National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 168 Exploding A Guild Token

Enter the underpass.

The sight in front of him became dim, only the faint light at the top of the passage allowed Lin Feng to barely see the situation inside the passage, with smooth and neat rock walls on both sides.

Further ahead, a few steps up, there are 20 monsters with long guns and a mouse head on their heads, and further away, there are 20 snake-shaped monsters.

Monster information surfaced.

Black-tailed Rat Guard

Level: 50

HP: 11000

Black-tailed Rat Guard Archers

Level: 50

HP: 12000

A total of 40 monsters, Lin Feng summoned 30 Qianxi giant monsters from the space of all spirits, and he didn't bother to touch these monsters.


On the 30th, the Qianxi giant monster appeared, 40 monsters turned their heads at the same time, and the black-tailed mouse behind raised the bow and arrow in its hand, and shot towards this side.

It's just that in the face of the 90-level Qianxi giant monster, the attacks of these black-tailed rats are insignificant at all.

The tentacles slapped it over, and with two simple strokes, it was solved cleanly.

The first wave of monsters was dealt with, Lin Feng went deep along the passage, and encountered the second wave of monsters again, and he didn't need to take action either, and Qian Ximu monsters were all eliminated.

He has been winding around in the passage, and the monsters along the way are easily eliminated. Soon, Lin Feng entered the seventh area, and at this time the BOSS appeared, the black-tailed mouse king!

BOSS·Black-tailed Rat King

Grade: 65


And around the boss, there are 20 personal guards of the Black-tailed Rat King, each holding a long knife in his hand, surrounding the Black-tailed Rat King in the middle.

Elite·Black-tailed Rat King's Guard

Grade: 62

HP: 90000


Seeing Lin Feng appear, the black-tailed rat made a thin cry, and the 20 black-tailed rat king's personal guards turned at the same time, aiming their weapons at Lin Feng's side.

"It's too troublesome, let's solve it immediately." Lin Feng shook his head and said, then the Archangel Sword appeared in his hand, pointing at the Mouse King.

Guardian Angel Cross!

The long sword presents a cross, and the target points to the Black-tailed Rat King. With a holy aura of light attribute, the cross cut 597 suddenly attacked him!




The guardian angel's cross attack range is 50 meters wide, the range is huge, and the 20 Black Rat King's personal guards are all close, Lin Feng's attack passed, and all 20 were killed!

"The player passed through the normal mode · underground passage, and it took 26 seconds to break the record for the fastest clearance!"

A beep sounds.

Lin Feng stepped forward, picked up the black-tailed mouse materials and gold equipment that exploded, put them into the backpack, and then entered the next mode, the elite mode!

The monsters in elite mode have a 1.2 times enhancement, but facing the Qianxi giant monster, it is still the same as the normal mode, and passed quickly. When encountering the boss, Lin Feng made another blow and passed easily.

Elite Mode, Abyss Mode, Hell Mode!

There is no difference between the scene and the normal mode, they are crushed in the past, and then Lin Feng comes to the death mode, the normal mode is 6 times stronger!

Lin Feng looked at the patrolling black-tailed rat at 40, "This time, try to see if you can pass within 25 seconds."

Then, the sword of the Archangel appeared, and Lin Feng stepped on the ground.

Forty black-tailed rats turned their heads at the same time.

"Guardian Angel Cross Slash!!"

The tip of the sword is sharp, and the cross cut strikes out with a bang!




All 40 black-tailed rat monsters died with only one skill. Lin Feng walked fast, walked through the passage, and when he passed by the corpse of the monster, put the gold coins into his backpack.

Turning to enter the range of the second channel, Lin Feng stretched out his hand, and three black chains flew out. While restraining him, he followed closely.

"Guardian Angel Counter Slash!!"

At this time, the cross cut was still cooling down, and it happened that a monster attacked, and while offsetting the enemy's attack, it caused high damage.



With a huge range, all the monsters were killed in an instant, and the second wave of monsters was killed, and then went deeper. The extremely fast speed made it difficult for the pet babies and servants in the rear to keep up.

Then the third wave of monsters, the fourth wave of monsters, the fifth wave, and the sixth wave were all easily resolved. Until the seventh wave, the rare boss appeared!

Rare Boss Black-tailed Rat Demon King

Level: 70

HP: 780000

At this time, the Black-tailed Rat King was surrounded by black mist, his body trembled, and his arms suddenly sprouted hideous muscles like horned dragons, which looked extremely terrifying.


The Black-tailed Rat Demon King let out a cry.

The surrounding 20 elite monsters turned to Lin Feng at the same time, and the attack target was Lin Feng.

"Come and see you, can you hold on to my two moves?" Lin Feng smiled as he dragged the Archangel's sword, and Heisha picked it up.

Black Fiend Dragon Slash!!

The long sword sweeps across a circle, forming a black wave of air slashing, striking towards the group of elite monsters and the Mouse King in front, the power is terrifying!





The Black-tailed Rat King's blood gauge dropped by nearly 300,000 in an instant as the Black-tailed Rat King's personal guards died instantly!

At the same time, it also caused a tearing effect on him, losing 27594 blood points per second, but Lin Feng's movements did not stop.

On the top of Shu King's head, a golden holy hammer suddenly formed, without giving him any chance to react, the holy hammer crashed down!!


The blood volume of the Black-tailed Rat Devil King plummeted again, and at the same time fell into a state of dizziness, with a blood volume of 780,000, at the moment of meeting, there were only less than 200,000 left!

"Three strokes!!"

Lin Feng made a false grab with his hand before, and the black ghost claw appeared out of thin air, appearing behind the Black-tailed Rat Demon King, and with a swish sound, he grabbed it with all his strength!


As the damage fell, the blood tank of the Shu King emptied, and then fell down with a bang, causing a wave of air.

"It takes 22 seconds for the player to pass through the death mode underground passage, breaking the record for the fastest dungeon mode!"

"The player passes the death mode within 5 minutes, and triggers the hidden boss to turn into the Black-tailed Rat Demon King. Please pay attention!"

The game prompt sounds.

Lin Feng took a step back, and saw directly in front of him, on the stone chair where the Black-tailed Rat Demon King was originally sitting, there was a loud bang, the stone chair shattered, the secret door opened, and the Mouse King, whose skin had always been metallic in color, came out.

The muscles of the whole body are ferocious, and the sharp fangs are exposed, which looks extremely terrifying.

Legendary Boss·Crazy Black-tailed Rat Demon King

Level: 70


At this time, the blood volume of the rat king had reached 3 million. The berserk black-tailed rat demon king noticed the black-tailed rat demon king lying on the side, and suddenly let out a weird squeaking sound, appearing extremely manic and angry.

Lin Feng didn't hesitate, and directly created the soul-binding circle and the soul-absorbing circle on the spot, but they didn't trigger them directly.

"Squeak squeak squeak!!"

The Rat King's body trembled violently, leaving eye-catching footprints on the ground as he walked, walking towards Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng's several skills were almost cooled down, he turned his wrist, and the sword was in a zigzag shape!

Guardian Angel Cross!


The cross slash hit with a bang, the Shu King's blood volume dropped by 350,000, and being hit by the attack, the Shu King became completely furious, with even greater strides, rushing like a cannonball.

"After the berserk transformation, the defense has really increased a lot, and it even offset my 10,000 attack damage. Continue!" The Archangel's sword suddenly surrounded by blue lightning, the power of thunder condensed, and the skill was released again!



The first stage of thunder burst out, and then all the thunder gathered on the Archangel's sword. At this time, the Mouse King was stunned for 1 second, and the second stage dealt damage!


800% magic damage, let the mouse king lose more blood.


The berserk Black-tailed Rat King showed sharp claws on his arms, and his speed suddenly increased, and he grabbed Lin Feng very fiercely.

At this time, the guardian angel's counter attack had finished cooling down, Lin Feng took a step back, and the Archangel's sword stood in front of him, making a defensive posture!


The sharp claws grab the cold light!


It landed on the long sword, making the sound of metal impact.

But at this moment, after absorbing the attack damage of the mad Rat King, the long sword counterattacked, and the Guardian Angel counterattacked against the Rat King who was in front of him!


The huge power immediately caused the Shu King to fly upside down.

On the side, Xiao Hei flapped his wings, the black dragon tail flicked violently, and the Taiyin hit, dealing damage!


Several other baby pets also dealt damage.


The Shu King suddenly made a sharp and ear-piercing sound, got up from the ground again, turned to face Lin Feng and charged forward, the attack was astonishing!

"Come here!" Lin Feng moved quickly to the left, in the direction of the two formations he had just created.


The mad Rat King impacted and made a loud noise.

Seeing that he was about to run into Lin Feng, his long sword fell to the ground, and his defensive skills guarded the light array. While protecting himself, it had a repelling effect on enemies within 10 range!

The impact of the Black-tailed Rat King was immediately blocked.

And it has already entered the range of the soul-absorbing circle and the soul-binding circle, and the two formations are triggered at the same time!!




The damage of the two formations was superimposed, causing more than 200,000 damage per second, and the blood volume of the Rat King suddenly plummeted.

Seeing this, Lin Feng sent out the chains of the dead soul again, while imprisoning it, he shortened the distance to the Mouse King and quickly approached him.

Patron Saint Hammer!

Suddenly, a golden sledgehammer appeared above the head, suddenly thinking that the mouse king fell down, causing high damage and causing dizziness for 3 seconds.

"Let's finish with the Holy Light!" Lin Feng grinned and chanted for two seconds. The top of his head was completely covered by the golden holy light, like a sharp sword, straight to the berserk Black-tailed Rat King below!

Holy Light Falls!!


With a 2000% damage bonus, and the continuous blood consumption of the magic circle, the Rat King will be directly killed by the damage!!


The body fell to the ground, and items exploded at the same time.

"Huh? It turned out to be a guild token?" Lin Feng stepped forward and picked up the item, which turned out to be a guild token.

"I made it this time. The guild token is still very scarce for everyone. Countless big guilds want to own one, and they can get a lot of money if they sell it."

Lin Feng chuckled: "The harvest is not bad, 9900 gold coins, a set of gold-level black tail suit, black tail material × 30, plus a guild token!"

"This time I earned it. The guild token is still a very scarce item. Take it to the auction house now, and it can be sold for a good price."

While thinking, Lin Feng walked out of the dungeon, "Eight dungeons, counting the underground passages, now seven have been done, and there is the last one!".

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