National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 180 The Whole City Is In Commotion, Chasing After The Cute King!

"Master Elgado!"

In the castle of the City Lord's Mansion, an exclamation sounded.

Several of El Gado's men came to the hall, and saw that the hall was in a mess. El Gado was lying on the ground, motionless, and Lin Feng stood beside him, intact!

It was almost unnecessary to think about it, in the eyes of several subordinates, El Gado was already dead, and they did not feel El Gado's breath of life.

" killed the city lord!"

The first person who rushed in showed horror, followed by him with a roar.

"Guard, guard..."

As he shouted, a person rushed out of the castle behind him, and also shouted loudly.

"Come here! The city lord has been killed!"

"Come on! Come on!"

In the castle hall, Lin Feng had just harvested Elgado's spoils.

A total of 2 pieces of equipment, some materials and a task props.

Lin Feng's eyes just set on the mission props.

Elgado's Notes - Quest Item

Description: Elgado's daily record, which records his transactions with the Church of the Dark Night. Give it to the Church of Light, and you will get rich rewards!

"Mission item! Got it!"

Seeing the system's explanation, Lin Feng was overjoyed immediately, looked at the "Eight Nine Three" Glacier and Murong Yiyi in the afternoon, and shared the props with the two of them.

"The quest item has been obtained, now we can go back and hand over the quest!"

Hearing the sound, the glacier at noon was also delighted.

But at this moment, Elgado's men rushed up and shouted.

Seeing this, the three of them frowned and looked at each other.

"What should we do now?" Glacier asked in the afternoon.

"Leave here first! Elgado is dead, the guards in the city will definitely chase us down! And there will be chaos in the city,

"The task items have been obtained, wait for a while, and we will return to the Holy City of Great Light." Lin Feng said.


Noon's Glacier nodded.

Then, the three of them fled directly from the wall that had just been broken.

"The city lord has been assassinated!"

"Wanted fugitives throughout!"

"Catch the assassins and kill them!"

Moments later, the news of El Gado's assassination spread throughout the city of Sisyat. A guard started to act, and starting from the City Lord's Mansion, the entire Sisyat Port City fell into chaos.

At the same time, the Light of Glory led the members of the Glory Guild, and also took possession of the City Lord's Mansion.

It's just that a few people haven't arrived at the City Lord's Mansion, and the vicinity of the City Lord's Mansion began to be chaotic.

"what's going on?"

The Light of Glory stopped a guard and asked.

"The city owner has been assassinated! Now the whole city is looking for the assassin!"

"Someone saw that it was done by the Son of the Meng King! Damn it, isn't he the Son of the Bright Church? How could he assassinate the King of the Holy City!"

"Get out of the way, I'm going to hunt them down!"

After finishing speaking, the guard rushed towards the city gate and walked over. At the same time, a guard on the street also took action.

"Block the city gates and ports, don't let them escape!"

"Hurry up and go to the city gate!"

"And you, don't leave! Check around the city lord's mansion, they are probably not near the city lord's mansion!"

"All civilians go home now! No going out without orders!"

Calls sounded one after another, and the people on the street were suddenly in chaos.

Seeing this scene, Glory's Light frowned, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

"Damn it, it's Meng Wang again! Let him take the lead."

The Light of Glory cursed secretly, this time the core figure of the mission he accepted was Elgado, but now he has not got what he wanted, Elgado was given by Lin Feng.

Coupled with the fact that Lin Feng robbed him of the position of the Holy Son in the last battle for the Holy Son, the new and old hatreds are superimposed. The Light of Glory is a proud person, but he was robbed by Lin Feng twice in a row, and now his hatred for Lin Feng has reached its peak.

"Notice, all members of the guild in Sisyate Port City, assist the guards to kill the cute king!"

The Light of Glory immediately issued an order, and soon, in the port city of Sisyat, the players of the Glory Guild also started to act.

And this news was quickly passed on by European players.

For a while, the whole European players also exploded.

Sword of Hope: "The Son of Mengwang appeared? The Glory Guild is now looking for him in Sisyate Port City! I heard that the Glory Guild has more than 300 people there? The Son of the Mengwang is going to be killed this time!"

Vampire godfather: "Haha, the honorable family has done a good job! Even an oriental dares to come to our Oumen to play wild! The light of glory is also a waste, and the last holy son was snatched away by an oriental!"

Sistine's teacher: "I think Meng Wang is quite powerful, can the Glory Guild catch him? I heard that he killed the city lord of Sisyate Port City, and now not only the Glory Guild, but also the NPCs of Sisyate Port City The guards are looking for him too!"

St. Rogatlin: "Where is Sisyat Port City? I'm going to see the excitement! Haha, it's been a long time since there was such excitement!"

There was a lot of discussion among European players, and many people had some resistance to Lin Feng's oriental identity. Of course, many players have also identified Lin Feng, and this time he will definitely fall down.

What is the Glory Guild?

Currently the No. 1 guild in Europe!

In addition to the Light of Glory in the guild, there are also many other game masters. The vice president, Lieyang, Atlantis, and Templar Wind in the afternoon are all top players among Oumen players.

Although the scorching sun at noon, Atlantis is not in the port city of Sisyat.

But the Wind of the Temple and the Light of Glory plus the other members of the Glory Guild are enough for Meng Wang to drink a pot, let alone the NPC guards of Sisyat Port City

The Stick of Time: "Haha, this time Meng Wang has stabbed a hornet's nest!"

I am a prophet: "Wait for the cute king to be killed! It is best to kill him to level 1!"

In the fierce debate among European players.

The three of Lin Feng had escaped from the City Lord's Mansion, but they hadn't gone far before they were discovered by nearby guards!

"where are they!"

"Found them!"

"Hurry up and grab 'em!"

Seeing Lin Feng, the guards yelled, and then rushed directly towards Lin Feng and the three of them.

Seeing the guard rushing over, Lin Feng's heart skipped a beat. Soon, they saw the guard's specific information.


Sisyat Port City Guard.

Level: Level 100

HP: 70000

Elite Sisyat Port City Guard Captain

Level: Level 100

HP: 140000

There were only five or six guards who came to the three of them, but as the guards shouted, the guards from all around came for reinforcements.

"What should we do now?" Glacier asked in the afternoon.

"Go into the air, these guards can't fly, get rid of them first!" Lin Feng said, and then he summoned Shuang'er.

With a leap, Lin Feng rode on Shuang'er, while Murong Yiyi and Wuri's glacier were also preparing to fly...

The three of them leaped to Sisyate Port City, which was even more conspicuous.

Immediately, many guards in the city discovered the traces of the three of them.

"Above, they are above!"

"Damn archers, shoot me! Shoot them down!"

The guard captain said angrily. As soon as the words fell, the archers in the city launched their attacks one after another.

whoosh whoosh—

A series of arrows were fired from the city.

"Fly higher!" Lin Feng said.

Shuang'er wings flapped and climbed upwards. Murong Yiyi and Wu Ri's Bing Chuan gritted their teeth. After the second world is updated, the fatigue of flying has been repaired. The higher the altitude of the flight, the greater the fatigue consumption!

At this altitude, the two of them can basically only hold on until they fly out of Sisyate Port City!

While the guards were attacking, the players of the Glory Guild also discovered Lin Feng and began to connect with the Glory Light.

"President, I found King Meng! He is with Murong Xiaoyi and Wuri Bingchuan, all in..."

"Stop talking nonsense, I've already seen it! Let everyone in the guild follow! Don't kill Meng Wang today, don't give up!"

The light of glory stared at the Gemini unicorn above the sky, with murderous intent. Then he looked at the wind of the temple beside him.

"You go up with me and beat him down!"

The wind of the sanctuary frowned, and looked at the Sisyat port city guards who were still shooting arrows below.

Flying up at this time, isn't it a target for them?

"President, at that height, they won't last long! There is no need to go up at this time! And the guards in the city are also chasing them, we just have to keep an eye on them!" The wind of the temple said.

He doesn't like the style of Glory Light very much, he likes to use the least cost to achieve the best goal! At this time, in his opinion, it is better to use the Sisyat Port City guards to consume Lin Feng's strength first, and then do it himself best choice.

"All right!"

Light of Glory thought for a while, and finally chose to give up and continue to chase on the ground.

In the air, the three of Lin Feng flew towards the outside of Sisyate Port City, and the guards on the ground gathered one after another, and more and more gathered. Although the three of them had already raised their altitude, arrows from the elite guards still shot from time to time. 0.4 up.

"Lin Feng, my fatigue is running out!"

At this time, the glacier at noon called out.

"I don't have much left!" Murong Yiyi also said!

Looking at the lowered guards, Lin Feng gritted his teeth.

"Then go separately! Caitlin, you take the quest items and go west! Yiyi, you go south! I'm going north!"

To the east is the sea area after leaving the port, there is no way to land, even if Lin Feng has a unicorn, he can't keep flying.

In the air, Lin Feng and Wu Ri's Glacier exchanged mission items, and then, the three separated!

Seeing the three separate, the guards below were taken aback.

"Chasing Meng Wang, he is the mastermind!"

"You guys go and chase the other two, and the rest of you will follow me, and chase after Meng Wang!"

The captain of the guard yelled, and the guards gathered together and divided into three groups, but most of them were sucked by Lin Feng alone.

The guards of Glacier and Murong Yiyi who were chasing Wu Ri decreased, and the number of arrows around them also began to decrease! The pressure of the two of them immediately dropped a lot, and they lowered their flying altitude appropriately.

And seeing several people separate, a gleam of glory flashed in the eyes of the light of glory.

"Everyone, come with me and hunt down the cute king!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he took the lead, and behind him spread out a pair of holy light wings, and flew directly in the direction of Lin Feng. .

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