National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 166: Legendary Boss Black Evil Helmet Spirit King

The movement of Heishi Helmets was slow, Lin Feng stopped his movements, chanted for a few seconds, and created a soul-absorbing circle and a soul-binding circle on the spot. The formations were not opened directly, and his target was the Heishhelmed General in front of him.


The sound of armor rubbing against each other sounded.

Lin Feng pointed his sword at General Black Helmet, and triggered the skill Death Charge. His whole body was like a cannonball, and he charged straight towards the boss.


The number jumps, the BOSS's health drops, and at the same time, it causes a 3-second stun effect.

At this time, Lin Feng also charged to the side of the black and evil general, and then activated the death repelling skill. The direction of repelling was exactly the position of the two formations.

The black colossal power, with a bang!


General Black Helmet Spirit was repelled to the range of the formation.

Lin Feng then activated the two formations at the same time, chanting on the spot for two seconds, creating a sea of ​​hell, the formations were activated directly, and the feast flames blazed.




As long as they entered the range of the sea of ​​flames, none of the Heiled Helmet commanders could survive the second second, and all of them died in an instant. After that, Lin Feng didn't blame these elite monsters anymore. He stretched out his big hand, and the black soul chains rushed out. The target is the black and evil helmet spirit general in the middle of the two formations.


When the damage was hit, Lin Feng's second effect came out again, pulling him directly to the side of the monster. At the same time, the 2-second immobilization effect of the chain ended, and the giant ax in the hands of General Black Helmet Spirit was raised high.


A strange sound came from inside his armor.

The Black Evil Helmed Spirit is five meters high, and the giant ax is only 1.5 meters wide. At this time, Lin Feng looked very small in front of him.

#435000 points of health, look at my two skills and kill you in seconds!" Lin Feng glanced at the blood bar of the boss, and the Archangel's sword turned into a defensive posture, and the guardian angel counterattacked and slashed, which can resist the target's attack effect!


The giant ax collided with the big sword, making a huge bang, resisting the attack, with the holiness of the light attribute, the guardian angel counterattacked and slashed out!!


Absorbing the attack damage of General Black Helmet Spirit, coupled with the 1500% magic attack after the awakening enhancement, the damage caused by the counter attack exceeds the entire remaining blood volume of the boss, and the blood bar is instantly emptied with one blow!


The whole body of General Hei Evil Helm Spirit fell down straight, making a loud noise on the ground, and the equipment that exploded was also displayed.

At the same time, Qianxi giant monster and pet babies also dealt with the elite monsters in a similar manner. There were only 5 black evil helmet spirit leaders left in front of them. Lin Feng stretched out his big hand, and the cooled soul chains imprisoned the three monsters.




The damage directly exceeded the maximum life, and the blood tanks of the three monsters were emptied, while the other two monsters were also killed by the tentacles of the Qianxi giant monster, and the fourth area passed.

"Player Moe King passed the death mode · Land of Thunder in 28 seconds, breaking the record for the fastest clearance!"

A beep sounds.

So far, the fastest clearing records of the five modes in Land of Thunder have all become Lin Feng's name, Lin Feng said with a light smile: "It seems to be okay, 28 seconds, but the record is passed within five minutes, and the monsters burst out before." The equipment is not bad, but what can be revealed by the hidden boss?"

Just thinking about it, the buzzer sounded.

"The player Mengwang passed the death mode Thunderland within five minutes, and triggered the hidden boss Black Helmet Spirit King!"

Then, a cloud of black mist appeared out of thin air in front of him, and fell on the armor of the black and evil Helmed Spirit General just now. All the fragments floated and combined to form a monster Helmed Spirit Warrior, a legendary hidden boss!!

In front of Lin Feng, the message of the boss appeared.

Legendary Boss Black Evil Helm Spirit King

Level: 70

HP: 3640000

All the fragmented armor was re-condensed, and it was no longer the same as before. At this time, there was a mass of black mist inside the armor, and at the same time, the faint blue eyes lit up, and the black mist wrapped around the outer shell of the armor.

Let the entire armor of the Hei Evil Helmet Spirit King present a strange color, and at the same time, the giant ax split from it with a soft sound, becoming two obviously lighter double axes, one left and one right held by the Hei Evil Helmet Spirit King hand.


Looking at Lin Feng with treacherous blue eyes, it was as if he had a mighty force, and the Heihe Helm Spirit King was extremely fast, and the two axes suddenly raised and then smashed down.

The attack was extremely fierce, if he was hit by him, his blood volume would plummet by more than half, Lin Feng immediately retreated, and at the same time put a guardian star shield on himself.


The twin axes fell and made a loud noise on the ground.

"The damage is really high. The upper and middle skills are probably gone! The key resistance is several times stronger than that of General Black Helmets just now!"

Lin Feng's thoughts changed sharply, and he directly ordered thirty Qianxi giant monsters to come forward and attack the pet baby next to him, and Xiao Zi lost blood.

Among several skills, the cooling of the soul-binding magic circle and the soul-absorbing magic circle is relatively fast. Lin Feng stepped aside and created two magic circles, which were not triggered immediately. Finish.

The thick black chains hit directly at the Heihe Helm Spirit King.


After the first damage was done, Lin Feng used the second to get close, and his whole body quickly approached. The Dragon Roaring Diamond Shield appeared in his hand. The damage of this boss was astonishing, and the protection of the shield could somewhat offset some of the damage.

At this time, the guardian angel's cross cut has been cooled down, the sword of the archangel is in a cross attack, and the cross cut falls on the body of the black evil helmeted spirit king, "The life value will go down a bit.


Seeing Lin Feng appearing, the Black Evil Helmet Spirit King gave up on the Qianxi giant monster beside him, spun his giant axe, and slammed it down towards Lin Feng, the attack was astonishingly unparalleled!

Seeing this, Lin Feng released the blood mist, and the bright red blood mist covered his sight. His body shifted to one side to avoid the attack, and at the same time, he released the Nether Flame Domain.





Xue Wu diffused double damage from the Youyan field, and continued to lose blood, but the Black Helmet Spirit King found out that something was wrong, and immediately retreated from the blood mist area.

"You still hide, don't you? I don't need to hurt you to force you to death!"

As he said that, Lin Feng's body shook, and he changed his form. Black and red dragon scales appeared on his body, and a pair of wide dragon wings emerged from his back. He was in the form of a dragon king [Tai Chi Dragon Lord!!

As for Lin Feng in the form of Tai Chi Dragon King, HP x 3, magic attack x 3, cooldown +50%, and the overall blood volume and attack have skyrocketed by a large amount.

The few skills that had fallen into the cooling down just now were refreshed immediately. Lin Feng's long sword only wanted to black the Helmet Spirit King. Above his head, a holy hammer appeared, with an attack range of five meters, and fell down with a bang.


A strange sound came out, and the holy hammer fell.



The high-value numbers jumped above the boss's head, and when a skill ended, Lin Feng swept across with his long sword, released the Black Sha Demon Dragon Slash, and slashed straight at the boss.




The black evil dragon slash produces a tearing effect, causing continuous damage to the boss.


Being passively beaten all the time, the Black Evil Helmet Spirit King became furious. He smashed his two axes violently, and his body leaned sideways. Obviously, he was about to charge forward and rushed straight at him.

"Come on, hit me!"

Seeing the opportunity, Lin Feng's dragon wings flickered, and he quickly moved back, returning to the position of the two formations just now. Seeing that the Black Helmet Spirit King was about to charge, Lin Feng chanted "Create another formation for two seconds !

boom boom!!

The Black Evil Helmet Spirit King suddenly charged, charging towards Lin Feng like a cannonball, Lin Feng flapped his dragon wings and flew into the air, the boss entered the formation area, two soul-binding circles and one soul-absorbing circle were simultaneously activated!





The damage of the triple formation was superimposed, and the HP of the Hei Evil Helmets was dropping at a speed visible to the naked eye. The Hei Evil Helmets King immediately realized that the situation was not good.

"Run? You stand there for me and don't move!" Lin Feng realized his intention, the dragon wings flapped and fell to the ground again, and the ghost claws directly grabbed it.


At the same time as the damage was done, the Black Evil Helmet Spirit King was restrained for two seconds, so that he could not move at all and endure the continuous attack of the formation.


Its 640 sound is incredibly deep and terrifying.

After a brief control effect, Xiao Hei also flew to Lin Feng's side, and directly threw a Taiyin blow towards the boss.


The attack of the guardian unicorn also fell together, and the golden arrow flew out from the top of the small bow and hit Helm King.


Several pet babies also followed closely to make up for the damage.

All kinds of damage fell, and the blood volume of the Black Evil Helmet Spirit King was 364,000, and it was knocked down by more than 2 million points in an instant, and the damage of several formations continued.

After the two-second restraint ended, the Helmet Spirit King had just regained his freedom, and just as he was about to raise his twin axes, he suddenly saw a thick chain burst from Lin Feng's direction. The chain fell on him, and Helmet Spirit King was once again bondage.

"If you want to run, just stand there obediently and get beaten, hey!" Lin Feng said with a smile: "But this boss's defense is really high, it's still half open!"

Then, the cooldown of the guardian angel's cross cut ends, the archangel's sword becomes a cross, swish twice, and the cross cut strikes!


After a few damages were done, Lin Feng chanted for two seconds on the spot, and suddenly a holy light appeared in midair, covering the entire fourth area, and the holy light turned into a sharp sword!!

It fell down instantly with a bang!


Even less than half of the damage from the falling of the holy light, the HP of the Black Evil Helmet Spirit King was completely emptied, and the black mist was drawn from the armor, as if there was no supporting power, all the armor shattered into pieces with a bang!

"Phew, it's really tough to fight. Legendary boss. I don't know what equipment can be exploded." Lin Feng exhaled, faded out of the dragon king form, retracted the Dragon Roaring Diamond Shield and the Archangel Sword, and turned towards the Black Helmet Spirit King The corpse walks away.

A piece of dark gold equipment is being stacked in it.

Black Demon Armor

Quality: dark gold


Physical Defense: +1250

Magic Defense: +1250

Constitution +50

(Black Demon Armor, Black Demon Helmet, Black Demon Leggings, Black Demon Armguards, and Black Demon Boots can form a Black Demon suit).

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