ferociously.

"Ghost Claw!"

Lin Feng used skills on the 110-level legendary boss Blood Moon Sirius, and the latter's forward body suddenly stopped in place.


The distance of more than fifty meters seemed to have ceased to exist, and at this time the 100-level legendary boss Blood Wolf Lord had already rushed to Lin Feng.

Then one of his right arm muscles suddenly became thicker.

"Use skills right after the battle!" Lin Feng was surprised.

Guard counter attack!

"Boom!" The huge wolf claws slapped Lin Feng's sword.

"Boom!" A huge sword energy split out.


"Fuck! My skills can deal more than 630,000 damage, that is, this monster can deal more than 70,000 damage with one skill. If this falls on me, even if I have a high defense, I will be shot to death." Lin Feng was startled . But fortunately, it was not him who was beaten, but the monster injured himself instead.

But at this time, Lin Feng took the opportunity to move quickly and rushed directly into the blood mist. .

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